Frost stood up and said we are the descendants of Sydeny she is our mother when we fell down to Exclusive.

Echo spread her wings out and said to its time for you Goddess Laryc to learn the truth as well Lyric is not the only Goddess who lost something, you know your siblings.

Your memories have also be jumbled up as well don't have all the siblings in place as yet.

So its time you learn your Father's part and Who and Why they raised Lyric outside the forest walls and Why you stay in animal form until she returned.

You'll be going to Woods of Truths and Secrets your real name is Laryc not Frost the bears came and got Laryc for it was time.

To find her soul and find out and who her twin soul mate flame is and Why the cloud follows you in human form.

When Frost had looked down she had paws and her body brown fur was round and plump and had a short tail, when she looked ahead she saw a man who called her Laryc she ran towards him.

When she touched his leg she became human he laughed and quickly clothed her he spoke Hurry your mom and sister will be coming home soon.

Her voice shaky said she's better now yes she will be your little sister and brother, she will be able to morph into animals once she gets ahold of her other form remember she like mom and me and little you.

Though time Laryc and her siblings got in tune with themselves one day the youngest took in a coyote who looked hurt in her eyes.

He had blood on his fur but when her Mother looked at the coyote there was no cut or wound on him so her mother cleaned him up and let him go.

The kingdom had many different aninals in it there we're Llamas, sheep, goats, horses, sparrows,crows, eagles,hawks wolves, foxes and rabbits and cats.

Each animal they had represented a Spiritual animal in place for the world called Exclusive and for the forest called Heaven.

For the City it had many animals which looked like humans but are Guardians who also could morph into their Spiritual animal when needed.

The history of the animals is important to the first born in the Kingdom of Animals but only the two spirited can create.

The animals from within the color souls but the knowledge of which animal is placed is left too the first born Laryc.

The first born she also is in charge of the future names of her siblings and parents and what race they would be in the Human and Spiritual Form.

If everything went as plan but if not they would have to be reset in a way the other animals would be prepared when that time came to past for when the time comes she will find them all in another world like there own.

Before we get to that Laryc has first seen the Queen and fell in love at first site of her deeply her feelings for the Queen of Llamas.

Her name Xandra she was elegent but not flashy she morphed into a her human form and introduced herself to the Prince and Goddess.

Her Father had felt that same feelings towards her Mother Marta he had spoken to her about love and how current animals have destiny soul mates.

That love isn't a game but a feeling from the heart and soul of your body, Laryc at the time was only fourteen years of age in human form.

When tragedy hit the Kingdom she was twenty years of age in Spiritual animal form she had visions before they had ended down on the Exclusive which is Earth.

Laryc had seen her little sister Nathylda over by the Tree of Wonder at the time was eleven years old.

Nathylda was whispering to the trees and laughing out loud like the tree and her we're telling each other secrets only they knew.

Nathylda had many animals as friends she could hear them living and dead speaking and answer them back.

To her family she had invisible friends but they were and are Spiritual Animals who showed her the ways out of sticky situations even on Exclusive to this day.

As a child your innocence to the ways if your kept locked away inside someone else body at times, Laryc's little brother his name is Darrin.

He was into building but love to be in his animal form more then human form when it came to human reactions.

Darrin would always morph into his sister Nathylda he had released her often enough for the human world.

Darrin preferred the animal part of him, he loved flying with swans and racing with wolves his pact more then being part of the human world.

When the red soul had created a up rise in the other souls which destroyed the kingdom and and killed

Red soul has jealously and hate in the beginning four souls ventured out and out of the 3 one changed color from orange to red that caused a chain reaction of events through time.

That simple soul that changed the course of time caused the war of Goddess and Prince it tore they're kingdom down blasting a whole in the Fortress.

Spilling souls onto the forest of Heaven spilling themselves onto a unknown world red souls fell into the water.

That simple red soul would have been a soul mate for someone but now has to endure the fate of his punishment on the Exclusive.

Laryc at the time was with the Queen of Llamas when attack happened she had seen it all happening but ignored the vision for she was enjoying herself.

When the attack happen the fire took out the Llamas kingdom and Cats and the Goddesses and Princes kingdom Laryc heard her sister crying out for her as she was falling.

When Frost returned out the forest she was shaken up by her truth and what she remembered she frighten of what she had remembered and frighten that she didn't stop it.

When she could but more frighten that she forgot about her sister and brother being one person so she wondered Who exactly is Kiasco ?

Then if he's not her and Lyric's brother then Who is he? and will Lyric forgive her when she remembers her