The Princess Cian was a proud woman at times and was delighted when Marta become pregnant with their child.

For the three had learned that they're love for each others was different but very clear.

The romance between Marta and Cian was different then Quinton love for Princess Cian could stay human more the Quinton.

When the eliscipe came to pass she enjoyed the talks and the walks and the way they love each others fully there was no betrayal for the three of them to love each others it was just love.

When Laryc was born Quinton named her after their Mother name but when Nathlyda and Darrin was born she named them.

Two names one the animals would call them and the other their family would know them.

For that was her tradition in her family from her father side who had become a owl for the east of the mountains.

Her mother had decided to remain human she died soon after their father became an owl for their souls finally we're one.

Nathlyda was named Alyrica and Darrin was Trey those are their animal names and when they got too Exclusive.

The Princess Cian was in charge of twin spirits for she knew how to understand those feelings.

As a child the Princess spoke to animals but would get scolded by her Mother for Quinton had to know that to rule the Kingdom the two we're in the same body but different all together.

When it came to the Goddess, Cian wanted to tell the truth while Quinton wanted to keep it be a secret from the Goddess.

To Princess Cian her Mother hadn't know how it felt to be one with another living inside of them.

For she was a mere human and their father was bearer of two souls and two spirits it has always been a female and male but when they're born what sex they chose.

In the beginning is the oldest of the two so for the past King he came out to human form were in animal form his sister was.

In this case of the Princess Cian she was born first her brother Quinton morphed into a male mouse with big balls but their mother pushed for Quinton to go into human form to early.

It takes time just as human toddler learns to walk and the animal form is activated as well only if your from the pure bloodline of Animals.

When she fell down from the Kingdom she became human and waundering around the City until she found a small house aways a way from the City.

And she had lost her some of memories of Who she?

And what is she looking for something she felt something was missing but couldn't figure it out for the life of her.

Princess Cian was wandering around when she fell down a hill there a woman found her, she tried waking her up bit the Princess didn't budge the woman built a fire and waited for the woman to wake up

Princess was wandering around aimlessly when a woman found her when the woman touched Cian she unlocked the womans Spiritual Animal by accident.

The woman then took the Princess back too her cabin that was far from the City itself.

When they arrived at the cabin the woman told her name was Ricky and asked for her name the princess respond I'm Lyncoln please call me Lyn.

Several days went by the two strangers living together one day Ricky touched Lyn released a color into Ricky unlocking her chakras revealing the Spiritual Animal in Ricky is a wolf.

Ricky had gone to work and left Lyn at home, she heard animals talking when she opened the door their was a baby.

Princess Cian picked her up and all Lyn memories flowed back to her about the Kingdom her brother and Marta and the children.

Lyn only had the one child which she named Alyrica but called her Lyric, when Ricky got home she used the rest of her human magic to cloak Ricky's mind so she didn't find the truth about Lyric.

To protect them but through time Ricky actually fell in love with Lyncoln and Lyric and the spell had been broken for years.

For she could use her magic to siren they're desires until her daughter Lyric turned nineteen she hadn't felt her brother inside of her body but felt him near her at times.

Princess Cian had travelled to the forest to put memories in place when Lyric was a younger child for she knew that when it was time for Lyric to find her soul mate the spell would be broken.

As her powers weaken she couldn't forsee Lyric actually leaving and the eclipse and blood moon awaken her daughter to find who is really is for.

Lyric has more then two spirits but finding her Twin Flame her is simply impossible since all the souls aren't connected to the children of the Goddess and Princess and Prince since they landed on Exclusive

If she hadn't gotten there on time at least her children would know the truth for the Spiritual animals and animals would help them.

Lynn prayed that Laryc and Lyric would find each other and finally find who is their birth mother the Goddess of Souls.

Lyn over years had locked memories up and given them to the Swans and several animals for safe keeping,for soon the Princess Cian /Lynn would be no more.

Her body had started to become weak as her magic had become the love that kept her family together and safe it was time she go and find her missing child for she must tell her what will happened Lyric is the fox we been hiding.

As she rushed out the door Ricky pushed her back in and said the animals have gone wild and crazy.

You must stay in we will go looking for Lyric after it dies down I promise you we will find our Magic I promise love.