Ping ping ping.
The alarm clock buzzed off waking me up. I put it off and rolled out of bed into the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and I had bags under my eyes.
I quickly began my morning groom; brushing, taking a bath and then came styling my hair. My bangs reached just below my cheeks but it was soft and silky I had no trouble grooming it. Cutting it short was useless since it would grow back within a day.
I combed it and pulled the bangs on my left side and pegged them in place with two hair pins. The rest I styled to the right, it was a really simple swept to the side groom with some modifications.
After I heard out and down two flights of stairs into the living room then through an archway on the right to the dining room where three people where waiting.
I sat behind the table with the other two while the last in a maid attire came to stand beside my chair. Of course, they Sett and Lis and Irelia, by the way Irelia looked really good in the attire—a certain elegance in her aura also how was her attire ready already she was hired just yesterday and on impulse too.
"We have quite the day ahead of us."
Lis' words broke of my thoughts. I turned to face her as she continued.
"Anne should be arriving this evening, these is need for you to get a wardrobe change, Sett is going to be busy with his thing, you have your date with Xayah—"
"Its not date though, just a casual friendly meet up." I interjected.
It must have been a surprise to them because they all froze for a second, even Irelia who was supposed to be completely in the dark.
"Yeah right." Sett cackled. "We all know a date when we see one, just in case there is a pack in the front compartment of the car if you plan on getting some."
"Seriously Sett, a joke even about that." Lis said while Irelia chuckled still serving us our breakfast, who wouldn't when you are surrounded two 'grown ups' who are more childish than the child before them.
"But really Alex if you plan on doing that take Sett seriously no matter how childish he is and use protection."
"Its not a date and I'm—we aren't going to have sex jeez. We are just gonna meet, chat, have lunch and get home that's all."
I annoyingly chomped on my now fully served breakfast trying to avoid their gazes since I was flustered. But then again why was I flustered, I mean I me, I never get flustered.
'God this city has started getting to me already.' I thought.
"Sigh, anyway you guys better get back early because you have an appointment tonight."
"What, already? Can't I skip on this one its my first night back."
"It's a priority event don't even think about it."
"That go for you too Sett."
"I already know."
"Irelia you will be heading to the airport for Anne, I've already prepared everything so it should go without a hitch on your side."
"Yes Mistress."
"That will be all."
"Then I beg my excuse." She bowed before leaving us at the table.
When she had disappeared out of view Sett was the first to say it.
"Ha told you she was a fast learner and maybe she had a good teacher."
"She was an air hostess after all."
"There is a difference between being an hostess and serving as the personal maid of mysterious stupidly rich kid.
"That also goes to say there are somethings she must absolutely not find out, hopefully she understands her place, for her sake."
I stared at the empty archway thinking back on Lis' words, maybe hiring Irelia on the go wasn't a good idea but at this point all I could do was hope she doesn't become a hindrance to us.
After the meal I left the house with Sett to the café. It was 9am but it was already packed, Zac's apparently pretty famous among the office workers in the area. Sett told me when he'd come pick me and drove off leaving standing on the sidewalk.
I entered the café, immediately pulling the gazes of those inside, why wouldn't I, I had a white hair and a pair of blue and hazel colored eyes and lets not forget my devilishly handsome looks which I've head could give Robert Pattinson a few slaps on the face.
I ignored the gazes and walked to the window table—the very one from yesterday. It was empty for some reason. I took a seat and began fidgeting with my phone, specifically messaging Xayah I had arrived.
[I'll be right down.]
She messaged back.
Xayah lived with her grandpa Zakaria on the second of the building. I made Lis buy the entire building and gifted it him a few years back after I got their place trashed although Lis argued it had to be an investment. So he decide to open the café since he always wanted to own one, it was a good thing it was doing so well.
I ordered a cup of coffee which was as good as yesterday. Eventually three ladies approached my table.
"Excuse me."
The blonde in the middle said.
Immediately 'it' scanned her, my blue left eye that it. It was something of an analytical eye that was implanted when I was seven.
⌈Name: Portia Whitherson
Age: 20
Occupation: College Student
Affiliations: None
Combat Ability: Possible Kickboxing
Threat Level: 0.001
Other data deemed unnecessary due to threat level. ⌋
It would always do this every time I met someone new, seriously though the IRIS—that's what it was called—had a really paranoia creator. But I had to admit it had saved my life more than a dozen times with it number of capabilities.
It boasted of analytical abilities, systems hacking, mental fortification, modes like battle, survival, recovery and a host of others I had yet to unlock, an AI that controlled my nanite cores and now thermal and night vision thanks to Psypris' upgrade back in the Isles.
The blonde lady introduced herself and her friends but I already knew all about. We chatted for a bit before she asked for my number which I could guess was their motive all along. I shrugged and gave it to her besides it not like I would pick up if she called with Lissandria watching me anyways, also even though their looks were great they couldn't hold a candle to Xayah.
They left soon after just before Xayah arrived.
"I see you're already drawing the attention ladies."
"Not my fault though since someone made me wait."
"Sorry about that."
"You look great by the way, almost made it worth the wait."
She laughed.
I wasn't kidding though, she really looked amazing, in a blue blouse with sliver flower designs embroided on it and a pair of black jeans. She wore high heels and her make up wasn't too much but still brought out her elegance and eyes, her hair was swept to the side and flowed her right shoulders. Maybe it was just me but it felt like the guys who were previous staring at me with jealousy over my looks were now staring with envy over luck almost to the point I felt chills down my spine—maybe a few of them were wish for me to die.
"So shall we head off then?"
I asked.
"Erh, just a minute I got to reminder grandpa about his appointment, I'll be right back."
She walked off to the counter door, her hip swaying with elegance. Feeling a few unwelcomed gazes approaching I took my eyes of her. It was a duo, two guys who looked too flashy, probably some rich kids looking to hook up with a few random girls, I didn't care must about such guys knowing they could never match up to me. As they got closer the slightly better looking one blurted out—and I say this because they both looked like lost fiends from a horror movie.
"And who the hell would you be."
"He's asking your name ya fool."
I ignored them and sipped my coffee.
"Hey I'm asking you a question, don't you know who I am?!"
Sigh. This was going to get annoying.
"First of, I have no obligation to answer someone as rude as you, secondly why the fuck should I know who you are and why should I care, thirdly, as you can see I'm rather busy so why don't you scarry of and go find some other miserable fucks like yourselves to bully seems that you are at least good at finding your kind."
"Why you—!"
"Didn't you hear me or is being deaf an addition to your sorry looks. Leave"
They turned around to leave clearly embarrassed.
"Tch, I'll warn you just this once stay away from Xayah, she's mine."
'Oh god, I can't believe I've already got one of those cliched villains from the romcoms.' I mourned in my head.
Xayah came back not long after.
"So anything exciting happen while I was gone, anymore girls come over?"
"Erh, something like that."
Robert Dwayne, the name of the guy from before, if the data from my IRIS was right—which it always is by the way—he would be the second son ot Marcus Dwayne, CEO of Dwayne Enterprises, a corrupt conglomerate led by a corrupt individual, his main means engagement was intimidation, threats and sponsoring hit. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree. How did he know Xayah did they know each other from back in school or was he the stalker type, that did matter, if he tried to harm or Xayah I would ended and his father in one go.
Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that though, I looked at Xayah who was stared at me with a confused look, probably wondering why I was quiet.
"Lets go."
"Oh, yeah okay, where to first."
"I was thinking maybe the park, then a movie before lunch."
"That sounds good."
She waved her grandpa goodbye and we set off.