Fire Capital and True God Farther

after Drake had spoken he went back inside as Hiruzen was now Very scared the fire Lord was Naruto's Main god farther and Hiruzen and Konoha had told the fire lord and his wife Naruto was Dead if he finds out about this all hell will break loose he called for an Emergency meeting All the while not knowing Drake had actually already left for the fire capital.

Drake had used a Moku shadow Bunshin a combined Jutsu of the Moku bunshin and the shadow clone as it had the advantage of both but none of there down side's around 20 minutes after Hiruzen called the meeting The entire Konoha Council was gathered and all asking what was going on for all to be called here.

Hiruzen- As of now i am declaring Martial Law and under no circumstance is Naruto No Drake Uzumaki Yes the boy changed his name HE IS NOT ALLOWED OUT OF KONOHA under any circumstance He intends to go to the fire lord and if that happens Konoha will be in a shit storm unlike any other.

Shikaku Nara- Hokage what do you mean Nar -Grunt- sorry Drake is only 3 why so much fear of him and what does the fire lord have to do with this.

all present nodded and agreed on this question The only ones who actually knew the real reason was hiruzen his 3 advisors and 4 civilian councilors.

Hiruzen- -Sighs- The fire lord and his wife are Drakes True God farther and Godmother we told them He died during the Kyubi attack 3 years ago if they find out we lied the Fire lord will Deal with us in a very Strong manner not only that BUT Drake seems to remember Everything since the moment of his birth So he knows who his parents are his clan He knows it all apparently.

This caused all in the room To be confused as only 4 knew Drakes Heritage and what that Heritage actually Intailed for him.

Shikaku- is that all Hokage sama or is there more to this If he knows everything i take it he is now claiming everything right ???.

Hiruzen- Yes and it's no small amount its 3 clans that we know of and 2 of which are the strongest Clans To ever walk this world The Uzumaki and the Senju.

Everyone was now starting to piece together all that was said and the picture started to become clear.

Tsume Inazuka- BUT why would he be so mad at you and Konoha and why not Give him what is his then Its the law after all ??.

Hiruzen- Simple cause i used funds from them 3 Clans accounts to help rebuild Konoha after the attack not only that many assets such as buildings land deeds and such have also been stolen BY CIVILIAN COUNCIL MEMBERS -Glares at them- not only that be the fact them accounts were used without there clan lords permission is a crime that's punishable BY EXECUTION, in this case, its Konoha as a whole that has done it the Fire lord will not let this slide also if Drake does go to the fire lord and does a blood test to prove his Claims it will also come to light Drake is the last of the Uzumaki Royal line he is the Uzu No Kuni Daimyo Lord and ruler of Uzo No Kuni not only that the sheer fact we mistreated a damn Royal but also the last of the royal Uzumaki who mind you where are Greatest allies and were the cause we won wars 1 & 2 Drake could call Uzu No Kuni's break off from Hi No Kuni that would cut The land of fire's Income by 55% not only that Drake could also demand the Retirment of the Swirl symbol that we Konoha wear in honor of are allies the Uzumaki.

As all this was explained the Ninja clan heads were now fully aware of the problem but they also knew this was all Hiruzen's fault the civilians started saying they should kill the demon and such after 4 hours it was Voted NOTHING SHALL HAPPEN TO DRAKE the ninja clans were pissed at Hiruzen and the civilians and the advisors for this Huge act of Betrayal.

Drake however tho was on his way to the fire capital he should reach there in around a day as he was running a shadow from the ground appeared in front of him as it was his Moku shadow bunshin as it merged back with him all the information came with it as he smiled and kept running.

Some clan heads went to the Uzumaki complex to meet Drake but found the place empty ??? they had a Hyuga scan the place and found it EMPTY Hiruzen Orderd all ninja to find and locate Drake and bring him to him immediately Tsume however had found Drakes scent and found it was out of the village as she went after it not out of capturing him but she wanted to ask some questions and decide from there Shikaku also noticed her and went after here along with Choza and Inochi.

Drake stopped about 12 hours in He was completely Drained he was only 3 getting this far was amazing in its self He used Wood style to make a small underground wooden box as he used earth style to cover it leaving 4 holes for air as he was now inside hidden from view as he fell asleep like a log.

Tsume and the others had managed to catch up but Tsume stopped when she found the scent just ended as if he was in front of them but found nothing He Ninken, however, was sniffing a hole in the ground and as she went closer she placed her ear by the hole hearing Slight Snoring at this she raised her brow and smirked and thought.

-This Kid is amazing if not for these holes for air I doubt we would have found him I like this Gaki already-

She told the other 3 and Shikaku suggested they don't wake up and wait till he awakens that way they can show they mean him no harm and he can trust them if even a Little bit they all agreed and for the next few hours they rotated some sleep till Drake woke up.