Meeting the Fire Lord

Drake Stires from sleep as he feels 4 Presences and becomes on guard he can feel 4 people with Elite Jonin Chakra and also a Dog wolf Hybrid as he listens he hears a voice.

Tsume- You can come out Drake Uzumaki we are not here to fight or to capture you we only wish for some answers and maybe we can also answer some for you.

as Tsume says that the other 3 Wake and also sit up and round the makeshift camp Drake uses earth jutsu to come out as he fills the hole and is now stood before the 4 people.

Drake- so what do you wish to ask and I will forwarn you don't come near me I don't trust you enough to let you near me.

Shikaku- my name is shikaku Nara head of the Nara clan with me are Choza of the akemichi clan and Inochi of the Yamanaka clan and Tsume of the Inazuka Clan we have heard some things about your development and to be bluntly honest I believe we have only heard 1 person's Version of the story Rather than the True whole story so if you could answer some questions we will then leave.

At this Drake Tells the 4 all that happened at his birth all that happened after the words said and the Crimes done But he did say he has no intention of harming Konoha as he will not destroy his ancestors Legacy he will protect it as long as it does not fall too far to corruption and decadence.

The 4 were shocked to hear all this from a 3-year-old But the chakra he gives off is on another Level Bordering Biju Level Yet they all feel and know he is giving them no Hostile feeling as he seems to have accepted them enough to Not be 100% weary of them.

The Ino-Shika-Cho heads all gave smiles and Thanked Drake for telling them everything and as they said they left as friends Tsume however stayed Which confused Drake until she spoke why.

Tsume- I am not leaving 1 of my best friends 3-year-old Pups to wander around on his own so I shall come with you and protect you while you are out of Konoha your mother would never forgive me if I did not make sure you were safe.

Drake allowed his emotions to come out at that as he is 3 and he cried for a while as Tsume just held him and let him let it all out after around 30 minutes Drake had fully calmed down and Stood and gave a curt bow and gave his Sincere Thanks to Tsume for Being nice and helping him in his emotional time of need.

they headed to the fire capital and as they did there where few times a Bandit would show up but quickly dispatched by the 3 -ninken included- after about 20 hours more they reached the capital and Tsume told Drake that there was an Uzumaki compound here in the capital they could stay at so Drake followed tsume and once reached he went in and allowed Tsume to enter haveing the seals Recognise her as an allowed entry.

Tsume had helped Drake with direction on where to go in said capital as the next day Both where stood before the fire lords Palace Drake had told tsume to Let him do all the talking which got him raised brows from said women but she nodded.

Drake- I am Drake Uzumaki also known as Naruto Uzumaki the Uzumaki lord and Uzu No Kuni Daimyo I am here to see my Godfather The Fire Daimyo and my godmother His wife.

-shouted Drake at the palace entrance-

The Guards of course did not listen Which made Drake pissed -Ok wanna do it the hard way huh- as Drake said that over a Hundred Dark black chains that seemed to be made of wood Sprung from his lower back like tails as they started to attack the samurai as he walked in the palace Tsume Litraly -Face planted-.

after a few minutes, there were around 10 thousand Samurai surrounding Drake but before they could attack the fire lord had come out and was looking at the said child with a very interested Eye as if remembering something.

Drake- Greeting God farther I am Was Naruto Uzumaki Now named Drake Uzumaki Lord Uzumaki Senju and Namikaze I have much to talk to you about and inform you about and I am sure you have many questions of which I can answer to the best of my knowledge also this lady -Points at face planted tsume- she can also attest to what I say.

The fire lord looks at Drake and as if fireworks go off in his head it all Connects and the pieces he was trying to align all came together now that face was that of Minato and Kushina -a tear formed in his eye as he reminisces- He waves off the samurai and Tells his advisors to prepare the Great hall for a Great welcome and all are to be respectful.

Tsume is just like a Burned out Doll not believing what just happened and Drake was just laughing at her reaction they entered the hall and were greeted by over a few hundred Advisors and nobles and at the head where the fire lord and his wife as in what seemed Ungodly speed said wife was Now gripping Drake and Hugging him as he swears he could hear his bones grind and almost break.

The fire lord sees this and Smiles as his wife was Devastated when they found out there best Friends and their child died Lady Fire was so devastated she slipped into depression for about 9 month's but eventually with her husband and kids aid she came out of it but now seeing her shed tears of joy Made even the fire lord Give a True and Hearty Smile.

Fire Lord- Welcome my child I am glad the child of my best friends is alive Truly but may I ask -he looks to tsume with Pure rage- WHY WAS WE TOLD HE WAS DEAD ???.