
"Where are we?" I asked when he stopped in front of a two-story house. The view outside the house is a mixture of colors and beautiful scenery. A spatial garden filled with numerous plants types such as orchids and sunflowers.

"This is where I live" he responded. I immediately froze from my seat. We're in his house, why would he invite me in his house?

"Don't just stay there. Let's go" as he opens the door for me. I walked behind him slowly, mesmerizing the wonderful house that is in front of me. As we continue to walk, we reached to the door. The door has that vintage light blue and white look with a quintessence type of golden doorknob. Upon entering his house, simplicity and an equal balance of mesmerizing smell of a man's perfume fills the living room.

"Oh my. I didn't know you'd have guest come over" a tall middle-aged man said, must be his father. "Moreover a girl.."

I suddenly became stiff as he examined me from feet to head.

"Stop, Dad. This is Louella" as he gestures, introducing me. I smiled, "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Elias" bowing slightly to show respect .

"This is the first time Aaron's bringing a girl. Thank you for taking care of my son.." he genuinely smiles.

"Well, come inside. Make yourself at home. I'll leave for a while to buy foods for supper"

"Got it" Aaron replied.

As soon as his father closed the door, I exhaled deeply.

"He's not going to eat you. Chill" he chuckled as he walks toward the kitchen.

"I know that..I'm just nervous" sitting down on the couch.

"Why would you be? Here" as he gives me cold water. "Thank you.." I sipped and drank all the water from the glass. "Why did you bring me here again?"

"..I wonder.." he mumbles


"Let's play some music.." as he disappears from my sight, going upstairs. He's not gonna leave me here alone, is he? Three minutes has passed and he still wasn't here so I decided to explore his house.

As I look around the living area, elegance could be easily spotted as one looks towards the centerpiece table and the rug underneath it evidencing class and a perfect match of golden brown and white carpet with a marble vase place perfectly on the table. I walked towards this another room at the left side which leads to a small library with vintage, classic, and modern books. He must love books, I assume. The shelves are three stories high made of pinewood and painted in black. A brown table is seen across the books with a calendar, picture frame of him and his parents, and pointed pen. Upon moving to the kitchen, a simple silver oven, microwave, cupboards, wooden drawers, kitchen sink, and a large refrigerator with bills are places through the help of magnets. Going to the dining area, a circle dining table with six black chairs.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" I jumped in shocked as Aaron called out to me. "What?No,no..I was just..exploring?"

He chuckles, "Hmm..Oh, come here. Let's play some music"


he grabs my arm and we went to a room that leads downstairs. I thought that we were just going to listen to some music, I didn't know we were going to play instruments. Downstairs were surrounded by sheet pieces, books and a grand piano. It also has guitars and violins on the wall, ukuleles too. It has a vintage color green with an aroma of woods coming from the instruments.

"Wow.." as I slide my fingers through the piano, slowly opening the protective wooden case surrounding the soundboard. I sat on the piano bench, playing some scales while Aaron was preparing his violin.

"Do you play here often?" I asked as I continue to play in scales.

"Most of the times... Especially when I want to forget.." tuning his violin.

"Forget what?"

"Hmm.." as walks aways to get a music stand, "We all have some things we want to forget, Lou. But we can't. It's stuck on you and it will keep haunting you until you go crazy"

"Running away won't do anything" Like I'm one to talk.

He became quiet, letting his violin do the talking for him. He played a downhearted pop song called Creep. It was the first time I've heard him play a non classical music.

But I'm a creep,

I'm a weirdo

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here


"We all want to escape..from something..No matter how many times we distract ourselves, it is always there.."

I remained silent. I was speechless, I don't know anything about him. How do I comfort him?

After a moment of silence he finally spoke, "Well then, let's start playing, shall we?"

I nodded in response.

"I'm feeling for some Liszt.." as he search for the pieces but it seemed like he couldn't find it.

"It must be in my room..I'll just get it" as he walks towards the stairs.

"Aaron!" I shouted his name, making him turn his back at me. "Yeah?"

"Can I come with you?"

"Uh..sure" he gently smiles.

We went upstairs to where his rooms is. I'm getting all anxious for I'll be entering his room. I wonder what it looks like.

As soon as he opens the door, the bed can be seen immediately for it is in front of the door. His room has a desk with books and papers on top of the table. A computer at the other side and a cabinet at the side of the door. It was kinda spacious that can fit an elephant and its calf. His room was neat and two violins can be seen displayed at the wall.

"I'll just look for it..sit first" as he began searching for the piece. I went to his desk and I saw many receipts from the hospital. There was a tightness in my chest that I can't understand.

"Maybe it's in your bag.." pretending like I didn't see what I just saw.

"Could you look through it please?" he said as he was searching through his cabinet.

"Sure" i replied. I opened his bag and my heart ache more when I saw it full with medicines and drugs in different colors. I bit my lower lip as I rummage through his bag.

"Found it" I raised the pieces to show him.

"Okay, let's go back. Thank you.."

"Aaron.." I uttered, he stopped when I called him. "Hmm? Wrong piece?"

"Ah..No, it's not..I just felt like calling you" to which he chuckled, "You can call my name all you want, Lou" ruffling my hair. "Let's go back so we can finally play"


as we descends from the stairs.