
Aaron started going to music lessons again and it was like he was a new Aaron. More lively, happy and recently, he's becoming more attractive than ever.

"Lou, you okay there?" Aaron asked as he holds my back. Surprised, I jumped to my feet and moved backwards which made me stumble lightly.

"Woah there! Be careful" I pushed him away as I laughed lightly, "I'm fine"

"...Are you really?" "Yes..Now, we must practice" changing the topic as I went to the piano's seat. My heart's feel like it's going to burst. Everytime he goes near me, my heart beat like a drum. Its sound was much louder than my voice so I hardly hear his voice when we talk. I was not paying attention to what he was saying, all I could think at the moment was: Is my hair not messy? Does my pants match the color of what I'm wearing right now? I don't look weird, do I? As I wake up, I always get excited to go to my lessons to see him. To hear him play, go to places with him. Its like I'm in a big puzzle and I'm having a hard time to solve what this is I'm feeling.

"I have an announcement to make, please be seated" Sir Ice called out to us. We silenced ourselves and he continued, "You will be having a recital. Two weeks from now. I prepared the pieces for your recital. You'll be having a quartet...A String Quartet to be exact, Aaron and Louella for the violins and Blythe for the viola. I'm guessing you know how to play the instrument right?" he questioned to which we both nodded.

"But Sir..We're only three.." as Aaron pointed to us.

Sir Ice laughed lightly, "I forgot to mention. There will be someone who will join you guys. He's from an orchestra, he'll play the cello. You'll see him next week, I think"

"Maybe he's handsome" Blythe whispered and we both laughed.

"That will be all for the announcement. Now, let's get our instruments ready so we can practice" and so we follow him.

I went to reach for my bag to get my pieces ready when I heard from behind me the voices of Blythe and Aaron. Laughing. I look at them and they were in their own world, laughing their ass off. I didn't know they were that close. I didn't even know how that happened.

He's gonna hit the table where he put his viol—and he hit it. It's good that it didn't fall. His violin's expensive as hell. Oh, but they're laughing again. Ah, I could see from his eyes how scared he was. But he just laughed it off. Tch, show off.

I'm irritated again.

"She's such an angel. But then again, kinda wish she were dead" a voice beside me has began singing. I look at my right and was surprised when I saw Sir Ice near my face.

"..Sir! My heart literally dropped!..And huh?—Wait, I know that song.."

"I know..Too bad she's not Heather, right? But its the same concept" Sir grinned. I was always fond of Sir because he has a child-like attitude when it comes to his students but gets pretty serious when it's about music.

"I...don't get what you're trying to say" I awkwardly laughed.

"You don't? Really?"

"..No..?" he laughed.

I looked at him weirdly and he replied my look with a grin.

"Okay!" he shouted, "Ready? Let's start!" as he clasp his hands together and went back to his seat. He was still smiling at me until we started our practice.

I let all my emotions out when I played the piano. The anger, irritation, and agony.

"You're as great as ever. Keep it up and I'll see you all next time" as Sir Ice waves his hand, waiting for us to go home.

I packed my things and again. I looked at them being all over each other. I went ahead of them when I heard Aaron calling out for me, shouting wait. I pretended to not hear a thing and he actually catched up to me. Wish I could curse these stupid small legs.

Aaron panted, "Do you have some urgent appointment or something?" as he catches his breath.

I stared at him long before I answered, "..Maybe.." I smiled as I continue to walk.

"Then..Where are you going?"

"Hmm..It's a secret" I pressed my finger against my lips and grinned. amusing.

He laughed and immediately stop, "No, seriously. Where are you going?" I just shrugged.

He followed me until we reached the cafe, Lucidity of Love. It's weird how long the name of the cafe is but they still serve great coffees.

"Huh—Why are we here? I don't have work right now"

"I didn't say anything about work. I'm here to eat" as I pushed the transparent glass door.

He stood there, dumbfounded. I giggled as to how he's so confused as the moment.

A little while later, he went inside and sat infront of me. He was fiddling with his fingers but he wasn't saying anything. He got up and ordered and sat back again.

"Why are you here?" I finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Because you're here"

"..You were with Blythe earlier.."

"Yes, we were. And now, I'm with you. Is something wrong?"

I take a good look at him and answered, "No. Nothing's wrong"

"Tell me if something's wrong okay?" to which I nodded.

"By the way, why are we here? I thought you had an urgent appointment or something"

I shrug, "I don't have an appointment. I just wanted to be alone, is all"


"Uhh.." not sure if I'm supposed to tell him, "I'm just confused. That's all"

"Confused of what?" he asked again.

"..Just some things.."

"Some things like what?"

"Oh, I don't know"

He leaned his back against the chair, "Maybe you should ask Blythe.."

My brows furrowed, "Why would I ask her?"

" 'Cause you won't tell me" he shrug.

"It's not that I won't tell you, Aaron. I can't" defending myself.

He laughed lightly, "What..Do you like me or anything?"

I remained quiet. Like? Is this what like is? The one I'm feeling..Why my heart suddenly beats faster everytime we touch or just simply talk. Why I feel like any moment I'm going to melt. Why sometimes I find myself staring at his face while he plays violin. Why suddenly a good day. It's like everything around me is pretty and pink. Like my life was in a slow mode everytime I spend time with him.

My face suddenly turns red as soon as I realized my feelings for him. This must be what love is.

Aaron noticed it and he suddenly got embarrassed, "Wait—You..Like me?"

I immediately denied his question, "What?.." Laughing awkwardly, "No. no no no. I don't.."

"..Right.." he was relieved.

"...No one wants a dying person.." he continued, in a lower voice.

"Aaron, that wasn't what I meant—"

"Cappuccino and Latte for Bea!" the barista called.

I didn't want to get up because I wanted to tell him it wasn't like that.

"Cappuccino and Latte for Bea!" the barista called again.

I was torn between getting up or staying here to talk with Aaron.

"Aren't you going to get that?" he asked. He was looking at the window with his back crouched and crossed arms. It was obvious he didn't wanna talk about it.

I stared at him for a few seconds then got up to get our coffee. Now..How do I make things right..