I'm sorry

"I'm sorry..He just went out a while ago. What bad timing.." Her father said.

I arrived at his place after the practice was over. Blythe and I went home together but parted half way through our neighborhood.

"Did he say where he'll go?"

In disappointment, his father shook his head lightly. I exhaled deeply. Where would he want to go when things doesn't go well..

"..Maybe he's there.." I mumbled.


"Oh, I just had a thought of where he might be. I'm not sure though"

He sighed, "That kid is always so troublesome. But..please take him home. Aaron of all people doesn't want to be alone.."

I nodded, "You can rest assured, Mr. Elias"

He laughed, "Let's stop with the formalities, shall we? Just call me Uncle"

I smiled, "Yes..Uncle..Now I should get going before he goes somewhere else"

"Ah, yes yes. I'll wait for the both of you here. Be careful, Louella"

I smiled as I wave, leaving his front door and got in the car.

I went to the most possible place he would be. In the forest. He goes there to relax and let the negativity in his body out. To feel himself again. It's a 2 hour drive but I can make there in an hour if I hurry.

After a while, I finally arrived at the destination. I immediately went out of the car and ran as fast as I could. Hoping that he was there.

And to my surprise, he was. He sat at the biggest tree and was gazing at the stars that shined brightly.

"We're supposed to watch the meteor shower tomorrow, weren't we?"

He flinched when I suddenly talked. He looked at me up and down and gave a big sigh.

"..What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you home"

"I can come home myself"

And it became silent, it became awkward because of what happened earlier this day. And I can't function well without him by my side. Everything irritates me or something feels wrong when he's not here. It's lonely.. without him.

"..I'm sorry..What I said was hurtful. I'm sorry"

I intertwined my fingers because my hands were shaking. I'm afraid that maybe he'll not want me to be by his side anymore. A no-good person who just want some company. And he came, but I've been giving him a hard time. I've been harsh and such while he has been kind to me.

He chuckled and then stood up, scrubbing the grasses and dirt on his clothes.

"Let's go? I'm famished" he groaned.

I stood frozen. "..That's all.?"

He stared at me, "I was never mad. Just a little upset and hurt, that's all" then grabs my hand to guide me out of the forest.

"But..You should be mad" I yelled. "You have every reason to be mad at me!"

"And I chose not to" he grinned.

"Why?" I questioned in confuse.

"Why?Hmm..Let's see..."

"Its because it's you, Lou. I can never get mad at you" he laughed lightly.

I hit him lightly to which he groaned,

"Be serious"

"Ouch! I am serious. You always stir up my emotions and feelings, Lou. I can get mad..but the thought of you overthinking things like I'll leave you just because of that simple reason makes it harder for me to stay mad. If you think that just because of that argument means that I'll leave you, think about the things you've done for me. And even a simple one is my reason to stay—Oh don't start crying now" he laughed.

I hit him again, but harder as I sniff.

"Ouch! Why are you so violent today? Did something happen when I was gone?"

as he put his arms around me.

"Something happened?"

I shook my head. I can't possibly tell him that it felt lonely without him. He would just tease me again.

"You sure?"

I nodded like a little kid.

"Okay. You should stop crying, Lou" he chuckled, "Call me when something happens, yeah? I'll come to you at full speed" he enveloped me in a hug and carress my back.

"I should be the one comforting you, why am I being comforted?" we both laughed.

"It's because you're a crybaby"

I hit him again. "You're so violent, Lou" he chuckled. "And you're cute"

I raised my face that was leaning on his shoulder to look at him.

"..You're seeing things again.."

He laughed, "Maybe I am. I'm finding you very cute today— But you're always cute, okay? You're gorgeous to top it al—Ouch!"

"I'm not cute"

"But you are"

I removed myself from the hug and rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Let's go"


We were holding hands as we make our way to the car. I tried to let go of it yet Aaron just makes his grip tighter as he smiles.

This weird feeling is overcoming me again. I feel like wanting to stay like this for a long time.

"So you knew how to drive, huh" with his arms crossed.

"Of course"

"I'll drive for today. You must be tired" patting my head.

"Is that you're kind way of saying that you don't trust my driving skills? Because I am a good driver"

"What? No no no. I trust you, okay? Its just that from all that crying, your eyes are all red. I'm sure you can't drive from that. We need to be cautious to avoid accidents. I don't wanna die early"

I sighed, "..Fine.."

He smiled, "That's my girl"

We drove back after a few hours and ate at their house. He was hit by his father but Aaron was just laughing. I also laughed when I saw the two of them so close. How I wish my mom was like that too...how I wish.

"If Louella wasn't there, you must still be there and not come home after a few days or even weeks"

"I'm quite lucky, huh" he chuckled as he look my way.

We talked about lots of other things and I thought to myself...It would be lovely to be part of that kind of family. The vibe and aura is completely different from ours. My Father would always be the one to make us all smile. Everything was happy when he was still alive. Even my mom, showing off his beautiful smile as they laughed together.

And when he died, it was like she had been broken. She would always locked herself up, even not eating. And now she's like this, manipulative and aggressive.

"I'll take you home, Lou"

"Oh, you don't have to. You should rest"

"Please. As a thank you for looking for me"

I chuckled, "I wasn't even sure that you'd be there"

"But I was. And you found me"

I stood frozen. I can feel the blood rushing through my body as my face reddens.

"C'mon. It's already late"

"Take care!" His father shouts from the kitchen. We both smiled and went on our way.