WebNovelTheir Pet12.50%




I hissed due to my heels screaming in pain.

Fuck this hurts.

As much as I like serving in the parties and balls, I hate it when they make us wear these pathetic heels.

Even us boys.

The say we are too small.

I mean, are you kidding me? You all are here for partying and you all might be allowed to sit on the comfy sofas but we have to run around serving you.

But working here was much better than working out in the cold. I shivered at the thought of going out in waters tomorrow for working. My aquaoxy suit unlike the elite's and their pet's suits have developed default points leading to my right shoulder getting exposed to the icy cold water. Though it's not completely exposed but it's painful to work when your shoulder have been jammed. Their suits have an inbuit heater to keep them warm. Though for Lovanians it's not necessary to be warm and pets rarely have to go in water, we need those heaters the most.

I pushed the thought in the corner of my mind before looking at the people around me.

They were screaming money. Womens in their beautiful golden dresses matched with expensive jewelries that I can't afford to think about. Men in their beautiful white suits with different ties.

One of them particularly caught my eyes. His tie was adorned with diamonds. It looked more like a jewellery.

I looked at his familiar pale white face with red eyes, a sign of being a royalty, a big pot sized belly, though 8'1 in height, the blue scales on either sides of his neck, and I sighed.

Former King Drakeon II

He had given throne to his five sons. Who as usual were absent. Generally, their father is the one attending these parties in their absence.

From what I know, this man, is still unbeatable on field, even after being two hundred years old.

He was laughing about something a women beside him said. Suddenly I watched his gills forming on either side of his neck instead of the scales telling me that whatever they are talking about is not for my seventeen-soon-to-be-eighteen virgin years. I was brought back to reality when a hand patted me on my shoulder.

"Hey finn can you go out there and serve. I don't see many servers outside."

Our master who keeps a check on us asked me. He was 6'9 in height which was below average but nonetheless he towered my 5'4 height. He had dark brown almost black hair and brown scales. A very wierd colour, if you ask me.

I shivered at the thought of going outside but nodded nonetheless.

As I made my way outside, Lovanians looked at me partly in curiosity and partly in disgust. But all humans looked at me knowingly.

The reason was the mask that I was wearing on my face. This mask is made of titanium, which is in short impossible to be breaken or melt. It starts from my forhead and ends on my upper lips. It's pretty bland on the outside.

Every human know that I am a runaway boy and that I wear a mask because I tried running away in a spaceship once. So they dipped my face into the icycold water with my aquaoxy protecting everything but my face upto nose and also my since they couldn't risk me drinking water and dying or harming my eyes leading to disability. This lead me to loose my face's skin since the physicians had to remove the skin on my face. I looked so horrible that they had to cover my face with a mask. I remember screaming so much after seeing my face. It had turned into rock blue colour with cracks. I remember how I couldn't speak after screaming so hard.

I was trying to run. It had failed because my best friend - or that's what I considered her, ratted me out to earn help from the guards who in turn gave her beauty products so that she could enhance her beauty for her potential future buyers.

I remember next time waking up with that hideous mask on my face. Though I would never admit to her that it was blessing in disguise.


Here it is,

My name is actually Aurora and I am actually a girl. But I always pretended to be a boy. It was initially my mom's plan so that I don't get raped like other human girls. But as I started growing up, my features were making it obvious. Although wearing a sweatshirt and some loose jeans hid my curvy figure perfectly, my face was giving it away and so was my voice. So when I was told about my face and that due to trauma I cannot speak, I had mixed reactions. But I was getting bullied a lot because of it by my fake best friend a.k.a Sandra.

I started getting depressed because everyone stayed away from me like plague and some started calling me soul splitter saying the way I fight in the training room combining with my looks beneath the mask, I can suck away people's soul.

one day a guard, sky who was my dad's familiar and who has been giving me shots for the last 10 years for my genetic condition that causes hinderance in growth, came and took me to the room he used to give me the shot and placed a mirror in front of me and ordered me to take of my mask. My first reaction was shaking my head. But I should have known better. He has no patience at all. I remember he just looked at me and rubbed his temples before tackling me to the ground. I had fought him for about an hour until he got bored and shocked me with the his shock pole and then in my dazed form had made me sit in front of the mirror and took of my mask harshly.

I remember gasping in shock, my heart shaped face with unique blue eyes and button nose, my soft plump lips were anything but scarred. I remember touching my face in disbelief and gliding my fingers against my soft smooth skin. The vacuum had made my skin paler than usual but it was as good as new.

I had hugged sky tightly to which he had been shocked. He wasn't used to affection, I knew that because he would never talk to anyone. He would always talk to anyone regarding the orders or punishments for us. Other than that he would maintain his distance from everyone.

Girls swooned around him, human and lovianian. He was really hot with his 7'9 height, bulging muscles, chocolate brown hair, pale skin and beautiful wild green eyes that gave an illusion of glowing.

But he would harshly distance them from himself. For me he was like a father figure. That day Instead of shoving me away he patted my back like I was his comrade and came back from a mission.

He helped me because my father who was a doctor on earth had taken care of his dying wife in her last days. I was not born at that time. Him helping me was a form of payback, And I am thankful for that. If he hadn't been there, they would probably kill me for my condition. But sky helped me stay alive.

I shivered as I made my way out. The hall had heaters to maintain normal temperature. But outside it was as cold as Alaska.

And once again I was thankful to be disguised as a boy otherwise I would have been wearing those short dresses rather than trousers, shirt and bow on neck.

I saw a waitress pass by and couldn't help but shiver, she was wearing a silver tube dress that ended to her mid thighs while half her boobs were on show. I could see she was really cold since her lips had turned blue and her hands were shivering.

I shuddered.

As I went out, I noticed the table set for the pets. They all were wearing short, revealing clothes and were no doubt really cold. They all were wearing chokers, giving proof of their identity. Though it was not hard to understand they were pets since they were wearing beautiful clothes and jewelleries, but didn't look like Lovanians because of their small heights and absence of scale.

An average Lovanian man is of 7'2 in height and women is of 6'9.

They literally towered us.

I looked around when I saw a woman scolding her son who was trying to touch vacuum. It's not advisable to touch the vacuum as it is vacuum created with electricity. And touching it will lead you to loose your energy to it.

Suddenly I had the urge to hug my mother tight. But I quickly shook my head and concentrated on bowing my head while suffering to avoid humiliation.

Behind this vacuum you will see the endless sea of water. Floating around were the water. You could see the glowing neon pink and green vegetation that they call xeon. That plant is a regular food here, but it is poison for us.

I sighed but a moment in the far left caught my eyes. My eyes widened in recognition.

It was a glasub.

A glasub is a type of airship used for flying around in space and floating around in sea. It accomplishes both tasks. It is generally owned by military and royalty. But thing that made my eyes widen was the symbol etched on it.

It was a royalty glasub.

And since the former king was inside, it meant that the kings were here.

My mouth dries in fear.

Last time the kings came, they had whipped a human girl bloody because she had the audacity to shiver in cold in front of them. I had seen the girl after she was brought from the infirmary. She looked like a ghost.

She died the very next day due to weekness. I shuddered in fear. I have never seen them in real due to my mask I wasn't taken for serving most of the time.

I remained frozen in fear. The glasub entered the first vacuumed room, releasing its waters and becoming airborne before the final door was opened for its landing.

As soon as it landed, the gates were opened revealing 5 men making me suck in breath. Pictures don't do them justice.

I had seen them sitting on the top of arenas watching people fight but I never saw them in reality and damn. If only sandra was here she would melted in a pool on their feets.

All five of them walked in perfect synchronization. They were 8'5 in height were wearing black suits with a golden bow making them stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Guess they don't have to follow dress code.

Though one of them had taken his shirt off and folded its sleeves and was taking off his bow tie and threw it away, they were oozing dominance and power. When they were close enough I could make out their features.

They all had red eyes a sign that they were royalty. The one who had taken off his suit's jacket had blond hair and shining blue scales. The one right next to him who was shaking his head at his antics had red hair and leafy green scales. The one with hunched shoulders looked like he hadn't slept in days had aqua blue hairs with red scales And the two next to him who looked like were in a heated debate, one of them having silver hair and matching silver scales other one had midnight black hair and matching black scales.

They all were oozing confidence and were ignoring all the stares around them.

Suddenly I made eye contact with the one with midnight black hair making my eyes widen. His perfectly arched eyebrows furrowed in confusion possibly due to my mask making me mentally face palm myself.

He was distracted by the one with silver hair as I took the chance to slip in the crowds.