WebNovelTheir Pet25.00%




I slipped inside the castle hoping that he forgot about me. I saw Matthew, our master and he looked surprised that I was inside.

"Finn? I told you to be outside. What are you doing here?"

I quickly shook my head and reached inside my pants pocket and quickly wrote him.

The kings-black haired saw me-HELP!

Reading my note his eyes widened. He quickly then motioned me to a table for pets inside and told me to go there.

As I made my way there I noticed everyone has gone silent signalling their arrival but I didn't look back and stood in a corner. I hid behind a tall women though I maintained distance from her. I peeked when everyone started chatting as usual.

I saw the kings laughing with their father as their father patted their backs.

They were swarmed by high class women in the society in a few minutes. Main course dinner was served. I saw the kings take a secluded seat reserved foe them while leaving the ladies who looked like lost puppies.

I saw the black haired on talk to Matthew, since he was their waiter today. I thought I saw him visibly pale but I was interrupted by a girl tapping my shoulder. I looked back to see one of the pets. She looked really nervous and fiddled with her fingers.

"Can you serve us? Please"

Generally pets are really rude to us and treat us like dirt under their shoes but she was really polite.

She was really beautiful with her chocolate brown hair and Hazel eyes and soft features. She was wearing a short golden dress and a collar with a orange stone on it.

Generally masters choose these stones based on the color of their scales.

I smiled at her and nodded before gesturing her to lead the way.

I reached the table to find one more pets.

She was a beautiful blond with blue eyes her dress was shorter than the brunette and she looked at me like I was a dirty vermin.

Only if her attitude was beautiful too.

"Ohh jeez look who's serving us? The soul splitter."

I was shocked for a moment.

How does she know that everyone calls me that.

But then I realized that perhaps one of the pets that were bought last time must have told her.

"zoey, don't be so rude. No one was ready to serve us. At least he agreed."

She then proceeded to smile at me.

"hii my name is carla."

I bowed and took out my pen in a silent gesture to give me her order.

She was about to speak when I spotted Matthew. He came rushing towards me.

"Oh my god Finn where were you? King Remus is asking for you to serve him. I am so sorry I couldn't convince them to leave you alone. Though I told them about your speaking problems."

I visibly paled.

This cannot be good.

My shoulders slumped in defeat before I started following Matthew.

When I reached them. I saw King Remus talking animatedly with Former King Drakeon II. While the others were talking to each other animatedly. Upon my arrival they all stopped talking and stared at me.

All of them were stared at me intensely making me shiver. Only former King Drakeon II looked the most bored of this situation.

I bowed as deeply as I could and stood back up. I was feeling exposed under their harsh stares and suddenly the room felt hot and I craved outside air.

"All right children, I will take my leave."

Everyone nodded in acknowledgement and then they turned their intense stare back at me.

"Why do you wear a mask"

The silver haired one, King Rowan asked me in his warm friendly voice with a hint of command in hus voice which helped me sooth down my nerves. I was about to take out my pen and paper when Matthew answered for me.

"Your highness, he tried to run away once but one of her friends told the guards about it. He shoved his face into the ice cold water but was smart enough to cover her mouth and eyes. She can't speak due to the trauma she suffered after seeing her face."

King Magnus, King Alistair and King Kieran looked horrified while King Remus looked like he wanted to punch something and King Rowan's aura had turned x2 colder.

After a while they schooled their features back. I wanted to punch them all in the face and shout at them.

It's because of you all my life is like that you idiots

I never had such a strong urge to speak, especially since the accident. When everyone started ignoring me.

"So Finn, what are you training to become?"

Prince Kieran the red haired King asked me kindly. They all looked interested, too much interested in my answer.

I quickly took out my pen and paper and scribbled my answer.

I want to join the army, your highness.

I then handed it over to Kieran. I don't know why but it was as if my answer disappointed him but at the same time made him happy.

He passed on the paper to all of them before nodding at me.

"I am proud of you Finn, Nowadays boys are too afraid to join though I don't know a little thing like you can fight or not."

King Rowan said the last part while chuckling making King Alistair laugh and King Kieran chuckle. King Magnus just looked at me as if I was a piece of puzzle and King Remus the black haired King cracked a smile at me.

This shocked everyone. Noticing everyone's stare he went back to his cold emotionless face.

But anger was boiling inside me. How dare he. I will show him how good I am in the arena next month. I balled my hands in fists.

"Be my pet, Finn."

King Alistair the Golden haired King said, shocking everyone on the table including me.

I just told this bastard that I want to be a soldier and he is telling me to be his pet. I balled my fists knowing that there is no way I could say no to him.

"Since when did you started swinging both ways."

King Magnus the blue haired King asked him lazily.

"I don't think I swing both ways, I am just intrigued by him. Plus he looks antique. I can add him to my collection. Maybe, just maybe I can play with him a bit too."

He said while winking at me making me shiver in disgust..

King Rowan must have gauged my disgusted expression because he quickly butted in.

" Actually, I have a preposition for you, Finn. You can come with us to out place and we can help you train better and when time comes you can prove your worth in Arena. If you are good enough Remus will be happy to have you in our army. He is the one who looks after selection. Until then you can stay with us as our pet"

This shocked me.

Why the fuck they want to help me.

But I wanted to clear out my residual doubt so I quickly fished out my pen and paper and scribbled on it.

And what if I can't prove my worth in the arena? Your highness.

I passed the paper to King Rowan but King Alistair snatched it from me. He smirked at me devilishly.

"Then you will be our pet till we get bored of you."

I was stunned by his answer. Why do they want to make my pet so desperately? What is good about me? Hell they think my face is too horrible to look at. I can't even speak why me.

"If you agree to the terms of our deal, we will send out glasub tomorrow 8am, that is when you come out for work right? Pack whatever you have our driver will drive you to our place."

King Rowan told me in his cold commanding voice making me shiver. I mindlessly nodded and bowed before taking my leave.

I went straight for the exit. Upon reaching the lush garden I sat down on the ground and started taking deep breaths not caring about who was watching me.

What the hell just happened?!

What should I do. Should I say yes? Well having King Remus's training in fighting in the arena will help me a lot not to mention they must have all type of weapons. And maybe, just maybe, I can escape.

But what if they force me to do things I don't want to?

I quickly shook my head at that.

Nope, they won't do that. Its clear they are only interested in girls. They are just interested in messing around with me.

I sighed at that.

My whole life every one has been messing with me.

But I can use this to my advantage.

Yes I will do anything to get into the army. And when they send me to earth, I will escape.

With that thought in my mind, I stood up and dusted off dirt from my pants and turned around to go inside.

That night I remained awake. I couldn't sleep. I don't know what it was. Excitement? Worry? Fear? But I left my bed at 4am as usual. O always wake up early so that I can shower alone in the shower room meant for boys. I packed my bag had my breakfast which was as usual a piece of purple bread. It is bread that gives us all nutrients that we want. It is a mix of various nutrients that's why the color. It was accompanied with water.

Then I packed up my bag and went to the door. At exactly 8am, a glasub came. Some stared at my direction in aww and jealousy while a boy whom I used to train with looked at me with disgust, I sighed at that knowing he probably thinks I have turned into a worshipper of The Kings. The driver came out, and bowed at me and took my bag.

"How did he manage to get their attention?"

"They keep only the best"

"Why such an ugly one"

"I didn't knew they swinged both ways"

"They will probably faint after seeing his face"

I looked at Adam. My sparring mate. We both were each other companions during training. We were never so close but never this distant either.

He smirked at me knowing fully well that I was affected by their words.

I looked towards the driver waiting for me to enter and closed my eyes.

I need to do this to make something of myself.

With a sigh I boarded the Glasub.