WebNovelTheir Pet37.50%


My Room

If I hadn't borded this Glasub I would have been horded like sheeps into one of those congested submarines and had to use the aquaoxy suit that would have led me to loose my shoulder today for sure. I remember the agony I felt when one of my shoulders went stiff as board and I struggled to move jellois oit of the way. Those creatures, though harmless have eight five meters long tentacles that they wrap around you and would try to drag you towards the water hoardings. You have to be strong enough to overpower them take hold of their trunks and drag them away from the hoardings.

I have seen many times what happens to those who couldn't do it. They were dragged towards the hoardings by those creatures and all you could hear was their screams and plea of help. But the creatures are really fast. Even if you try to go towards your fellow worker to help him, he will already be dead leaving strokes of red and blue water as you will hear to their screams from being crushed in the heavy blades. The Lovianians don't care about stopping the motor when we tell them to do it saying it's not worth it. It's as if they relish in their screams as they die. The malicious smiles they have on their faces gives it all. They won't try to help even if they can. The hoardings are really powerful and once you go too close... There is nothing that could help you. And if someone does tries to help you, you will only end up killing your help.

And suddenly, I felt disgusted with myself, disgusted that I am taking help from those Kings who have implemented such laws. Who are responsible for the killing of innocent children, who had have nothing to do with whatsoever expeditions earth sent to jupiter - lovian. They don't even know about it.

I looked around the glasub. It has a white interior with couches placed near the walls and tables linning them simultaneously. It contained a tab each for ordering food but I didn't have the guts to order anything.

Not after seeing the disgusted look on drivers face that I could see through the glass doors.

There are three doors but I don't want to venture around. The rules of not moving, when told to engrained in my brain better than the way my father would laugh at something my mother would say. His blond hair, that sometimes gave the illusion of being bleached bouncing in the air as he would throw his head back and clutch his stomach. Sun shining on his face making him look like an angel. His exotic sky blue eyes that I acquired from him looked weirdly serene when he would smile at me, his eyes crinkling in corners. My mother would smile her graceful smile. He waist long midnight black hair were in contrast with her pale white skin and muddy brown eyes. Her smile was graceful and kind at the same time.

Sometimes I just want to capture their faces from my memories and keep them somewhere safe in my brain. I want to command the lymbic system in my brain to never remove these memories, not until I see them again and make more of them.

"We are here Master Finn"

He said while saying the master part in disgust to which I sighed.

I looked out of the windows. In front of us was a huge garden with beautiful xeons in royal blue colour adorning the perimeter of the garden with a few in fuchsia pink colour here and there. The garden is floored with grass from earth. Both the royal blue Xeons and grass being really rare. There were a variety of beautiful flowers from different planets adorning the garden. But I was in aww with the green grass. Ohh how I wanted to laze around the grass and roll on it. Though I don't know if I will be ever allowed to do so.

I could see women talking and laughing animatedly amongst them. They stopped when they saw the Glasub with the royal sigil. I squirmed in my seat from all the attention that I was receiving while the Glasub prepared to be airborne for landing.

As soon as the doors of the Glasub opened I quickly moved out taking hold of my bag that contained all my necessities. I knew it was the job to be done by the driver but he didn't move from his seat to help so I ignored him.

As I moved out I saw the women, who must be the King's pets coming towards me. I was shocked to see that one of them was a Lovianian wearing a yellow sun dress coming towards me instead of usual disgust that I find on Lovianian's face after seeing us, a wide smile adorned her face making my eyes widen.

She was beaming with happiness and was literally bouncing on every step that she took.

"Hello Finn! I am glad that you came! My name is Kiera. Come on... I will show you your room. After that we can have some fun"

She said the last part suggestively while her generous chest on to my face and bending down slightly to my height and smiled seductively at me. I couldn't help but notice that her height was slightly shorter than an average Lovianian but she was taller than me nonetheless.

My eyes widened at her words as I quickly fished out my notepad and pen and wrote her a message.

I don't think the kings will be happy with it.

I gave her the paper while distancing myself from her and vigorously shaking my head. She looked at me curiously before reading my message and laughing at me.


It was true. She was downright beautiful with her blond hair and sea blue eyes. Her scales were a beautiful bright yellow colour. Even her laugh was a melody to hear. But I wasn't drawn to her or anything.

She was wearing a choker with a blue stone and I guess she was King Alistair 's pet.

That's when I noticed her Towki was on display. For the Lovianians Towki was an intimate thing that they displayed while sex. It was a antenna like thing protuding from her neck where vertebrae is located and bend forward towards the neck. It is said to glow when the Lovianians find their other half. It also releases a pink sticky liquid when the Lovianians mate with their other half and is said to be very delicious.

The other half thing sounds quite like a fantasy but actually is quite scientific. When the towki comes in contact with such a DNA that is compatible with it's own it gives a signal. From what I know, the two get insanely attracted to each other due to the high release of Pheromones hormones and also tend to attract people around them. That's why the two go to a secluded place for at least a whole week and don't come out. It is said that the males and females both turn insanely possessive about each other though it ends in a month.

When she composed herself she saw what I was looking at and she patted my shoulder.

"King Alistair demanded I keep it on display. Come on I will show you your room"

With that she started dragging her towards the entrance of the castle which was made entirely of black marble in neo-gothic style with designs on the borders that were made of gold and silver. The castle looked sinister as if any moment Dracula would pop out of the entrance and give me his sinister smile with fangs protruding from his mouth warning me how foolish it was to believe that the Kings would help someone like me.

But alas nothing happened and soon I was entering the high arched doorways of the castle and my stomach churned in anticipation.

I came face to face with the most regal hallway I could have ever imagined. With it's high ceilings that form a dome like shape above and has a mural painted on it. If you see the mural closely you could see the raw emotions it flows towards you. It's as if it was painted by someone who witnessed every single moment of it. Though I couldn't understand half of the story on it. There was huge chandelier hanging from the middle of the dome. The castle's flooring was peach marble with intricate designing in gold and silver colour and for a second I wondered if it was real.

I didn't have time to worry about it as I was quickly dragged to a staircase with mahogany flooring.

After a lot of twisting and turning and bumping into a few servants who gazed at Kiera with lust and looked at me with disgust we came across a Teak door. She pushed it open to reveal a beautiful room with white interiors. It was beautiful. There was a bed and facing away from it was a baby blue couch. There was a shelf filled with some random books and a white study table. There was baby blue comforter on the bed and a vanity place on the right side of bed. Windows took up large part of one of the walls.

"Finn... Here is the closet. I made sure to fill it with clothes.. Of course the Kings paid and this is your restroom. Do you like it?"

I nodded at her in awe. Of course I like the room. I haven't had a room since the age of seven. I don't remember my room. I just remember it being really pink and having a huge Teddy bear near the window.

" Great! Why don't you go ahead and take a bath and come out. I will introduce you to the other pets"

Though I wanted to tell her that I had a shower not long ago but one look at my clothes and I knew what she meant. I suddenly felt really small and wanted to go back to the bunkers in the workers quarters. It felt weird to stand here. Even thinking about touching anything made me want to hide in a corner.

I just nodded at her politely at which she smiled widely and left.

I sighed before dropping my bag on the floor and moving towards the closet. There were numerous shirts in different colours, t-shirts and jeans. There were a few suits to though I think they were bigger than me but they were beautiful nonetheless. There was chest of drawers which contained undergarments and shoes. I felt disgusted. I remember once a boy had asked a guard for a new shirt, he had whipped him saying humans didn't deserve such luxuries. It felt as if I was getting used and that is the most disgusting feeling in the world. There was a sitting arrangement done in the middle of closet. I quickly took out a black jeans and black - t-shirt and a pewter coloured shirt.

I went to checkout the bathroom and my eyes widened. There was huge jacuzzi near a window. It was built on a raised platform and had at least ten steps. The chest near the mirror was filled with soap, shampoo, conditioner and shaving kit. I quickly went in my room and hid tampons in one of these racks before drawing a hot water bath for me. I quickly took out my clothes and dumped them in a laundry bag. Then I took out the bindings of my chest and moaned in relief. Too prevent anyone from knowing am a girl I have had to bind my chest with a huge piece of cloth but it hurts a lot. I carefully place it next to my clothes.

I can't say it wasn't relaxing. I don't know if I ever had a water bath but this was relaxing. The shower they gave us used to be cold and it was too short to be relaxed. I thought about my situation and decided it was not so bad. They won't be able to use me since I am a boy and King Magnus said that they are not interested. King Remus must be really busy so he is gonna appoint someone to teach me. And for the rest of the time I will just avoid them so they are not tempted to do anything.

With my mind eased after my new decision.. I relaxed and let the warm water take away my pain of all those years temporarily and make me feel loved.