WebNovelTheir Pet50.00%



After binding my chest and putting on my clothes, I dried my hair thoroughly and tied them in a braid. I took of my mask and washed my face. After putting it back on I exited the room.

As I opened the door, I could hear the voices of other pets, or should I say my colleagues, from the hall. I made my way towards them.

"Finn! You are here. Come on"

Kiera waved towards me. I gave her a tight lipped smile before making my way towards her. She was sitting on the couch leaning toward another pet who was a human. She was beautiful with her long brown hair and clear blue eyes that gave an illusion of sparkling. I noticed two other pets sitting on the rug near the fake fire place. They all looked at me with curiosity.

"Ok girls we have the perfect person for practice. Chloe go join sarah and akira on the rug."

I learned the name of the brown haired beauty was chloe and on the rug there was an asian girl with tanned skin and midnight black hair and brown eyes was akira and the other blonde with green eyes was sarah. Chloe must be King Kieran's per as I saw she was wearing a green stoned choker. Sarah wearing a red stoned choker indicating she was King Magnus's pet and akira was wearing a silver coloured stone telling me she was King Rowan's pet. I frowned .

Where is King Remus's pet.

Chloe nodded and smiled at me shyly and somewhat seductively she walked past me her arms brushing mine slightly which I think was done deleberately, but I don't mention it and quickly make my way towards Kiera who was smiling at me widely and was sitting on the couch somewhat provocatively. I sat away from her on the other end of the couch and took out my notepad and quickly scribbled on it.

What do you mean by training and how can I help you.

I passed on the note to her to which she quickly made her way towards my end of couch making me squirm in my seat. Seeing me uncomfortable she giggled slightly and showed the paper to chloe who blushed and looked away.

" Finn, I am teaching the girls the art pf seduction so they can serve their masters wells"

She said it as a matter of fact and I had to stop myself from looking utterly disgusted by her words. I just nodded at her stiffly.

"Ok girls so as I told you the last time akira you specially you moved on too fast with the kissing part. Before it you need to soak in the kiss."

She said while leaning forward towards me .

Ohh jeez I didn't want my first kiss to be with a girl.

She then proceeded to straddle me.

"Then you look them in the eye while leaning forward torturously slow."

She said while leaning towards me and it was hot .

"Then you rub their gills and towki And then you kiss them."

And without warning she leaned forward to kiss me but before she could do that a loud voice broke our session.

She jumped away from me, and I came in view with a very angry King Alistair and a pissed King Remus. I saw King Magnus looking at me curiously but pissed nonetheless and King Kieran had his arms crossed and a snarl was adorning his face while King Rowan was trying to kill Kiera with his glare.

Ohh shit.. I should'nt have listened to her. They are going to kill me for even thinking about touching their pet.

"Kiera take the pets and go somewhere else we need to talk to Finn."

King Alistair told Kiera while looking at her with malice.

"King Alistair, trust me, it was me who asked Finn for help to train the pets. It wasn't his fault."

To my utter relief Kiera spoke for me.

"I know about that and that's why I am surprised that why would you do that considering I never gave you the permission to do so"

King Alistair told her in his deep commanding voice. All traces of his playful nature that he showed last night was gone.

I knew if I didn't speak up now it won't end well for Kiera.

I quickly took out my notepad and wrote them a quick message.

I wrote him a quick message. When I looked up I saw them watching me curiously. I blushed and was slightly thankful for my mask that hid my face as I passed King Alistair the note.

I am really sorry your highness but she was just practicing and I didn't knew I wasn't allowed to help.

Reading my note King Alistair sighed and passed on the note to King Kieran they all red it turn by turn before looking at me intensely making me squirm in my seat.

"Kiera, no one is allowed to touch him without King Remus's permission now leave us alone"

At this I raised my eyebrows.

I looked at King Remus but he was already staring at me intensely making me shiver in my seat.

Kiera just bowed politely and smiled at me apologetically while chloe gave me a sympathetic smile and they all left me hurriedly.

I then gave the kings my full attention and that's when I noticed there outfits.

King Alistair was wearing a baby blue shirt and black jeans with black combat shoes and he was still wearing his flowing black cape. King Remus was wearing his usual green military uniform with several medals adorning his chest and he was too wearing the black cape. King Kieran was wearing a maroon coloured shirt and black jeans and again the black cape. His arms were crossed across his chest giving me a perfect view of his bulging muscles and prominent viens. King Magnus was wearing black slacks and a white hoodie and looked the most casual out of the whole lot. He looked tired with the prominent dark circles around his eyes. King Rowan was wearing a regal all white suit with a black tie and the usual black cape.

They all were looking at me intensely causing me jump of my seat and give them my deepest bow.

They all chuckled at me while King Remus was smiling slightly but when he noticed my stare he quickly wiped it off and went back to his cold emotionless self.

"Someone hasn't been taking the classes properly"

and for just a moment I had the urge to shout and scream at them about how we all are barely surviving there. How every day when we wake up and unlike other children praying for some gifts we pray that we survive today. How at the end of the day we are barely surviving. How our aquaoxy suits killed us slowly. And how they could even think we would take their classes seriously and that they could take their customs and shove them up their ass. But I reigned in my anger and bowed my head to prevent them from seeing the fury swirling in my eyes.

I saw King Remus coming forward with a black stoned choker in his hand. When he was close enough he bent on his knees and still he came upto my nose. I was slightly shocked that he was on his knees but he looked at me assuringly which made me calm down a bit. Then he went forward and started putting the choker on my neck. He was focused on his task. His perfectly arched eyebrows were slightly furrowed. I took this time to study his high cheekbones and soft pink and kissable lips. His pale white face that was a common thing on Lovian, the slight stubble on his chin and how his minty breath fanned across my collar bone as he tried to click the lock in place. I heard the defeaning sound of the click. Then he proceeded to stand back with his brother as they all stared at me as if admiring an art work. Except King Magnus who still looked slightly curious and suspicious.

They all then took a seat on the couch while I was left standing in front of them under their scrutinizing stare.

I kept looking down at my worn out combat shoes. Not finding it my heart to look up.

"I hope you liked the arrangements we did for you Finn."

King Alistair asked as he poured himself a pink coloured drink."

I just nodded at them and bowed deeply to convey my thanks. They looked happy with my answer as they kept looking at me strangely making me squirm.

I saw King Alistair motion one of the servants standing next to wall and say something to them because next I noticed Kiera, chloe,sarah and akira come towards them. Kiera and chloe gave me a bright and somewhat seductive smile while Sarah and Akira proceeded to smile at their masters.

They all sat in their laps with ease. I saw them Giggling at something King Alistair said while Kiera ran her hand on King Alistair's chest seductively.

I froze when I realized I had to sit on King Remus's pet. I looked at him to find he was already staring at me intensely. He gave me a small comforting and secretive smile today make me feel at ease but had me widening my eyes because I never thought that he was the type to make you feel at ease. I looked around and saw Kiera and chloe looking shocked, their mouth wide open. Akira and sarah were no different. I saw King Magnus looking at King Remus with raised eyebrows. King Alistair and King Kieran looked shocked and King Rowan had a secretive smile on his face making me narrow my eyes. As if sensing my stare his smile widened into a grin. King Remus noticed everyone's eyes on him and quickly wiped the smile of his face.

He then patted his knee signaling me to come sit on his knee. I gulped and made my way towards him. Every one excluding Sarah and Akira watching me with interest as I sat on King Remus's knee maintaining as much distance as possible but I felt his hand snake around my waist as he pulled me towards him. I felt like a child in his lap as I came up just to his diaphragm. I felt him hug me from behind and put his face in my neck and inhaling deeply making a shiver go down my spine and I could feel him smirking.


He wrapped both of his arms around me and suddenly I was worried that he would figure out my curves. But he simply bent down and whispered huskily near my ear.

"Cold finn?"

I quickly shook my head and looked towards King Kieran and King Alistair who were completely ignoring their pets and were looking at me with lust while King Rowan had that smile that said I-have-got-a-big-secret and King Magnus was looking at me suspiciously and I had no idea what he was suspicious about. All the while I could feel King Remus nuzzling his nose in my neck and sniffing me.

But a loud screech jolted us all making us look towards the entrance.

"Get of my husband, you asshole."

A fiery red Lovianian was standing at the very entrance of the hall, as she glared directly at me, her hands on her hips, her red fins, flaring with anger.