WebNovelTheir Pet87.50%



I was currently standing behind King Remus, who had Rhea in his lap, who kept trying to feed King Remus, but he just ignored her making her pout, all the other pets were sitting in their Master's pet as they ate what their masters parted from them, though they didn't feed them, it was a really intimate things in Lovianians, to feed, they did it with their merione.

I felt my stomach pang in pain from remaining hungry the whole night, I didn't have lunch, because the bitch didn't want me coming with them, since apparently she was their to be with King Remus, so I had stayed in the mansion, and food wasn't cooked, since apparently it was a waste of resource to make food for a lowly human.


I saw King Remus, gesture me towards a small plate, for the pets, piled with some purple looking beans and some blue broccoli-like vegie, I bowed and went forward, with my eyes down and went forward to take it, but before I could, Rhea had pushed the plate of the table and it landed on the floor, with a crash.

A dead silent descended upon us, as everyone looked at Rhea with rage and coldness, I could see King Remus's jaw twitch, King Rowan had stopped eating, and was glaring at an oblivious Rhea and so was King Alistair and King Kieran, even Kiera was glaring at Rhea who was looking at me with a smug smile. But King Magnus was just looking at me, gauging my reaction.

"Go on, Finn, what are you waiting for?"

She said with a victorious smirk, I felt a lava bubble inside me, after all I was known for my anger, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, trying to calm myself down, as a tingle on my temples distracted me from probably the most degrading situation in my life.

I have to do it.

For my brother.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone was looking at me, I just took out my notepad, as I noticed my hands still shaking with fury, itching to unleash hell.

But I managed to write and handover the letter to the smug looking women, sitting on King Remus's lap.

She crinkled her nose and snarled in disgust as she took my paper from my hands and read it with disinterest. I watched King Remus lean down to and read the paper and then look back at me, guilt swirling in his eyes. But Rhea just scoffed and waved me off.

"So picky, and I was being kind enough to offer you food, go, you are ruining the dinner with your ugly presence after all."

To which I bowed to her, as I felt steam come out of my ears in fury, as I rushed towards the enthiria, not caring about King Remus's permission right now.

King Remus's P.O.V.

Finn, is the weirdest human I have ever seen, When he is angry, its like he turns into someone else, his rage is something he has no control over, it makes him forget his place, I had seen how he had taken a deep breath, as if to calm himself down, but his hands still had shaken in suppressed rage. He might have trained, but humans are no match to Lovianians, Rhea could have snapped his neck into two. Hell even a normal human her age could do that, he is so....scrawny, for his age, and his oversized clothes make him look skinnier.

But he made me fell in a way I wasn't supposed to, after the death of my merione, his apple smell was so... feminine, and I honestly couldn't believe sometimes that he was a boy aged 16, when he sat in my lap and I had wrapped my arms around him, I couldn't believe, yet love the soft muscles and skin of a boy, who apparently was training to become a fighter. He had felt so warm, I had felt so at home, having him in my lap, but it was as if the Lovian was against us, because the whore of fiancé, who had flirted with my brothers while sitting on my lap, had ordered Finn to get away, which he did, eagerly enough that made me frown.

I had to endure her calling me merione, and all I wanted was to snap at her and stop her from calling me merione, but I stayed silent. But when she disrespected Finn, I wanted nothing more to disrespect her too, in the very same way, but I had stayed silent, knowing if I did that, Father wont be happy, and I need his support in his council, and we needed the Zendaya house's support too in the council, But fortunately Rowan had handled it, but I had felt my self control on the verge of snapping when she pushed his food to the ground deliberately and asked him to eat it, but I was distracted by the human boiling in front of me, I also didn't failed to notice that the boy, had turned gracious, when angry, as if his façade had fallen, but I think it was mere moment of confidence spurt due to anger, right now the way he had left, with his arms stiff behind his back, his shoulder taut, and I knew that even though I didn't give him the permission to, was headed towards the enthiria, and I was right, I had excused myself to check up on him, and here he was grunting, hissing and groaning.

I don't know how he knew how to activate the terionic, a robot, who once activated, immediately would ask of you to press your palm on its pad and then it will determine your level and in that way, it will fight you in a way that you can fight him off, yet increase your capability, but what shocked me was the speed they were fighting in, in the middle of the glass globe, Finn was holding two Scimitars in his hand, as he rapidly landed blows on the terionic, and I was surprised to see his movements were strong and confident, yet fast like a wind, so fast the movement were blur, I saw him stretch his right leg forward and ben backward on his left legs, and then he jumped high and swirled mid air, and then he striked the terionic with his right hand, but as expected of a terionic, he had already intercepted his movement, and had blocked him with his left Scimitar, and then tried landing a blow on him through the Scimitar in his right hand, but he had twirled backward graciously and blocked his movement, and then both the terionic and Fin had twirled backwards and Finn looked at terionic furiously, then they had both twirled around in circles, before suddenly a glint in the air caught my eye, and I watched as two blades, crashed with each other, and turned into dust in the same time, but it was as if he didn't notice because the next moment he lunged on the terionic, both arms raised as he let out a war cry, the same time the terionic raised his metal arms above his head to block his attack but I was surprised to see that Finn didnt attack him, intead he rolled in the air like a pro and the kicked the terionic in his chin, flying him backwards as he landed graciously on his legs, kneeling after a perfect backflip, and I knew that he was trying to steady himself because generally due to the backflips, one becomes dizzy.

The terionic but stood up quickly, I watched his, breaking into a sprint from his kneeling position, as he reached him, too fast, and then raised her right Scimitar, that collided with the terionic's left one with a clang but she had already intercepted it and had twirled graciously, then landed blocked the terionic's blow, with her right hand, giving him momentarily advantage, but immediately made him fall, by landing a hard kick on his kneecap, causing him to buckle up and fall, and she took that moment to run backwards and jump up on the wall then using the momentum to lunge at the terionic, hand raised as a war cry tore his lip, but a gasp left my lips at his vicious yet graceful moment, making his head snap towards me, his sky blue eyes wide as he lost track and fell harshly on the ground, groaning in pain, as a voice announced the match to be a tie and the glass globe slid back, and I rushed to help the boy who was still groaning in pain, as I feared him breaking his bone, but he harshly deflected my moves in helping him, hurting me slightly but I quickly schooled my features and stood up, and watched as he too stood up, unphased, and bowed to me, his eyes down, and for a fleeting moment I was suspicious of him.

This boy has some really good talents, and its unlikely he trained on his own, which meant he must have an excellent tutor at his disposal.

I shook my head, as I watched the boy, who was panting, as he stood straight. I sighed and just regarded him coldly.

"You did exceptionally well."

I said, making him flinch and bow, in a silent gesture of thanks.

"I am sorry about Lady Zendaya's behaviour with you, it wasn't right for her to do so."

I said making him look up with wide blue eyes, but he just bowed in appreciation? I guess.

"Your dinner is in your room."

I said while eyeing the black choker with a soft gaze as I saw him bow in a thank you and I left without sparing him a glance, as I willed myself to dig deep about the boy, who had me questioning about the abilities of a normal human.