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Chapter 8


Finn's P.O.V.

I was currently sitting in a glasub, next to King Remus, who very generously allowed me to sit next to him, and not on his lap, after seeing my reluctance, and I was thankful for that.

The Kings were conversing about something, they thought I couldn't understand them, but I understood every single word perfectly.

"So you are saying that King Laximion and King Mariani had an heir? huh, impossible"

I heard King Alistair say in a condescending tone, making me freeze, but I had King Magnus's eyes on me, watching me like a hawk, and something told me that even though I didn't had King Remus's eyes, he is still watching me, like a hawk.

"I agree with Alistair, we would have known about their heir, they had no reason to hide him."

King Kieran added while leaning back in his seat, and sipping on his chiorini, an alcoholic beverage, in Lovian, then he noticed my gaze and shot me a smile, making me smile back, but I am sure it looked more like a grimace.

I then saw King Rowan, hum in agreement as he rubbed his chin, his silver hair, and gills, looked blue, as the colour of water reflected, he looked beautiful, he then landed his sharp gaze on King Remus, and straightened his posture.

"Where did you get the lead from?"

He asked, and I could hear my heart thumping wildly in my chest, and looked towards King Magnus and sighed when I saw him distracted by King Rowan's questions.

"Its a rumour going among Lovianians, these days"

King Remus replied with a frown, immediately everyone except King Rowan huff in disinterest and lean back in their seats, I too felt myself relax, slightly and look away.

"Okay, Ladies, lets pay attention to Finn, poor boy, he is sitting there all alone."

He said making in English, making me flinch, and bow my head in acknowledgement, as I was super aware of King Remus eyes on, but I didn't meet his eyes, they all chuckled at my response, making me snarl internally, as I avoided their eyes.

"So, Finn, excited to see the Arena? I heard you were practicing in enthiria last night?"

King Alistair asked me while wiggling his eyebrows making me nod with a slight bow, as I watched everyone raise their eyebrows at me.

"Well, he did really well."

King Remus said while staring intensely at me, as I tugged the stupid choker around my neck, it was heavy on my neck and I wanted nothing more than ripping it off my neck, but I couldn't and it was pissing me off, so I just nodded wordlessly at King Remus in acknowledgement, and then I just stared at my lap.

"So what weapons are you handy with, Finn?"

I heard King Kieran ask me politely and I took out my notepad and wrote on it.

I was about to pass it to King Kieran, when King Remus snatched it from my hand and then he read it out loud.


He said making everyone nod in appreciation, and I acknowledged them with a bow.

Then they again started chatting in Lovianeres, and they were talking about some Lovian politics so I zoned them out and my eyes wandered outside, as I watched malnourished human children, just like me, take jellois, out of the way, I recognised most of them, and suddenly guilt filled me, they needed this place too, I vivdly remembered the human children I had watched, keep jellois out of the way, and sometimes I wanted to shout that the wretched creatures shouldn't be even allowed to live, but I knew I would be drowned, so I kept my mouth sealed, I watched a few Lovians, in there animal form, with long tails, and shiny gills, swimming around, as I watched human children, struggle, some had developed blind spots in their suits, which exposed certain area of their body to the numbing cold, I looked away, not brave enough to continue watching them and instead turned my gaze on to the Kings, as I watched them sitting elegantly in their comfortable cushioned sofa, in their regal outfits, even King Magnus, who I expected the least, cause his office is in the mansion only, so I wasn't sure why he came, but he did, and he looked tired, as if he didn't sleep at all.

The Kings were taking me to show me the arena, I have never seen arena, and I could say I was expected, because it was a step forward to free my brother, and my independence too. So I had been eager to see the wretched place.

I eagerly stared at the arena, which was separated by vacuum shield around, as I watched humans, wearing black overalls, boys and girls alike, fight with each other, I could see a few Lovianians, in their very peculiar looking purple overalls, keeping a close watch on humans, I saw them notice our glasub and saw their eyes widen, as I saw their mouth move, no doubt, shouting at the humans, to clear up, and by the time we were at the entrance, the Arena was clear of all black overall, and all Lovianinas were standing in a straight line, waiting for the Kings, no doubt.

I sighed as I felt the glasub land on the port, and the doors opened, and King Rowan stood up along with King Magnus, who were talking about a new capsule, that would lead humans, to grow faster and reach their full capability.

King Kieran and King Alistair left together, snickering at something, King Remus followed but stopped and looked back at me then motioned me forward, I bowed and accepted his offer reluctantly.

As soon as we stepped out, I saw Lovianians, hovering around, looking at The Kings with aww and adoration, but as soon their eyes landed on me, they looked shocked, as they eyed my mask, perhaps, and then some eyed my hair in... aww? and then their face morphed into the usual disgust, but after noticing my choker, they looked bewildered, but they schooled back their expression, their face void of emotions.

The Kings merely nodded at them, and started walking in perfect synchronization, as I walked behind King Remus, a step back, as they walked past everyone, and I watched everyone part their ways for them, bowing their heads for them, and scorning me, but I was used to it.

I saw them chatter among themselves, Lovianeres, expressionlessly, as if no one was around them, so I took the opportunity to look around.

The arena was a circle with miles of radius, covered with sand, their was a distinct arc that I could see easily, it was the glass tomb, just like back in enthiria, the practice room, named after-

I sighed as the heavy feeling set in my chest and I looked down at the sand, that was currently ruining my combat shoes, and I had the urge to take off my mask, but I couldn't, so I didn't.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaws, as the feeling of intense rage filled me and my hands itched for my Scimitars, my scimitar, which was just the right weight, and the right size, I wanted it, but I gasped as I heard the sound of glass tomb closing, and my eyes snapped towards where the Kings were earlier only to find an unknown Lovian standing their, with a malicious smirk on his face, as he smirked at me coldly, I looked around and my eyes connected with a smirking Rhea, and a snarling and hissing Kings, but I saw King Magnus hiss something at them causing Rhea to grin at him, as everyone looked at me guiltily, except King Magnus who continued eyeing me like I was a puzzle he couldn't solve. I saw the Kings climb the steps, with Rhea in tail, and settle on the pedestal above and Rhea took a box like thing in her hand, as she sat on King Remus's lap, who looked slightly suspicious.

"Pet, can you hear me?"

I heard Rhea say in a smug voice, making me grit my teeth, but nod, nonetheless.

"Right, so until one of you is not unconscious, the tomb wont open, Good Luck."

At her words I felt myself stiffen as I watched the Kings including King Magnus, turn towards Rhea in shock.

"On the count of three."

I saw The Kings snarl at Rhea, causing her to flinch, but she said something in return, making them fall in deep thoughts.


I couldn't let them know.


But if I fell unconscious, they will know about my gender.


I need to defend, I thought as I eyed the Lovian in front of me who was grinning with his hands in his pockets, as took two electric poles, and threw one at me.


I heard Rhea announce, and then it was dead silent.

The brown haired Lovianian made no move to fight, as he just kept watching me with a grin, Then suddenly the grin was wiped off his face and he was running at me fast with his arms raised in the air, holding the electric pole, I side stepped in the last moment, and did an awkward twirl, then he attempted to land a blow on my stomach, that I allowed, and soon I was feeling electricity zapping me being, as I started to shake, but managed to evade him, but wild doing that I felt him take hold of braid, and pull me back.

"Fucking hair"

I hissed under my breath, but was surprised when I didn't felt him tugging it making me look back, but I was surprised to see him frozen on the spot, as he watched my hair with wide eyes and mouth agape.

But I took my chance and quickly took hold of his electric pole too, momentarily jolting him out of his reverie, but I didn't give him much time to think, as I connected both the poles, to his body, and he immediately fell down, convulsing, as he continued eyeing my hair, and then he lost consciousness, and at the very exact moment, much to my relief, the glass tomb opened, and everyone was watching me with wide eyes.

"Why do you think he had such a weird reaction."

I heard a Lovianian whisper in Lovianeres,

I saw the Kings step down, as they all towered me and King Remus patted my back with a look of pride on his face.

"Well done, Finn."

I heard King Rowan say with a slight smile, and I bowed in thank you as all of them nodded in King Rowan's statement. I watched the Lovianan being taken away on a stretcher, as Lovians kept looking at me with hatred and confusion.

Even I was confused at his reaction.

"Lets head to the whore house, after this."

I heard King Alistair say in Lovianeres, making everyone groan, but nod nonetheless in agreement, as they started leading me back to the glasub, but a perfect plan was already brewing in my head, as to how to know the exact location of my brother.

you can find the rest of the book on Hinovel app by the name Their Pet