Sweet Temptation 1

Tomorrow is Halloween or All Saints' Eve. The night of October 31, the eve of All Saints Day commonly celebrated by children who dress in costume and solicit candy or other treats door-to-door. Usually, apart from the kids stuff. Halloween Parties are held for the older kids mostly teens where they'll party, drink whilst enjoying themselves.

Kai one of the most popular guy at the university I'm attending and luckily my boyfriend, had promise me something special on Halloween night. He loves keeping me in suspense although he knew that I don't like it.

It was 6 in the evening when I laying on my bed playing with my phone wondering what he's going to do as I look at Kai's number in my phone.

"Should I call him?" I murmured then let out a heavy sigh. He told me that he's gonna be busy today. So calling is probably not the best of ideas. I rest the phone besides me.

'But what the heck, am sure he won't mind.' I thought picking up the phone. I was about to press the call button when I heard a knocking on my bedroom door.

"Minako-Chan." I quickly sprang off the bed and open the door to reveal Kou standing there with a letter in his hand.

Kou Yamakazi younger brother of Satoshi Yamakazi who are vampires. Due to an unexpected incident (Vampire Tabboo) they ended up living with me because am a target for other vampires because of my blood.

He handed the letter to me.

"What's this?" I asked taking it from him.

I look at the sender to see it's from Kai. Without asking any more questions I opened the letter to reveal a card realizing that it was an invitation for a Halloween Party tomorrow night.

"See you received one also." Kou said.

"Yeah. Didn't you guys?" I asked. My eyes went on Satoshi who was laying on the couch.

Swiftly he pulled out a same exact invitation card so did Kou.

"That's great we can all go-"

"Am not going." Satoshi said coldly as he igniting the card, burning it till there was nothing left.

"Oh.." I said a bit disappointed.

"Don't worry am going." Kou suddenly said as he continued, "Who else is going to be there to protect you?"

I gave a him a small smile.

Ever since Kai and I got together Satoshi became colder towards me, from refusing to take my blood to responding to me cold especially when Kai's name is mentioned.

Satoshi seens to notice me starring at him as he got up from the couch and spoke, "Am going out for a walk." with that he was gone.

I sigh.

"Don't worry about him.. he's just sorting some things out that's all." Kou said reassuring me.

I nodded.

"Ahh.. seeing that it's a Halloween party. Going by human ways I have to wear something." Kou murmured walking off.

My eyes widened, 'What am I going to wear?'

By the name of the Party, "Night of the Thirsty Dead." It sounds like there gonna be a lot of vampire and zombie costume mostly worn.

I walked back to my room, throwing myself on the bed. Maybe I can get someone to help. I then picked up my phone a search through my contacts.

I press the call button. The person picked up instantly like they were waiting on me to call.


"I need you're help." We both said in unison causing us both to laugh.

"Okay you go first Aoi." I said.

"Okay.. So I received an invitation to a party but I don't know what to wear. I want you to help me." She said then continue, "So what's your problem?"

My mouth hung open, after regaining composure, I laugh then spoke,

"You wouldn't believe it but that's the reason why I called."

There was a long pause on the other line, then Aoi spoke, "Maybe we can help each other out."

"That's a good idea." I agreed with her.

"Okay meet me at the entrance of underground subway at 8," she said.

"Okay." We both hung up.

My phone suddenly rang out indicating I received a message. "Uh?"

I look at the sender to see it was a message from Kai.

'Sorry for not calling, hope you got the invitation. Am still busy so I'll see you tomorrow night. XOXO'

No sooner as I put down the phone I started smiling. I was also feeling a bit tired so I went sleep, thinking about tomorrow.


In the end I ended up coming earlier than expected. I was so excited about today that I came early. I look at the time, '7:45.'.. Too early.

"Mina-Chan!" I heard a voice that I knew so well shouting my name.

I avert my eyes from my watch and look in the direction I heard the voice to see Aoi running towards me.

After running to where I am. She held on to her knees huffing I let her catch her breath, she then look at me and spoke, " Sorry am late."

"Nope you're early." I said.

"Really?" She asked then check the time, "Oh."

I laugh as she adjusted herself.

"Lets go." She held on to my hand and pull me then ask, "Why are you so early?"

"Oh you know I like to reach in time." I said.

Aoi eyed me then spoke, "You're excited aren't you?"

"Yeahhh." I admit to her.

"You're not the only one." She said.

We both giggled as we made our way to the malls close by.


"Come on Kaniya try this." Aoi said handing me a cat outfit.

"Wha...??" I look at the outfit then took the it from her, "Oh..okay."

I went in the changing room, a few minutes later I came out.

Aoi face turned red as she looked at me, "So cute! You look like a Neko.. Do something." She said.

"Really Aoi??" I asked embarrass.

She nod vigorously.

"Sigh Fine."

I place hand close to my cheeks making it in a paw and saying the word, 'meow.'

Aoi squealed, "That's so cute." then launching herself at me.

"Aoi!!!" I shouted pulling her away from me.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself." she said sulking.

"It's okay." I said reassuring her.

"Can I have her as my pet?" We heard a male ask as he approach us.

My eyes widen as I turn towards the person, 'Why is he here?'

Nenashima Yukimira flash me one of his charming smile.

Aoi turn towards him after seeing my expression.

Nenashima Yukimira and I are childhood friends since I was 5 but he travelled and I never saw him. After returning years after he wasn't the same anymore. He had became something else, a vampire to be exact.

"Am sorry but she's taken." Aoi said.

"Really??... Am sure this Kitty can make an exception." He look at me, his green orbs never leaving mines.

I rolled my eyes, "Yuki what are you doing here?"

"Nothing.. I was just checking around and I ended up meeting you here so I came to say hi." He reply.

Aoi eyes widen, "You mean he's Yukimira, your childhood friend?" She ask.

"Yup." I said.

"You're right. He does look like the flamboyant type." Aoi said unimpressed.

"I take that as a compliment." He said running his fingers though his red hair.

Aoi seem less intrigue by him, considering its the first time she meeting him.

His watch suddenly sound off as he look at it.

He then came up to me and brought my face close to his then spoke, "I have so go.. But my offer is still up my kitten."

I pull away from him as he walk away from me waving his hand.

"Is he always like this?" Aoi ask

"Considering how long I knew him for then... yes, yes he is." I reply

Aoi laugh, "Come on let's try something else on."

"Okay." agreeing I went in the changing room..


After trying on almost every costume in the mall. Aoi and I finally made our choices, Aoi had chosen the cat outfit I had tried on earlier and I decided to wear a Vampire bat suit (fur ears, black short cloak romper, black heeled boats with a netty pantyhose.)

"Trying on clothes can be tiresome." I said holding the bags in my hand.

"Yeah it is." she said laughing. Her laughter die down as she turn towards me.

"Hey are you going to make any cookies/sweets for Kai?" Aoi suddenly ask.

"Sweets?" I asked confuse.

"Yeah.. Halloween is also about giving you know." Aoi said.

"Oh yeah." I said laughing then continue, "I wasn't thinking of making anything for him."

"Come on Mina."

"What about you?" I asked.

"Yep am gonna make for my boyfriend." She said nodding.

"Oh.. I'll think about it then." I said.

"I guess that's better than a no." She mutter.

"Let's go grab something to drink." I said fanning my skin with my free hand.

Aoi giggled then her eyes widen,

"What?" I ask.

My eyes was suddenly cover.

"Hey I can't see!" I shouted, "Aaaaaoi!!"

"Guess who it is?" I heard Aoi giggling while talking.

"Can I get a clue?" I ask.

"Well..... he's tall." she said.

'Really Aoi??... Thanks for the big help.'

"Come on.. Who is it?" I beg

"Am not telling you." She was now laughing.

"Wait.. Don't tell me." I said.

I then inhale the masculine musk that was coming for the person and the way his hand was covering my eyes.

My mouth open for I was surprise,

"Kai?" I ask.

"You guess right babe." The person whisper in my ear.

No sooner had he remove his hand, I sprung around and jump into his arms.