Sweet Temptation 2

"What are you doing here?"  I ask after letting him go, "I thought you were busy."

As I said Kai is my boyfriend. He has grey eyes and black hair. We attend the same university and even if he's the most popular guy he only has his eyes set on me.

He smile, "I finish early, because I wanted to see you." He said causing me to blush, he then continue, "So what's in the bags?"

"Am not telling you." I said playfully.

"Is it the costume?" He ask in an attempt to take the bag from me, But I pulled it away, " I don't know."

"I'll find out sooner or later." He said giving up, "So where are you girls heading now?" He ask.

"Oh to get something to drink." I said.

We then heard Aoi phone went off as she pick it up.

"Hello." She said.

There was a long pause before she shriek out,

"What?! But how?!"

"Okay okay I'll be there." She said then hang up the phone.

She then turn to me.

"I have to go." She said.

"What happened?" I ask.

"There was an accident when setting up at my boyfriend's university for the Halloween gala and he got involved." she said worriedly.

"I hope he's okay." I said.

"Don't worry to much." she said running off as she wave at us, "See you tonight!" She shouted.

I wave back.


"What?" Kai ask noticing my uneasiness.

"I was hoping to eat with her and... Everything was going so well." I said sadly.

"I can be her substitute." He said.

I smile, "No need for that.. I rather you be you. Aoi and I can go out some other time."

"Let's go." He held on to my hand and pull me. I look up at him as he return my gaze and smile, "It's like we're on a date."

I blush.

"Ye.Yeah." I mutter.


Kai and I sat down facing each other in a cafè. Kai was having an ice tea while I eat a salad. He had try getting me to talk about what I was going to wear but I dodge his questions. I was determine not to tell him.

"Okay what are you going to wear?" I ask as I eat a cherry tomato.

"Its a secret until tonight." He said.

I pout, "Well its the same for me."

I turn my head away from him as he laugh. His laughter cause me to giggle a bit as I turn back to him.

"That looks good." He said looking at my salad

"Oh." I was caught up in the mood when I pick up one of the cherry tomato with the fork.

"Say Ahh." I said.

Kai looked at me surprise then blush.

"What are you doing?" He ask.

"You don't want any?" I asked a bit disappointed as I pulled the fork away from him, but my hand was suddenly stopped by him.

He the spoke, "No.. Do it."

Letting go of my hand he open his mouth as I place the tomato in his mouth and smile, "How is it?" I ask as he chewed.

"It's good." He said after swallowing.

"Isn't that sweet she fed her boyfriend."


We overheard two girls having a conversation about us.

My face turn beet red, realizing what I had done. I had totally forgotten that we're in a public place.

"Sorry." I said my head hung low. I probably embarrassed him infont of all these people.

"Its okay." He said then move the hair out my face, I look up to see him smiling.

I smile also, 'Well if he says its okay then it's okay.

After eating we found ourselves walking in the park. The day was soon coming to an end and I was sad that I had to go... But on the bright side I'll get to see him again later tonight.

I found myself looking at some children eating a crêpe, no sooner I started wondering to myself how it taste like not realizing that I was staring.

Kai who seemed to notice this walked towards a ice cream truck as I followed behind.

He then ordered a crêpe as i looked at him surprised, "You don't have to buy it you know." I said.

"But by the looks of it, it seems you never had it before." He said passing the money to the guy.

I cover my face in embarrassment, "Was I staring that much?" I asked.

He nodded, "Don't you want to try it?" He then ask.

"Yeaah but you don't have to go through the trouble." I complain.

The guy passed the Crêpe to Kai as he chuckle at my childish behavior. He then pass the crêpe to me.

"Thank you." I said taking it from him.

I look at the strawberry, banana and vanilla ice-cream filling dress with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. It was wrap with some kind of thin pastry.

"Come on try it." Kai usher me.

"Alright, am gonna." I said.

I took a bit out the Crêpe while preventing the ice-cream from falling out.

"Wow this is amazing." I look at the guy. He smile and nodded at me.

"Let's go." Kai said.

"Wait aren't you having any?" I ask.

"It's alright." he said.

We both walk over to a empty bench. Resting the bags besides me I sat down and Kai sat besides me as we watch the children playing and other couples passing by.

I then turn to Kai.


He turn towards me, "yeah."

"Do you like sweet?.. as in candy or cookies?" I ask.

"Am not to fond of them." He reply.

"Oh." I look down at the Crêpe in my hand which was almost finish.

"Why'd you ask?" He ask.

"Nothing." I said feeling a bit down.

My hopes of making something for him was low. I finished the rest crêpe as I felt Kai's gaze on me.

My attention suddenly went up, looking at the sky that had started to turn red-orange. It was getting late.

"I got to go. Its getting late." I said getting up, I pick up the bags.

"Aww.. And I was hoping to spend more time with you." He said slightly displease.

I turn towards him and lean in close, "We're gonna be together tonight."

Smiling he then got up and stretch his hand towards me. no sooner as I replied to his kind gesture, he started pulling me.

"Hey where we going?" I ask confuse.

"Its a surprise." He said.

"Kai...." I said.

"It's just for a while okay, don't worry I'll drop you home." He said.

'But it's late.' I thought as I nodded, "Okay." I said following him.

We were now standing in fount of a tall building when Kai got behind and blindfold me.

"Hey!" I shouted surprise by his actions.

"Don't worry." He said.

I calm down as he held onto my hand. He then led me to wherever he was taking me.


We took at least 5 minutes to get where we were. I felt the cool breeze blowing though my hair as I shivered a bit before asking,

"Why is it so windy?"

"You ready?" He whispers in my ear.

"I guess." I answered unsure.

He then pull the blindfold off my face as the view came to me, I gasped.

"Wow." I look at the park below where we've been.

"That's not I want to show you." He said turning my attention to the other direction.

My eyes widen.

"Kai this is amazing." I said looking at the sunsetting as the orange colour descends as the night falls. I look down to see the streetlights and lights from the decorations coming alive making the view below more amazing.

A cold breeze then blew causing me to shiver more than before.

I then felt something warm over my shoulder. I look up to see Kai without his jacket and his hand over my shoulder.

He then kiss me on my forehead.

I smile, 'It is sweet that he brought me up here.'

"Its like you know what I like." I said laying back on his chest.

"Well you're not hard to figure out." He said.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, even if you can get everything you want, you'll still go after the simplest of things." He said.

"Teehehe... I guess you know me more than myself." I said smiling.

"Maybe." He said then continue,"Come on let's get you home."

I nodded as we held hands making our way to my house.