"Why did it have to happen now?" I ask as I lay down on the floor of my bed room. And I was longing for this day to come.
Kou and I had got into a fight because he can't go tonight.
"He promise me... Then broke it." I said to myself. Can I even trust him again with another promise?
It wasn't the first time Kou had change our plans especially one that I've been longing for.
It's Halloween night, Kou and I was suppose to go to a Halloween party but Kou had other business to take care of so he won't be able to make it.
I let out a heavy sigh. Something always pops up when it comes to going out with Kou.
Standing up I walked out the room to be welcome by Satoshi. He looked at me confused as he spoke,
"Why aren't you dress for the party tonight?"
"What's the point.." I said plopping myself down on the couch, "Kou's not going to be there so why should I go?"
"Well if that's the case...." he came up to me, "I can have you for myself tonight."
I slap Satoshi on his shoulders, "Please stop playing around like this." I said.
A knocking was then heard from the door but because of his speed Satoshi open the door before I can even stand.
"Minako!" Aoi burst into the house catching me off guard. I quickly sat up and look at her enthusiastic face. She was wearing a cat costume.
"Aren't you suppose to be going at a party?" She ask.
Satoshi tsk then walk out the house closing the door behind of him.
"Am not going." I said.
She stoop down and look at me in the face and spoke, "What's wrong Mina?"
"Kuo and I got into a fight." I said sadly.
"Let me guess.....He blew you off again?" She ask.
I nod, "yes."
Aoi sigh then held her hand towards me then spoke, "Come on we have to get you ready."
"What?? Weren't you listening?" I ask.
"Yep I was but I'm not going to let you spend Halloween by yourself." She said then continue, "And there's no way am letting you waste your money on buying a costume and you're not going to wear it."
"It's alright.. I can always wear it some other time." I said.
"No It's not!!" Aoi said. I looked at her surprised by her sudden outburst.
"You're not going to have your boyfriend make you miss this Halloween party, besides you and I also planned this too.. Yah know." She said then pleaded, "please."
I sigh, "fine.. I'll go" I said standing on my feet.
Aoi jump up and down as I look at her.
"Come on we don't have much time." She push me towards the shower.
I went in the shower to get myself ready to change into my costume. After I put on a white. almost sleeveless dress that almost reach my thigh. I had on a black choker and a belt strapped around my thin waist. I then put on a white socks that reach my leg and black shoes, Aoi help putting on the red hood. She let my hair down with a braid in the fount.
"Come on.. Let's go." Aoi said as I watch myself in the mirror.
"Okay." I said.
We both exit out the room when Aoi turn towards me, "Where's your basket?"
"Oh yeah." I ran into the kitchen to meet the basket full of treats on the table.
Picking it up I walk back to Aoi who was already standing at the door waiting. I hurried over to her and we both exist the house. After locking the door I walk over to Aoi's jeep, entering as she drove off.
As Aoi drove to our destination my mind suddenly ran on Kou. Wishing he was here with me.
I let out a heavy sigh. But he's probably angry at me.
"Mina." I heard Aoi's voice as I turn to her,
She look at me then back at the road, "Don't worry.. You never know what might happen when we get there... Hey I know.."
I continue to look at her as she spoke, "Why not let Kou know that you're still going?"
"I don't think he'd care.." I said.
"Come on Mina... He might even change his mind." Aoi said.
"Hmm.." I started thinking not convinced.
"You know how guys are... They wouldn't like to hear that there girlfriend is going to a party by themselves." Aoi said.
I guess she made a point there... But I'm also angry at him for suddenly blowing me off.
"If he loves you he'll be able to sacrifice to be close to you." Aoi said.
"I guess your right." I said agreeing with her as I pull out my phone and sending a text to Kou.
"Good." Aoi smile at me.
"I know they want to scare someone but... Don't you think they went overboard?"
I look in the woods that was decorated in fake blood, Skeletons and carved pumpkins with lights in it.
"The party is held in the wood at the cabin." Aoi said excitedly.
I don't know how Aoi isn't spooked out by this... Wait did she just said in the wood?
"Hey Aoi... I don't-"
"Hey guys." A voice cut me off as we turn around after hearing a guy's voice.
"Igarashi." I said.
"Hey zombie boy." Aoi joked as Igarashi laugh.
Igarashi Kanashi was dress in a zombie costume. Yuki suddenly ran up behind of him dress as a mommy, his eyes and mouth showing.
"Hey Little Red." Yuki said then continue, "Ready for the party.... I heard some spooky things happens when walking in the wood towards the cabin."
"R.Really?" I said my voice slightly trembling.
Nenashima Yukimira (Yuki for short) knew I was afraid of these kinds of things so every Halloween he'll find some story to tell me to frighten me and it always work.
He suddenly receive and hit in the back of his head.
"Could you stop with your childish stories." Aoi said sightly angry.
Yuki rub the back of his head, "Am sorry I couldn't help it... Mina is so vulnerable."
That statement cause him to receive another hit.
I ended up laughing.
"You know you guys are really loud." It took me a while to realize who it is that was because of the dark. A girl walk next to him.
"Hey man." Yuki said.
"Satoshi what are you doing here?" I asked confused.
He then turn to me, "Well someone has to protect you when Kou isn't here right?" he said then continued, "Anyway I found her wondering around and thought you might be able to help her."
With this Satoshi was gone again, 'I hate when he does that.'
I look at the girl that was dressed as a huntress, she held a hand made spear in her hand. It took me a while to recognize her as I spoke,
"Hanaku, is that you?? You look amazing."
"Thank you." She said smiling, he smile disappeared as she look at us, "By chance have you seen my brother Sai?"
We all shook our heads, "No."
Isahragi then spoke, "Maybe he went ahead.. You can walk with us if you like." he offered.
Accepting his offer, Hanaku bowed as she thanked him.
I smile at his kind gesture when I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I jump in fear and turn around to face a very pale old and buff guy wearing raggy, torn famer clothing.
"Trick or Treat?" He ask.
I had forgotten about the basket in my hand as I spoke,
"Am sorry I don't have any."
His smile disappear, he then walk away when passing he then whisper,
"Be carful when walking in the woods..You don't know what will happen."
My body stiffen, "What?"
I look at my friends who have heard the conversation.
"Don't bother with him.... Just like Yuki here he's trying to get to you." Igarashi said.
"Yeah." Aoi and Hanaku said in sync.
"Okay." I said.
"So what are we waiting on...let's go." Yuki said excitedly
We then enter the only part way in the Forest that was lighted by the pumpkin lantern on the ground.
I couldn't get the guys warning out of my head.
My wanting for Kou to be here with me grew more the deeper we went into the woods.