The uneasy feeling didn't leave me as my eyes wonder around the spooky decorated forest.
Aoi and the rest were talking about the party and laughing. I was too spook out to join there conversation so I was quite as I keep on looking.
Yuki was behind of me walking, I guess he was still angry at Aoi for hitting him. 'Serves him right for spooking me out.'
I then heard the rustling of bushes that caused me to jump, "Don't look, don't look." I whispered to myself as I continue walking, ignoring the rustling that I had heard.
It was like the noise was trying to get my attention as I heard the rustling again. My body refuse to listen to what my mind was telling me as I turn to where I've heard the noise.
I saw eyes looking back a me. Quickly turn away from it, frightened.
'W..what was that?' I thought looking back to where I had saw the eyes but nothing wasn't there.
'Maybe it's my imagination.' I told myself this but I was still scared.
"Guys I..I don't like this." I spoke up.
They stop walking and turn towards me.
"Mina are you making that guy get to you?" Aoi ask.
"No but I have the feeling something's watching." I said almost in a whisper.
Yuki suddenly laugh which cause me to jump as I let out a shriek,
"Yuki!" I shout.
"Come on Mina, what ever you saw is apart of the decoration to scare people... I guess he was apart of it to... You know sending people to warn other person..." Yuki explained.
I nodded calming myself down, 'He's right it's all part of the decorations.'
Aoi sigh.
"Come on.. A few more walks and we'll be at the cabin." Igarashi said.
Everyone started walking.
I wanted to get my mind of things so I turn around to talk to Yuki.
"Hey Yu—"
But no one wasn't there.
"Yuki!" I shout but I heard no reply. Everybody turn towards me,
"What's wrong?" Igarashi ask.
"Where's Yuki?" Hanaku suddenly asked.
"I don't know," I said then continue, "He was just behind me a while ago."
"Where could he have gone?" Aoi ask.
"YUKI!" We all shout in sync but heard no reply.
Everyone look at each other, confusion was seen on everybody's faces. Igarashi then spoke,
"He probably went for a leak or something. He know the way beside the cabin is not hard to find.. He'll meet us there."
"Yeah he's right the cabin is not hard to find." Hanaku said agreeing with Igarashi.
Everyone calm down a bit and start walking, in hopes of Yuki meeting us.
"Uh?" It felt as if someone had ran across the tree. I stood staring at a particular part in the woods.
Why do I have this weird feeling?
"Come on Minako." Aoi said snapping me out of my gazing.
"Oh okay." I said.
I was still worried about Yuki but if they were so sure that he'd would meet us at the cabin. I guess I have to believe in that also.
I ran up to Igarashi who was in the fount.
I was still uneasy as I looked around and jumping at every sound I heard.
"Hey." Igarashi suddenly said.
"Uh?" My attention turn to him.
"Are you alright?" He ask.
"Yeah." I lied
"How you and Kou going?"
"Not so well.... We got in a fight." I said.
"I saw him heading out in the morning when doing my morning walk.... He was really angry... Looks like he really wanted to go with you." Igarashi said.
I smile, "really?"
"Yeah, well it looked like it to me." he said stating his opinion.
"Hehhe.." I guess I wasn't the only one looking forwards to this day.... I need to apologize to Kou when I get home.
I then realize what Igarashi had done, because the talk we had I have completely forgot about what was happening around me and I've calm down.
"Thanks." I said looking up at him
"No Prob—"
And that's when we heard it a blood curling scream echoing throughout the woods. Chad and I quickly turn around after hearing the painful scream. A shiver curl through the hairs on my back then cascade down my back bone.
We all look at each other when I ask a question,
"Where is Aoi?"
Aoi was nowhere to be found, just like Yuki she was gone.
"She told me to wait for her because she was going to take a leak." Hanaku said.
"Okay everyone let's look for Aoi." Igarashi said sounding composed.
We'll spilt in two. I was with Hanaku and Igarashi went on his own.
"Maybe she went here." I said to Hanaku, she nodded as I push through the bushes.
I look up and felt air catching in my throat,
"I couldn't fine —"
Igarashi didn't continue his sentence after seeing what Hanaku and I was staring at..
We had found Aoi but it wasn't how I wanted to find her.
Aoi was in a sitting position leaning against a tree with blood dripping from her mouth with a spear wedged in her stomach her eyes roll to the back of her head.
I cover my mouth and turn into Igarashi arms,
"What's happening?... Please let this be a dream." I cried.
I guess he was also shock as me because the place was quite for a moment before I heard him asking,
"Hey Hanaku.. Isn't that your spear?"
I removed myself and look at Hanaku whose hand was empty. I then look at Aoi who had the spear in her stomach.
That's impossible... Hanaku can't be the one who killed Aoi... She was with us all the time.
I look back at Hanaku who wore a confuse and shock expression.