"W..what? Are you guys assuming I can do something like that?" Hanaku asked her voice trembling.
"No we're not all we want to know is how did your spear got there?" Igarashi ask.
"That's like accusing someone," Hanaku said in disbelief.
"Just answer the question." Igarashi said getting impatient.
"Fine... Aoi wanted to see my spear so I gave it her..she told me she wanted to leak and suddenly ran off on me. I then heard her screaming." Hanaku said
"She can't accidentally do it to herself.. Can she?" Hanaku then ask.
I build up my courage and walk over to Aoi. I saw a piece of paper sticking out from under her arm, pulling it out I open the note. No sooner I felt my blood running dry.
"I don't think its Hanaku or Aoi's doings?" I said.
The guys turn and walk up to me as I look at the note;
Give the treats or you'll be trick.
"What?" Hanaku asked confused..
We look at the note confuse which was written in blood.
"Maybe its some dumb trick." Igarashi said logically.
"How can that be?" I ask pointing on Aoi's dead body, "I don't like this." I said throwing down the note.
"Non of us don't." Igarashi said.
I look at Hanaku who was deep in thoughts.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I don't know about you guys but I don't think its a trick."
Igarashi turned to Hanaku.
"I don't think its time to make those kinda of—"
He was suddenly cut off by a maniac laughter coming closer to us.
All of us turn to the direction where we've heard the sound.
"Come on let's get out of here." Igarashi said.
No one wasteed no time on waiting to see who it was. We were now running head over heel following the lights. But it was like we were running closer to the laughter.
"Look out!" Hanaku shouted as a tree bark was heading towards us, everyone dodge it but this cause us to spilt up.
I look at Igarashi. We had stop running to catch our breaths the laughter had stop following us.
"I think we've lost Hanaku." I heard him saying.
"Am scared." I finally admit to Igarashi then continue, "What's going to happen now?"
He then pull me into a warm embrace as he remove the hair from my face and spoke,
"Don't worry everything's gonna be—"
I wait for him to finish but it never came. I pull away from Igarashi and look at him. His eyes widened in horror as blood came out his mouth that's when I realize what had happen. I looked up to see an axe wedge in his head as he fell on his knees then into the floor.
I gasp, "Igarashi..." I felt a lump in my throat as I hold in my tears and looked up.
I then saw him, the person behind all of this. my eyes widened as I felt the hairs on my neck rising as I look at the old buff guy dress in a torn famer clothing and drench in blood.
I turn away from him and started running away. I can't believe it's actually him. The same guy that had warn me earlier was the one doing the killings.
My chest had started to become heavy. I didn't know where I was going and it's getting difficult to see because I stray away from the lights and the moon light wasn't much help. I felt stranded.
"I need to find back the road..." I look around. I just need to look for the pumpkin lanterns.
I wanted to do this but I didn't know whether to go up or down.
"Hmmm..." I suddenly saw a flash of light flashing in my eyes. I ran towards it...
..the closer I got it seems it gets smaller.
I was finally where i saw the light but I was disappointed. It didn't lead me to the road but towards the bushes.
As the light flash in my eyes, I shield it, realizing it was a reflection of the moon light. I push the bushes aside but soon regret it as I backed away tripping over and falling flat on my bottom. scrapping my wrist in the process.
"Noo..." I look up at Hanaku, "Hanaku..."
I look at the girl who had a rope around her neck dangling from the tree branch. Tear steam down her eyes as her tongue hung out her mouth. She held on to a piece of glass which reflect the light. I guess she was trying to cut the rope, blood drip from her hand.
Couldn't take the sight anymore I got up and run away from the area.
I don't think I can take it anymore.. Everyone's gone.. And I don't know nothing about Yuki.
My running soon came to a walk for I was tired. A chilly feeling was felt by the sudden change in temperature.
'I shouldn't of come to this dumb party.' I thought as my frighten eyes dart all over the place looking for a reason to start running again but nothing wasn't there.
I suddenly felt something warm on my shoulder.
My eyes widened, "No."