My Little Red Riding Hood 4

"What you have in that basket?" I heard a very deep voice behind of me.

The person suddenly wrap there cold arms around my shoulder pressing there weight on me.


Using my elbow I hunch the person hard in the stomach and slip out of their grip as the person fall on the floor. I turn around facing the person ready to dash off again.

Wait.. That's not that guy..

"Minako I know you're angry at me but you didn't have to hit me." I look at the guy who was in a wolf costume, on the ground clutching on to his stomach.

"KOU?!!" I knelt down besides him.

I was relief to see Kou, but it was weird that he's here but I didn't care, with everything happening, I needed him right now. I pull him into a hug while apologising.

"Am sorry I taught you were him."

I heard Kou sighing, "Its okay but who is him?"

I pull away from him, tears forming in my eyes,

"He killed them all....all of them, Aoi, Hanaku, Igarashi, Yuki all of them." I was still in shock.


"I didn't know what to do.."

I suddenly felt my body being shaking snapping me out of my frenzy.

"Uh?" I look up at Kou who look at me worriedly.

"I didn't see anyone." He said, "I walk all the way here..I saw you walking off track.... Maybe its some dumb trick your friends are pulling on you."

"I know what I saw!..." My voice came out shaky, "They died."

My eyes widen when I felt something cold on lips. I look to see Kou kissing me. His cold lips moves with mines in perfect sync as I felt my body calming down. I've almost forgotten how this feeling felt like.

He pull away from me and grabbed my hand as he spoke, "You know it's dangerous carrying a scent like this." he licked my bruised wrist, "Especially when it's this sweet." The wound on my wrist healed. He then looked up at me.

"Minako.." He call my name then continue, "Let's get you out of here."

I nod then got up dusting off myself I pick up the basket. I look at Kou making hand gestures.

"What are you doing?"

"Making a barrier around us so no-one can see us." he explained.

I let out a breath of relieve.

Walking with Kou felt better than walking by myself, I felt safe. He avoid asking me what happen and indulge me in other conversation.

"I can't believe my brother let you came here by yourself." Kou stated a bit pissed off.

I shake my head, "I saw him earlier before entering but I don't know where he is."

Kou went quite for a moment then sigh giving up, "He hid his presence."

'I know he's here with me now but...' I look at Kou, '...I thought that he was busy.'

"Kou why are you here?" I ask the question that was ringing on my mind for the longest while now.

"Oh I wanted to apologize to you...So I put in extra work to get here.. Then I received your text and grew worried. Also I smelled your blood so I thought you were in danger." He said.

Although we fought he still think of me... And here I was being greedy. I felt I didn't deserve this... Who would want a girlfriend like me. I need to apologize to him.

"Kou am so—"

I was cut off at the end of my sentence when I realize was alone again.

"Kou!" I called his name while looking around me but I saw no one nor heard a reply to my shouting.

I frown.

"This isn't funny Kou!" I said frightened.

"What isn't?" Someone suddenly whisper in my ear scaring me.

I then hit the person but this time I aim for the groin I turn around my eyes widen again.

"What was that for?" He ask.

"Where'd you go?" I ask.

"No where I thought I sense someone over there." He pointed to the bushes.

"Oh.. Am sorry." I said.. Even though I was really sorry. Seeing Kou's expression made me smile.

"For some reason I have a feeling that your not sorry." He said.

"Your right... Why did you leave me like that?" I admitted.

He got up after pain subside and spoke, "You know you hit hard."

"Its your fault for leaving me..." I got closer to him then spoke, "...Don't ever leave me again."

I guess he took the sentence out of context when I saw him blush as he spoke,

"I..I won't."

Kou and I walk hand in hand as we made out way to the cabin. A faint sound of music could be heard. Kou looked at me,

"See that wasn't bad.." He said

"I guess not." I said

The music grew louder the closer we got. The feeling of apologising to him still linger inside of me. I tug on his shirt.

"Am sorry Kou." I said looking down at the ground.

"For what?" He ask confuse.

"Because I was being greedy. I knew you'd be busy but I still made you come...Am sorry I'll be a better—."

"Don't change." He said cutting me off mid sentence.

"Uh?" I said.

"Don't change. I love you the way your are including your flaws. That's what makes you more beautiful..." I look up at Kou's blushing face as he continue, " You don't have to be perfect to please me." He held my face closer to his, "because in my eyes you're already perfect."

I couldn't help it but smile.

"There you go.. I miss that smile so much." He said then made the barrier disappeared.

We were now watching the back of the cabin with a big lake. There wasn't much people around. I guess everyone was inside.

"Wow.. I didn't know it had a lake."

A person suddenly appear in fount on me, I drop the basket after realizing who it was. My body frozen in place as I watch the guy in the torn farmer clothing covered in blood. Kou who saw my expression pulled me behind of him as the guy grin, showing us his crooked teeth, he the spoke,

"Trick or Treat?"  His raspy voice sounded a bit grated.

He bend down then push his hand in the basket and took some treats out of it then run off.

"Uh?" I look at the guy confuse as he run off.

"What was that about?" Kou asked confused.

I then remember the question he had ask before and the note I have read. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening.

I turn to Kou and spoke, "It was a trick."

Kou still wore the confused expression as I suddenly ran off on him.

"Hey!" He shout behind of me trying to catch up.

I made it at the fount of the cabin, a small smile creep up on my face.