Deja Vu?

Asia's POV

Something was off today. Mama's behavior had taken a strange turn. She clung to me as if her life depended on it, refusing to let me leave her side. And when I suggested that she see a doctor, she vehemently resisted. It puzzled me because Mama was usually level-headed about such things. I even checked her blood pressure, and it seemed fine. No signs of fever either. She was just engulfed in sadness, a melancholy that seemed to have no apparent cause. Sometimes, these feelings can surface out of nowhere, unexplainable and elusive.

I tried my best to coax her into getting some rest. But what truly caught me off guard was when she woke up unusually early. It was a rare sight to see Mama preparing breakfast for us. I couldn't recall a single instance when she had done so before. Usually, she struggled to wake up early, as it would trigger severe headaches for her.

Adding to the peculiarities of the day, Rani, our trusted house help, hadn't shown up at her usual time. We had designated 10:00 AM as her official arrival time, allowing her to clean the house before Mama woke up and prepare her breakfast. However, today she expressed a preference for coming between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM to complete all the chores. We trusted Rani implicitly, which was surprising, considering it had only been a couple of days since she started working for us. But she had proven herself to be reliable, and efficient, and even provided us with her National ID card. It felt as though she had been a part of our lives for ages.

There was an amusing incident when Rani asked Mama for the house keys. Mama, without uttering a word, handed them over to her, as if in a trance. It caught me completely off guard, but I refrained from questioning Mama about it. After all, she knew best, or so I thought.

Strangely enough, I found myself missing Rani more than I worried about Mama's condition. It was an odd guilt that weighed on me. There was something addictive about Rani's presence and the food she prepared. It may sound absurd, but her cooking had become a highlight of my day, and I longed for her return.

"Asia, I have scheduled an appointment for today at 5:00 PM. Please be ready by then," Mama's voice trembled with distress, sending shivers down my spine.

Just then, the doorbell rang. It was Rani. I wondered why she hadn't let herself in. Perhaps she had left her keys at home or something.

"Bibi g, I'm so sorry I'm late. My son had a fever, and he clung to me, refusing to let me leave. But as soon as he fell asleep, I rushed over," Rani apologized.

"It's alright. Just make sure it doesn't happen again," Mama replied with a hint of understanding.

Rani immediately got to work, starting with the kitchen.

"She's clearly lying. Children from poor families know their limits. They understand that they can't afford to be clingy. It's either food on their plates or in their mothers' laps," I whispered to Mama.

"You're right," Mama sighed.

"And you both know it. Not too long ago, you were struggling as well," Rani interjected.

Startled, I glanced behind me.