The Session and the Reveal

And then she thought about not being able to play on the monkey bar or the computer and shuddered and decided that she would never throw Feria off the slide ever again. 

But now since Feria cannot properly speak Asia loves to remind Feria of how she pushed off her off slide. She, according to her doctors, cannot comprehend much but that story of her fall still somehow manages to bring forward a saltwater waterfall from Feria's eyes. Funnily enough, Asia had managed to convince Uncle Gryphon and Aunt Samantha that she loved Feria and cared about her. 

The scene in front of Asia dissipated and the hospital re-emerged in front of her. 

"What is the last thing that you remember doing?" asked Dr Alexander. 

She looked at Dr Alexander and wondered if he had caught on to what happened to her. She clearly remembered everything that happened in front of her, she remembered the darkness, the blue smoke, the fall of Feria. But the doctor looked clueless. 

"I remember getting ready for the pre-wedding shoot. That was the last thing I did." She said looking at Fahad defeatedly, who in return gave her a reassuring smile that reeked of professionalism, not love or affection. 

"I was getting married to you, Fahad. You said you loved me. Why are you acting like you don't know me?" tears started dripping down her face. This was the worst of all things that could ever happen to anybody. The love of her life was standing right in front of her acting inconsiderate and making fun of such a sensitive matter. She had almost died this was no time to play pranks. The look of uneasy strangeness between them pulled at Asia's heart.

"Do you not remember anything? Why are you acting like this? it is not funny anymore? if this is a prank it is a really cruel one!"

Asia started hyperventilating as shed heart-wrenchingly big fat tears from her eyes like Niagara Falls The doctors tried to calm her down and doctor Fahad left the room. 

"Where are you going? Can't face the music, can you! Go away! Runaway! Before I find you and kill you! my own mother is supporting you! I always knew that she didn't love me but she would be this cruel I can't believe it, doctors," she turned her face from the doorway towards Dr Alexander, "I need to tell you something about my mother that you do not have to keep that confidential. You can publish that in tomorrow's newspaper or could run it as a headline on all the news channels of the country. My greedy Mother stole My dad's best friend's wife's diamond bracelet that she got for her 20th anniversary at the very same anniversary party and flushed it down their toilet because she was jealous. Also this one time she threw my grandmother off the bed when she was paralysed and left that room and asked me to or not to tell anybody or she will grow me under a truck. She did kind of throw me under a truck with this unbelievable prank so now I don't have to hide her truth. I have so many more things that I can tell about my mother." Asia hissed with seething anger

"How would you define your relationship with your mother?" 

"My relationship with my cruel and selfish mother is exactly what it should be. Give and take she hates me she only loves Ali she doesn't care about my feelings, my needs, my wounds, my desires. I wish she dies today." Asia gasped at what she had said. She never thought that she would ever express her feelings to anybody let alone a team of doctors that is recording her words. "I shouldn't have said all this I just got a little mad. Probably the effect of some drug that is being pumped up in me."

"Don't worry everything you say here is protected by the law. Is it okay if we carry on the interview? if you are feeling fine and not pressurised?"

"Yeah, I am fine."

"How is your relationship with your brother?"

"He is okay. He is very stupid and I hate the fact that my mother loves him more even though I am so much better than him but I do not hate him as much because he is stupid/" Asia minced back her words. There was certain newfound hate for her family that bubbling to the surface that she didn't know existed. 

"What do you think is your relationship with your own self?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means how do you find yourself as a person? Do you like yourself? Do you like the acts that you commit? Do you avoid spending time with yourself or do you prefer it?"

"Obviously, I like myself I'm a great person. I like myself a lot," she said rolling her eyes stating the obvious. " Also you're saying the word "commit" like I commit crimes."

"What is your favourite personality trait in your own self?"Dr Alexander disregarded her complaint totally.

"I love that I am not affected by other peoples emotions. I do not give undue importance to what other people might be feeling. I respect and care about my own emotions." she said with a sweet, kind smile.

"What are things that you hate in other people?"

"Why would I like other people? They are annoying. I don't like any trait in anybody." she bit down her tongue to hold herself from blurting down too much, so hard that she could taste blood.

"Why don't you hate your brother?"

"I don't know," she pretended to think deeply." Maybe he is not important enough to waste my energy on. I don't care about him."

"But you do hate everybody else around you. Why is giving importance to your own brother is a difficult task?" 

"My mother gives him enough important I don't think he needs any more." Spat Asia bitterly.

"How would you define your relationship with your dad? We see that you do not mention him as much?"

"My relationship with my dad is basically nonexistent since he isn't home and he's always at work is always been working a double shift. Even when we were poor...I mean since our childhood," she said abruptly.

It was clear that she didn't want to talk about her dad. The nurse next to Dr Alexander was noting her body language on an iPad. The recorder was next to her was turned off by Alexander while another doctor started talking to Asia.

"Hello, I'm your orthopaedic surgeon and I'm here to perform a few tests on you with my fellow Dr Ayesha. These tests will help us review your progress." He pointed towards a young resident that stood next to him. He was a tall man with a clean shave salt and pepper probably around his 60s. 

They performed certain breathing exercises with different breathing tools and apparatuses and even made her walk across the room which was, surprisingly, not painful at all though a little bit tiresome 

Dr Alexander and his fellow nurse were standing patiently by her side noting down her body language as she walked and performed different exercises.