Who's the doctor now?

"We need a little bit of blood directly from the heart."

"All the blood in a body is from the heart." 

"Also we need a little bit of blood from her brain."

"But all the blood is the same," Mrs Chohan rolled her eyes, "do you not know basic science?"

"Baji, I do know that all blood in the body is the same. But is the demand of the protocol." 

"Baji, I do know basic science but the pain resides in the brain and heart."

"No, the pain is only in the brain. It's just some chemical reactions happening in the brain, not the heart, that make one feel pain."

"That is what science believes the reality is very much different."

"So what you mean is that the doctors that have been working on science for centuries do not know anything and instead you, who works as a maid in people's houses, knows better." scoffed Mrs Chohan.

Rani clenched her jaw and unclenched her jaw, visibly pissed at the commentary. She folded her hands around her chest. "You will get to know about it in a few moments. A doctor will come running here and tell you that all the fractures were healed that they need not any of the nails that they've bolted in her ribs have healed, Something, yet again, they have never witnessed. In fact, there's a doctor that's about to knock on this door in about 3 seconds," she said smugly looking at the wall clock. 

"There you go," There was a loud knock at the door. 

A startled Mrs Chohan opened the door, hesitantly. There was a doctor standing in front of the door holding a Brown bag which probably had the XRay films in it. She seemed to be a young resident in his early 20s.

"There has been a miracle all her fractures have healed. It's like they were never there all the swelling in her body, is gone."

"She won't go in a coma, right?" said Mrs Chohan hopefully. 

"We are trying our best. Drugs are being administered to reverse the effect. Please continue praying."

"We are," said Mrs Chohan. She was too stunned for words.

The doctor found it very odd because to him it looked like Mrs Chohan was not happy about the healed fractures. But this look on Mrs Chohan's face was of confusion rather than sadness. When the doctor left she took out the X-Ray films and looked at them. But of course, she didn't know much about it so she assumed everything was fine.

"I told you," said Rani with a smug smile.

"Tell me how can we get rid of her emotional pain?" Mrs Chohan was awestricken and scared to bits.