Rising from the ashes like a...phoenix?

Mrs Chohan bit her tongue back. The cold ice-like fear crept from the nape of her neck down her chest to heart and slowed it. The fear was visibly tangible in her eyes as she dunked her sight to the ground, embarrassed, breaking in cold sweats. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked something so personal." 

"No, it's fine baji. You shouldn't be saying sorry to me. You were the one who helps me pay my bills. I just know that when I'll tell you my age I won't be able to lie about it," Rani smile freakily, "because it is one of those things that we cannot lie about." Rani continued to smile like there was some secret about Mrs  Chohan that she knew concealed by a threat.

"We should leave. We have to get this amulet to Asia baji before 3.33 am."

"Oh yes," Mrs Chohan smacked her forehead, "call the driver we should leave quickly." She had totally forgotten about the mission she was on.