Blood bath

Mr and Mrs Chohan were discussing what just happened with them. 

"Why did you start screaming when you saw Asia," Mrs Chohan asked him

"I thought there was a little extra darkness around me. I did sense a little bit of motion when she entered the room ever so sneakily. I looked harder and then I saw a flash on top of my head. I reached for the lamp and turned it on. And Asia was standing there with an impassive look  on her face and holding her fist up high as if she was going to pounce on me." He recalled how the whole event unfolded.

"Well, she wouldn't have attacked you. She has never done anything like that even when she is extremely furious. She doesn't hit anybody. She's not the type." Mrs Chohan rolled her sleepy eyes while pulling the blanket over her shoulders, positioning herself back in her bed ready to go back to sleep.