Dre Core Paramount

The solid 24 k gold fort had 90 meter tall and 3 meters thick walls. The gate was made up of platinum, encrusted with diamonds, sapphires and emeralds to make a bedazzling hypnotizing pattern. Only ones that were allowed to enter the fort made it past the mesmerising spell cast by the patterns.

Just a few feet from the gate were thousands of decaying dead bodies that had been hypnotized by it and couldn't get up to leave. They had all died of lack of food and water days later. 

The bodies were not removed from the premises to set an example for outsiders.

There were thousands of flowers lined around the fort to make up for the rancid smell coming out from the dead bodies. 

When the smell of the dead bodies overpowered the smell of the fragrant flowers, a portion of them were discarded in the dumps that were full to the brim, 78 miles northeast from the fort. 

The gate opened with a musical sound for its esteemed owner.