
Rani did not expect Augustus to be this stupid. She did not expect him to is stupid enough to not tell that he was here to be proposed by her. 

So how come you wanted to meet me after all these years? And clearly you don't even remember me so...what is happening? 

Rani contemplated in her brain whether it was a nice decision to put forward a marriage proposal like this when he's clearly so much hurt by the departure of his wife.

"I want to provide motherly care to your child. I am deeply saddened by the departure of his mother. Since I have felt that feeling, that emptiness, I don't want your child to feel it too."

"I appreciate your concern. And I am very touched by your kind suggestion." He said with a gentle smile. "But nobody can ever fill the space created by the departure of a mother. And in no manner do I want to be rude but you cannot be his mother. Nobody can."