Checking Point


Von gaze at Esperanza for a while before she let out a sigh. She stand up and wipe off the dust on her clothes.

"So? Why did you call me out here?" Von asked.

Esperanza helplessly smiled as he realized that Von wasn't in the mood in reminiscing the past with him. "His Highness, the 2nd prince, is asking for your presence"

Von furrowed her brows. "Tell him that I don't have any reason to meet him"

"Aren't you even gonna ask why he's looking for you?" Esperanza asked.

"Do I have to? Everyone in the palace are looking for me. It's either to tie me up in the palace again and do some princess shit or they'll be giving me my punishment for running away" Von answered back with a question.

Esperanza went silent as he realized that it is indeed unnecessary for Von to ask the reason. Von clearly doesn't want to go back and just want to go around the world. She wants to be free and fly away from its cage.

Esperanza sighed. "I knew that would be your answer. The 2nd prince wants you to take Klaryze with you to travel the world. But, I already asked His Highness that I'd be the one to do it instead. Since I've knew that you might be unwilling" Esperanza explained even when Von didn't asked.

Von wondered when she heard an unfamiliar name. "Klaryze?"

"She's a guest of His Highness the 2nd prince. She seems to be looking for her cousin" Esperanza explained the situation.

"I see." Von nods as she understands the situation. "It's a good thing that you took the responsibility instead. I don't want a dead-weight on my travels"

Von stopped and ponders for a while when she thought of something. "Then, why do you still need me to come here?"

Esperanza shrugged as he smiled. "I feel like telling you"

Von was speechless! She doesn't know what to respond. She just then decided to divert the topic as she was helpless with the situation.

"Then..." she coughed once and continued, "...D-do you want to visit your father? It's almost his death anniversary" she asked. Her eyes can't stay firm. She looked in different directions as if trying to avoid Esperanza's eyes.

She was obviously not comfortable talking or even mentioning Esperanza's father. After all, that person means a lot to her.

Esperanza eyes went wide in surprise when Von invited him. "Sure!" Esperanza hurriedly accepted.

"Mmn." Von nods in satisfaction as she turns around and walked away.

"Where's your magical weapon? Eli seems not to be here?" Esperanza asked while following her. He looked around trying to find Von's magical weapon.

"He's not here." Von said as she told him where Eli is. She also told him about Giya and Keya's situation.

Esperanza attentively listen to Von's story. He then realized that Von will be traveling alone for the mean time. After thinking about it, he find this as an opportunity for him!

Esperanza coughed as he suggested, "Then, do you want me to accompany you for the mean time? I could show you the places that I've already went to"

Von stopped from her tracks as he look at Esperanza. Esperanza also looked at her innocent eyes.

"Really?" Von asked innocently.

Esperanza smiled. "Of course"

Von also smiled but then after some seconds she furrowed her brows. Esperanza got confused by her sudden change of reaction.

"Why?" Esperanza worriedly asked.

"How about that Klaryze?"

Esperanza blinked as he also realized about Klaryze situation.

"Uhh..." Esperanza can't give an answer.

Tak who was silently watching and listening to their conversation interrupts them as she helped her master.

"Don't worry about her Your Highness. The 2nd prince gave us two to three months before we could report back. I think it is enough before Your Highness' magical weapon comes back and it is also enough to travel some places"

Von nods after hearing Tak's reasoning. "Okay. I'll send a letter to Eli later night. Your father's grave is around this area so we could visit it tomorrow. For now, let's rest in an inn. I know both of you are also tired from your travel."

Both Esperanza and Tak agreed to Von's suggestion.


Both Esperanza and Von meet up in the grave.

Esperanza was the first one to arrive and he also had a lot of time to talk to his father alone.

After an hour, Esperanza heard a footsteps on his back. He turned around and smiled when he saw Von's arrival.

"Esperanza greets Her Highness, Princess Lyian" Esperanza formally and respectfully greeted Von.

Von rolled her eyes. "Please, stop. You know that I no longer treat myself as a princess."

Esperanza just smiled and didn't replied anymore. Because for him, she'll always be a princess.

Von walked closer as she saw Esperanza's father name on the headstone.

Von bows respectfully as she greeted, "Your disciple greets master Esperanza"

After greeting, she kneeled down as she talk to Esperanza's father. She talked about her travels.

As she keeps talking, there was some tinge of sadness in her eyes. Esperanza saw this and he could simply watch her.

"You never took me in as your official disciple, but I always thought of you as my master. Esperanza, the cause of your disappearance remains unknown. But most of the evidences states that you are dead. I... don't believe that a mighty person like you are gone just likd that..." Von's voice was faint as if she's almost crying, but at the same time it was clear as if she was pretending to be strong.

Esperanza was well aware about his father's circumstances. Even he doesn't know how and why his father suddenly disappeared. No, to be exact, no one expects the news of his father's death! His father was always traveling thus people rarely sees him. That is why Esperanza's (his father's) death was too sudden! He and Von only heard from rumors that Esperanza was suddenly missing and the evidences points that Esperanza is already dead. Von tried to confirm the news with the King and Von only heard a depressing confirmation.

Esperanza tried to consoles Von by gently tapping her back. Von looked at the current Esperanza that was on her side. She sighed when she looked at him.

"It's almost 2 years since he died---"

"Please, stop cursing that your father is really dead" Von cuts what Esperanza was trying to say.

Esperanza's eyes grew wide. He was about to reason with Von but she already read what's going on with his mind. Esperanza was about to convince her to move on already but she refused to because she doesn't believe that her master really died.

"Esperanza, do you know why I ran away from the palace?" Von suddenly asked.

Esperanza was confused why she suddenly asked, but he still shook his head since he really was clueless.

"I'm looking for some clues where my master really is. He might left some clues behind on his journey and maybe I could found out why he suddenly disappears. It's just too sudden... Don't you even wonder why?" Von looked at him with her teary eyes.

Esperanza gulped and looked away. "Your master..." he sighed before he continued, "Esperanza is not even my real father. He only took me in for a night and that was when you've met me before. Then, when you heard about the news of his death or his disappearance you just asked me to inherit his name. I don't even know why you asked me that, but I agreed since you were the one who asked. In other words, I don't have any real relationship with him."

Von stared at him for a second before she smiled. "Yes, I'm thankful for that. His adventurer name must live on but not anybody should just steal his name. I want someone who was trustworthy to inherit it instead. I know its selfish, I'm sorry" Von said honestly.

Esperanza nods to tell her that he understands and he doesn't mind at all. He was even glad when he was the one that she asked a favor to.

"So, you were travelling for the sake of your master?" Esperanza wanted to clarify.

Von nods at first but also shook her head. "Yes and no. Esperanza's appearance was unknown and his disappearance was also unknown. I'm curious and I want to know more about him. But, I'm also traveling for my own sake"

"I see. Don't worry, even though I'm not really that acquainted with the real Esperanza, I will take good care of you, Your Highness. I took his name and even his former magical weapon, Tak. So, I got to know him more from you and Tak." Esperanza boldly said.

Von got startled at his remark. It was true that Tak was Esperanza's former magical weapon. When he inherit Esperanza's adventurer name Von also gave him Tak.

"You might not know, Esperanza always checks up on you according to Tak. So, I might as well do his job this time. I'll take care of you on his behalf"

Von chuckled and said, "Please, stop making jokes like these"