Light after the Tunnel - I



Von was checking and arranging the stuff they need on her storage. Von's storage hangs on her necklace. It looks an ordinary small stone but when you opened it, the inside looks like a big closet. To open the storage, it will be needing the owner's mana. It could only fit limited things but it was enough for Von.

Esperanza watched Von fix the things that they need to bring for their journey. On the other hand, Von pretends that she was not bothered by Esperanza's gaze.

She tried! But...

Von sighs as she returns the stare to Esperanza. "Don't you have anything to do? Don't just sit there and watch me! We will be leaving today, you know?"

Esperanza shrugged and answered, "I don't need to prepare anything. All I need is Tak"

Only if Tak were on the human form right now, Tak would rolled her eyes. Tak asked instead, "Your Highness, Esperanza and I were wondering to where we are heading?"

Von finished packing her stuff on her storage. "Oh, yes. But first, please refrain calling me 'Your Highness' or 'Princess Lyian'. I already told you this many times already. If I heard both of you called me that way again, I'm gonna kick you out from this journey. Do you get me?"

Tak and Esperanza gulped and immediately nod after hearing Von's threatening voice and seeing her looked at them fiercely.

Von calmed down after she received a satisfactory response from them. "There's a place I want to visit and check. It took my attention when me and Eli got lost on our journey before. It looks really strange"

"Where is that place located?"

"It's quite near at the Borneous Kingdom, I guess? It's because after we entered the Borneous's border, we got lost and we got into a lot of trouble that time. Oh! I think the place is near at where the general dragon is located" Von said as she hardly tried to remember the place. It's already been so long and all she could remember are the misfortunes that happened.

It was all Eli's fault! He told her that he's gonna show her a wonderful place, but instead he leads them into a lost and abandoned place. They even met some kids who tried to trick them!

"I also remembered that there's a abandoned town but it also doesn't look abandoned. The place looks nice but the people inside that town isn't. We met a bunch of kids who tried to scam us and even tried to use your name! Whenever I remember that, it ticks me off. How dare they tried to taint the name Esperanza?" Von uttered in annoyance.

Then after that event, the little kid seemed to show them the real way out but the place was full of monsters and wild animals. Luckily, Esperanza and Eli got trained and knows how to defend themselves.

They fought their way out and sometimes Von will lose a lot of her mana. That was also the time she saw the strange place filled with an uknown yet bewitching spirit. She wanted to go to that place, but she was too tired and the place seems too dangerous. Eli and Von then decided to immediately leave that place instead.

Esperanza tried to recall if he knows the place that Von was talking about but he failed. He also got curious about that place when Von talked about it. Esperanza suddenly got more excited in their travel.

"Then, let's head to that abandoned town first." Esperanza suggested.

Von agrees. "Okay. I'm all ready, shall we go?"

Esperanza stood up. He took Tak, who is still in the form of sniper, and carry it to his back.

"I already bought two horses for the both of us" Esperanza reminded Von.

Von stopped. "Right. Tak can't change into a horse"

Esperanza chuckles, "Yes. She's not like Eli. Tak could change into human form but in only a limited time. But she could change into various types of weapon and she's really powerful"

Von holds her chin as she inspects Tak. After a while, she raise her hand as if she gave up on something. "Well, yeah. Tak should be powerful since its my master former magical weapon after all"

Von stared at Tak again, "You better take good care of the current Esperanza as you take good care of my previous master"

Tak feels like it has a sweat on her forehead because of Von's warning, but then it remembered that it doesn't have one on it's current form! "Yes! Yes! Absolutely!" Tak immediately agreed.


Von took a new journey together with Esperanza and Tak. On the way on their destination, both of them either hunt to eat for their dinner or buy some foods in some near inns and shops. They also usually just slept outside but sometimes if they arrive at some inns or an abandoned houses they'll stay there for a night or 2.

They had a lot of stopovers in some places that caught their attention. They'll either take a tour for a day or stay there for days.

There was also some nights in where they slept together in a same room. With the reason that they have a short money.

In one of those nights, Von discovered something about Esperanza. It was because Von woke up for the reason that Esperanza keep groaning while sleeping.