

In the midst of Eli's journey back to where his owner is, he stumbled upon a warehouse where a lot of knights gathered.

As his curiosity kicks in, he can't help himself but to transform into his human form to ask some of the knights about what's going on.

"A dangerous beast managed to escape from its cage. We're trying to evacuate the citizens and looking for some clue about the beast's whereabouts. It's just weird that we found this letter that is not that far from the cage. The investigation also states that the cage has been opened from the outside as if someone willingly let it free." one knight informed Eli as the knight also lends the letter to him.

Eli read the letter out loud, "I'll be out for the whole night. Stay inside and don't go around the warehouse. There's a dangerous beast hiding in there. If you ever encounter it, remember not to trust him and don't let him out. He's dangerous, so as much as possible stay away from it. Just wait for me as I get something for us to eat"

After Eli finished reading it, he returned the letter to the knight. Eli just shook his head from disappointment.

"If the letter is meant for someone, then the receiver is stupid or the sender is an idiot." Eli commented before he transformed back into his horse form.

The knight was surprised to see the 2nd princess' magical weapon in person. "Y-you're... Why are you here? Where is her highness?!" asked by the knight.

Eli neighs. "That's something I can't answer. Anyway, good luck finding the beast" he said before leaving the place.


A 17 year old boy named Wisdom was seen wandering around the warehouse with a swordsman beside him.

"Let's rest here for a while, you're fever is getting higher" The swordsman said as he checked the boy's temperature.

The boy nodded in agreement. The swordsman assisted the boy to lay down so he could sleep for a while.

"This kid is so pitiful..." the swordsman whispered as he watches over Wisdom.

The swordsman remembered how he first met him. The young boy was neither crying nor showed any hint of sadness when his house together with his family caught in a fire, he just blankly stared outside the house on fire.

He doesn't know what really happened to Wisdom, but he still decided to take him in. The swordsman knows nothing about Wisdom at all.

All that Wisdom could remember was when he learned that a gas could make the fire stronger and that it was dangerous to play with it because it was hot and could burn you. After that, he just found himself following a swordsman inside a warehouse.

Few hours had passed when Wisdom finally opened his eyes again after sleeping. He found a note on his side. He stared at it for 5 minutes before he crumpled it and throw it away.

"I can't read!" Wisdom shouted in annoyance.

His eyes went wider as he recalled something. He shut his eyes and held his head. "Argh!" Wisdom yelp in pain as some blurry images flashing through his head.

When his headache was over, Wisdom decided to stroll around. He encountered a lot of trashes, some kind of beasts and also a human.

"Y-you're... Why are you---"

"Why am I here?" a man inside the cage continued what Wisdom was about to ask.

Wisdom was speechless!

"You recognize me?" the man asked.

Wisdom thought hard and tried to recall if he knows the man inside the cage, but he can't remember! Wisdom was sure that the man was familiar to him but at the same he was also a stranger to him.

Wisdom shook his head as his answer. "No. Who are you?" Wisdom asked.

The man inside the cage was shocked when Wisdom's response is not what he was expecting. That was the first time!

"You'll know if you get me out of here" the man tried to trick him.

Wisdom frowned. "Why are you locked inside there in the first place?"

"You don't need to know" the man said.

Wisdom sighed before he asked again, "Then, what will I get in return?"

The man got amused, "Nothing"

"I see... I wonder if that's a good thing? " Wisdom mumbled. He shrugged before he helped the man to escape.

"There" Wisdom said when he successfully released the man.

The man smirked. "You're a weird guy. Follow me, I'll give you something"

Wisdom got excited so he followed him. They walked outside the warehouse. The man transformed into a beast and Wisdom was amazed by it.

"You're not scared?" the beast asked after he transformed.

"Why?" Wisdom innocently returned the question.

The beast just kept the answer to Wisdom's question to himself. The beast knows that it's pointless to tell him the truth with Wisdom's current mental capability.

If the beast was like the others, he would probably also pity Wisdom.

"Hop in" the beast ordered Wisdom to ride on top of him. Wisdom obliged.

Both of them ran as they left the place. They traveled for almost 3 hours and during those times, Wisdom continued getting a headache.

"Stop! Stop!" Wisdom plead to the beast to stop running because his head was hurting. The beast didn't listened to him but still continued running.

"Ahhhhh!" Wisdom shouted in pain.

The beast smirked as he enjoys hearing Wisdom scream in pain.

"This is the last gift that you'll receive, my dear" the beast said in the middle of Wisdom's suffering.

When Wisdom stopped screaming and the beast noticed that Wisdom's breathing was getting heavier, the beast finally stopped on his track.

"Is it finally time?" the beast asked before he let Wisdom fall to the ground from his back.

The beast transformed into a man that Wisdom supposed to be familiar with.

When Wisdom looked back to the beast that transformed into a man, he was shocked by it's appearance. But that didn't last long. Wisdom looked at the man with adoration and at the same time with contempt.

The beast was once again surprised by Wisdom's reaction. He does not know why Wisdom has a different reaction from what he was supposed to have!

This kid really have an issue.

"Stealing my memory and giving me a mind that is worst than a child was your way of protecting me, huh? Teacher?!" Wisdom asked.

The beast then come into realization what was going on.

So, that is what's going on.

Wisdom's teacher was the most important person to him and his teacher also cherishes Wisdom to the point of stealing its memory to keep Wisdom away from harm.

The beast mentally laughed at Wisdom's pitiful state. That is because when his knowledge returned, it was too late for him.

Wisdom coughed some blood and inhaled his last breath.

"You're welcome" the beast said as he watch how Wisdom dies.

The reason of Wisdom's death was because he was forced to remember something he shouldn't have and from the overwhelming mana that the beast was giving to Wisdom during their travel for the past 3 hours.

Wisdom's teacher casted a spell to erase his memory and the beast tried to cast another spell which makes it more painful for Wisdom to handle.