Bones Will Remain As Bones


Clip-clop-clip... Clip-clop-clip...

Inside a buoyant city, a lone horse was wandering around to look for a shelter to stay in for the night. The horse was gaining a lot of attention. Many people think about how unusual and weird it was for a horse to walk alone without an owner. They're guessing that the horse might have been lost.

"I wonder, if those Hone cousins are still doing that? Should I go check it out?" the horse thought to himself. Completely, ignoring the stares of the people.

"Nah. Those people are creepy. Von told me that I shouldn't mind them anymore." the horse continued.

After a while, the horse finally noticed that everyone was looking in his way. He stopped walking and looked around.

Everyone was indeed looking at him, as if he was a main character from a movie. He smirked as he put his heads up. He felt that everyone was adoring him and was fascinated on his looks. The horse doesn't realize that it's not what he thinks it is.

"Wait... Could it be... Did they already figured out who I am?" the horse questioned himself. He looked around again and everyone was still watching him.

"That's no good! I don't want to answer anymore questions! I'm gonna get out of here, I'll just stay inside the forest instead. Using this road is not a good idea at all!" the horse thought as he quickly galloped outside the city.

The citizens was surprised when the horse suddenly ran away. They immediately made some way for the horse, as they were afraid to get crashed by it.

"What's with that strange horse?" one citizen asked.

"Well, isn't a good thing that it left on its own?" another person said.

The horse named Eli, left that buoyant and prosperous city due to a misunderstanding. When he entered the forest, he sighed.

"I should've realized sooner that those people would recognize me as Von's magical weapon. It was not that long since we've been here, after all." Eli continued to misunderstand the situation, as he reminisce how they got traveled around that prosperous city before.


"Hey, hey. Have you heard it already? They say that the Hone cousins is only 2 steps away from completing the ritual and spell that they've been working on for years!"

"Really? I'm excited! I wonder what kind of spell are they working on?"

"I heard that it's something that no one would be able to do"

"Then, they might be the first one if they succeed? Wow, that's amazing! They'll be the pride of our city if they did succeed!"

Von took a glance at the ladies that was giggling on one side. She finished the snack she was eating and throw it to the trashcan that was near them.

She walked away from the ladies. Eli followed her.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Eli asked Von.

She shrugged as she used her eyes to look around the city. This is their last day on the well-known city. Von could say that their stay was a satisfying one.

"Waa, how boring of you. Aren't you even curious?" Eli complained.

Since Von was in a good mood and was satisfied about their stay on the city, she figured to entertain Eli for a while before they leave.

"Then, shall we go and check out those cousins?" she suggested.

Eli's eyes sparkled and nodded. "Yes!"

They didn't took a while to figure out, where the Hone cousins was staying at. It is because they are famous on the city and everyone knows where they live. The people was also aware that those two are experimenting and trying to make a new spell.

Von and Eli was standing in front of a large mansion. Eli couldn't help but to feel amazed, while Von remained unstartled.

"Their house is huge!" Eli commented as he transform into his human form.

Both of them are not the only people outside the mentioned mansion. Many people are also standing in front of it, as if they're waiting for the gates to open.

"What are you all doing in here?" Eli asked one person.

"Are you not the same as us? We are waiting for the live experiment that the cousin will present today. Aren't you aware that they usually open their gates so people could watch them? Sometimes, they even let some volunteers to participate in the experiment" the lady answered.

Before Eli could even answer back, the gates opened, letting everyone to go inside. Von and Eli followed the crowd.

Everyone was anticipating for the experiment show that the Hone cousins will present. Even Eli got excited to watch it. Von let out a small smile as she watch how happy Eli was. It was like they were waiting for a magic show to happen.


When the Hone cousins comes out, both Eli and Von felt something was wrong with their mana.

"This is..." Eli muttered when he felt how his body hair suddenly straight up.

Both of their eyes went wide when they saw what kind of ritual the cousins was trying to do. No ordinary people would realize what the Hone cousins are trying to do unless they are well-educated in terms of magic spells.

The Hone cousins continued to draw a magic spell on the ground and the people behind those two started to enchant a ritual.

"S-shouldn't we stop them, Von?" Eli nervously asked.

Von looked at the Hone cousins. She feel pity for the both of them, since she have learned earlier that they've been doing this experiment for years. She can't help but to sigh as she feel such sympathy for them.

Von shook her head, "No, Eli."

"But they're doing this for nothing..." Eli mumbled.

"Let them hope for nothing, this way they could wake up from their dream by themselves. They try to deceive themselves that it is possible or it will be possible, when they already know that there is only one possible outcome. No matter what method they use or how long they try, humans can't become a god. Human capabilities have their own limit. If they try too much, they'll just meet an unfortunate fate." Von continued as she watch how those Hone cousins do their best for nothing.

"If they're doing this, then that means someone who's important to them might have already met an unfortunate fate" Eli commented.

Von agreed to his statement. Whoever that person might be, it must be someone special for them that they couldn't accept the truth up until now.

Even still, their commitment on this is quite respectable but also something only foolish person would do.

"Don't mind them too much. You just have to learn that there are a lot of people like them, who takes joy in hoping and trying to grasp something they couldn't and wouldn't be able to reach at the first place. They are the people who does not know when to give up and was too blind by their own principles. Well, you shouldn't blame them. They're just doing what a normal human being would usually do. That's just what it is"