Trying To Commit Unlawful Acts (1)

"Hurry up! Bag it!"

In fast movements, Lay put the money in the bag. He was exhilarated to experience these things, committing crimes against the law.

Rick who was the leader of their gang chuckled from the joyful look of the newbie. This young man was too handsome to do this illegal acts but he was an efficient worker so the leader gladly welcomes him to their gang. The leader thought that Lay was happy on seeing so much money but he had no idea that the other was just joyful in committing such illegality.

The Lion Tiger gang was a group of thieves joined together to perform big operations. Like now, they were stealing from a three-star bank. This was their tenth operation and as Rick observed for the duration of their operations, they would be successful on this one as well.

But little did they know, the infamous team of detectives were surveilling them outside. They were looking for an opportunity to catch these criminals.

The head of the group was none other than Miss Su or also known as Detective Su. A low-key genius detective that could track a criminal with just one clue, even there weren't clues, she still could sniff out the culprit.

Detective Su had a shiny raven black hair that reached her mid-upper body which would sway smoothly as she walked. She removed her sunglasses and a distinctive bejewelled mole near her left eye would easily catch people's attention. Her attractive features were otherworldly if not for her expressionless face that intimidated people.

"Captain! There are six of them. Five middle-aged men and one is a youth around twenties," Detective Benitte reported to their captain.

The captain has been pursuing the large scale of bank robbery for one month and these robbers would usually target three-star banks. But as monitored by their team, they were only a group of five. So they had recruited a newbie?

The beautiful detective was still expressionless as she commanded her team to call for their backup. Detective Su's team weren't into physical force as they only interfere when it came to mind-puzzling cases, their reinforcements were the police who would be dealing those robbers face to face.

Sirens of the police cars were heard from the outside as Rick cursed from their misfortune. He thought that their operations had been doing well. Usually, they would have already left before the police came.

Realizing that it might be because they were being eye-catching for two months of robbery that some experts might involve themselves but why would they bother?

It was unexpected for the superior team of Detective Su to solve this kind of petty case but when Benitte, her close aide asked her what case they would take, the captain randomly chooses through the neatly arranged files in her table and threw it to the other.

At first, Benitte was surprised to read the bold letters in the cover of the file chosen therefore he thought that the captain was joking but when he stared at her, he realized that she never cracked jokes.

She wasn't kidding.

Benitte couldn't be more perplex about how was the brain of their captain was working. He couldn't measure the workings of her mind as the captain would sometimes do unexpected things.

'This is captain's way.' With delighted eyes, Benitte praised his captain in his mind.

Rick commanded one of his buddies to prepare their escape passage, although the police had already come and surrounded the area, they were prepared for it.

Lay was curious to what this leader would do in this situation and as he heard about a map for an escape passage, he was excited to see it.

The leader of the robbers pointed to the direction they were following after the map was unfolded. The underground tunnels were very complicated but for Lay, he easily memorized it with one look. He had no recollection with his life when he was alive so he had no idea if his retentive memory came from his human life or just activated after he became a ghost.

"Alright, let's go!" Rick said as he led their team while carrying two bags of money. Each one of them was carrying two bags but only the newbie was carrying one as they underestimated the new recruit's strength, just looking on his thin body, they were sure that he couldn't carry two bags that each weighed five kilograms. They had no idea that the young ghost had killed ten professional bodyguards with bare hands if they knew that then they wouldn't tolerate this kind of treatment to him.

"Hurry!" Rick stated as he opened the secret passage going to the underground tunnel.

This three-star bank was closed, that's why they targeted it. As their operations would only be applicable to close bank as to avoid any dramas like unexpectedly robbing a bank in fine weather as clients would shout for mercy with their lives and police would be calling out from the outside to surrender.

Rick had no time for that which why they only robbed close banks and prepared for tools to open the complicated locks of its safe but luckily they were able to save time as this newbie was unexpectedly talented when it came to this. In just seconds, he was able to unlock the safe.

The group of robbers was so blind to know that this talented person was a ghost full of tricks.

The darkness of the tunnel alighted their flashlights as they ventured through it. Lay felt comfortable in this dark atmosphere as it replenished his energy as a ghost.

But as they neared the exit with hurried footsteps. The handsome young man momentarily stopped and ejected from his possessed body. He felt a revolt of yang energy coming from somewhere that made him to subconsciously go out from his possessed body.

The group of robbers didn't notice the fallen body of the newbie as they were filled with joy because they were able to escape, successfully. Yet unknown to them, a masculine cool voice welcomed them.

"Put down those bags and hands to the air!" Detective Benitte shouted as groups of police pointed guns to the robbers.

"How?" Rick unconsciously asked as he was stunned to this development.

Benitte heard the robber's question as disdain passed on his expression but it immediately vanished.

"Oh, if you're being targeted by Detective Su then surely you would end up in jail in no time." Then the detective asked the police to handle the situation.

"Detective Su?" The floating ghost stated as he neared the beautiful woman full of yang energy. He was about to touch her as to confirm if she was really female because he felt that his eyes were tricking him.

'How did this expressionless yet beautiful female had that vast of yang energy? Is that even possible?'

Lay's hand neared the shoulder of the beautiful detective but immediately he took away his burnt hand. He sensed that his ghost energy was halved due to touching that woman.

He distances himself and looked at the beautiful detective in curiosity while he labelled her to be as one of the humans that he should avoid.

"Captain! There's another person left in the tunnel. It's a young man!" Detective Mary was another member of Su's team. She helped out the youth who was cradling his head as he walked, sluggishly.

"The new recruit?" A pleasant female voice came out from the said captain as she was observing the youth.

"Yes, captain!" Benitte affirmed.

But Detective Su only looked with her usual blank expression at the young man as some veiled thoughts were running in her mind.

Immediately, the clueless young man was handcuffed that made him stopped from cradling his aching head as he looked in question at the beautiful detective.


At this hour, there was a scene of bashing a car's window shield happened in an isolated street as Lay was excited to be assigned as the driver of their stolen car.

Lay had no idea what type of car was this but he knew that this was one of the latest trending cars that he usually saw on t.v.

Fortunately, the owner of the car had left his precious automobile in a deserted place where crime could possibly happen.

'Such an idiot,' Lay commented in his mind as he started the engine through connecting two wires.

They were clueless that this was just a trap.

David who was the leader of this gang was an expert carnapper together with his buddies. They had been doing their operation for a year now and they would skillfully escape the police by removing their traces of evidence.

And he was confident that this would be another successful operation which in return would be just a passing thought as fifty meters away from them was the beautiful detective's team.

"Captain, I heard that Levvi's team couldn't track out the carnappers that's why he dumped this case to us," there was a hint of mirth in Benitte's eyes as he said to the silent captain.

The intense dark eyes of the beautiful detective was like a predator observing her prey.

Once again, Lay met Detective Su after failing another one of his to do list.