

Krinn and Arlo immediately released all their strength. And they also used all the defensive techniques they had.

Now they used all their strength to the point that their eyes turned red.

They knew that Rena's attack was the most dangerous attack. This is an attack that comes from the law of killing.

On the surface, the attack might seem so simple that it wouldn't cause the slightest damage to the environment. But when it comes to killing targets, there is definitely no more lethal strike than an attack that comes from the law of killing.

Even if they were on full alert, they would still need a lot of effort to block Rena's attacks, not to mention when they were off guard.

However, Rena who saw their actions only smiled sarcastically.

"Too late." She says.

"My attack has already passed you... The defenses you created can only protect a speck of your life."