Bad luck for Krinn and Arlo Part 1


In an instant, a fierce battle erupted within the crater.

Of course, even if Roux and Reva and Rena's followers are strong enough, they still end up being pressured when facing the people who want to save Krinn and Arlo.

However, what surprised people was; as they became more and more depressed, there were actually several people who came to help them. One of them was even second-tier faction heir, and there were several Princes of the Great Kingdom.

Even Roux and Reva were surprised to see that more people were helping them.

They know that the aid was not for Alu. So, the only possibility is because of Rena.


Above the crater, Alu and Rena surround Krinn and Arlo who are kneeling with bodies covered in blood.

At this moment, Arlo stared at Alu with wide eyes while Krinn stared at Rena with narrowed eyes.