Hijacking Caravans

"It worked!"

Just as Tony tried, the message was sent to Bloom who smiled and said:

"I told you, now I'll send you the screenshot of that piece," he didn't delay and took a screenshot of the skull and sent it to Tony.

And the next thing was for his face to change, alongside the faces of other mayors as well. It seemed he passed the image and they all got deep shock from what they saw.

"You… are good," Tony couldn't help but shake his head, "I'll pass the words then. Hopefully some would be interested in such an offer."

"I bet some will," Bloom firmly said, "now I'll leave here. Our next meeting will be in less than two days for the fort war."

"We'll be ready," Tony said, "and I'll keep you posted about any news regarding the other fight."

"Thanks," Bloom used a random ticket before vanishing from the place, leaving the stupefied mayors behind.

"This player… isn't simple at all," one mayor sighed.