Case 1 Solved?

"That's a long story." Drew laughed. "Believe it or not it happened to me too bud. Lucky for me though, Sam got me out before I met the troll, that sounded rough. As to where we are, we are in the barn, or rather what's left of it."

"And we have a plan to end this bitch." Sam smiled as she walked over and picked up the chalice laying on the ground. "First, we need to destroy this thing, then we can use the exorcism ritual to expel her from the earth and fix the problem the cultists created. Question is how do we destroy it."

"I say burning it is a good start." Terry said. "We got a spare gas tank in the van, that should be hot enough to melt it."

"Sounds good, the ritual actually requires us to burn her main haunting area, so we can burn the house and melt the chalice all in one fell swoop, I like it." Sam said. "Let's get back to the van before she decides to visit us again and play another game."

"Terry ain't down for no more games." Terry said. "Terry agrees with the hurrying."

"Let's go then." Drew said as he started sprinting towards the van. Sam and Terry followed suit. After a thirty-minute run the trio made their way back to the van. As they approached the van the engine cranked. "The hell?" Drew said as he heard the engine turn over. Drew opened the door and investigated inside the van. The blank book, the demon had been writing in earlier held a new message. [Leave Now, You Are Free]. Drew picked up the book and took it too Sam and Terry outside the van. "The demon wants us to leave, she says we are free now." He explained.

"I don't trust her." Sam said. "What's to stop her from coming after us later like she did to all those other people? No, we need to put a stop to this here and now."

"What about you Terry, what do you think?" Drew asked.

"Man, Terry don't want some faceless ghost girl to show up later in his life." Terry said. "Let's ice her and be done with it."

"I agree with the two of you." Drew said as he got the container of gasoline out of the back of the van. He headed towards the house to pour the gas on it. The girl appeared before him. "Well shit." He said upon seeing her blocking his path.

Sam began speaking an unknown language, to banish the demon. "Et turpi daemonium periit. Ab hoc planum, non reditus iterum a incolunt hoc mundo, unde venerunt. Numquam ambulare magis hac terra nunquam nos amplius est hic, decesserit. Et in lacum omnibus diebus enternity tuum habe in sempiternum et auferet." (Be gone foul demon. Leave this plane, never inhabit this world again and return from whence thy came. Nevermore walk this earth, never more exist among us here. Be cast into the pit for all eternity and spend thy days forever away.)

The demon vanished as Sam finished her words and Drew got to work quickly covering the house with gasoline. Terry threw a match at the house and it burst into flames. Sam tossed the chalice into the blaze. The trio leaned against the van and watched the house go up in flames and the chalice melt. "What was that you said Sam?" Drew asked, not looking away from the fire. "I didn't even know you spoke another language."

"It was Latin." Sam said. "I took Latin in high school thinking it would help me out later in life. I was right, I didn't think it was going to be like this, but go younger me!"

"You know, we did good work here tonight." Drew said finally relaxing after the rough night they had just experienced. "Who knows how many lives we saved by ending this demon's reign of terror. We are Bonafede heroes now, what do you guys think about doing this full time, you know finding real ghosts, and saving lives. We have the knowledge, and hell after tonight I would say we have the experience. I can't imagine any case that could possibly be worse than this one."

"Oh god, don't say that!" Sam scolded. "Even if it is true by saying it, it is guaranteed to get worse. As for my answer, I don't know, I feel really good about what we did, but at the same time that was the most horrifying night of my life. I can't tell you yes or no right now, let me think about it."

"What about you Terry?" Drew asked. "You want to keep being a hero?"

"I always got your back man, but can you please not find literal death traps again." Terry replied. "I am going to leave my answer up to the studio, if they are okay with us doing this, then I am okay with it, as long as it isn't as bad tonight. I learned I can outrun pretty much anything, so I am good."

"Right, I wonder what the studio will think about this footage." Drew smiled. "Wait until we tell them it's not faked at all."

"They're going to shit themselves." Terry laughed. "I know I almost did."

"Hey since we banished the demon do you want to head back to the hotel and pick up the camera?" Sam asked. "I really feel bad about leaving it."

"Well in order to go back to the highway we have to go to town, so I don't see why we wouldn't." Drew explained. "Basically, if we follow this road out, we will end up back in town." Satisfied with the fire and the melted chalice the trio enter their van and depart the grounds. As they leave, unknown to them the faceless girl appears again in front of the burning house and waves goodbye to them.

Hilda appeared next to her with her chair and table. "My lady, you are just going to let them go? "Hilda said. "I can tell you used all your power getting back here, before the portal closed, your influence over the surrounding area is gone and they are the ones responsible. Are you sure you don't want to chase after them?"

The faceless girl just shrugged her shoulders and disappeared. Hilda sighed and disappeared as well.