Corey returns home to meet her brother. She asked for his help to give details whether the creature she photographed was existent or non-exist. When she got home, she heard a screech like her brother was calling for a life force, it sounded in bad taste and the roughness made her throat suffering. To see her brother's condition, Corey knocked on her brother's door leisurely.
"Brother? What happened there?", Corey swallowed so as not to be yelled at by her brother.
The door opened and there was a young man aged 23-24 years, with a clean face, but his clothes were untidy. He looked at Corey holding the cellphone and then asked, "What do you want, Corey?"
Aware of her brother's call, Corey shows a collection of photos she took when a titan attacked her school. The gaze of her brother who looked disbelieving immediately snatched Corey's cellphone from her hand.
"Where did you get this photo from?"
"Just this afternoon, at school there was a titan attack. Then I tried to run away and find a safe place."
The place where I was hiding was near the gate, I was weird. - Corey.
"Who are these? cosplayers?", Her brother showed the battle of Harrison and his friends.
Corey shook her head, "No, these are my classmates. The leader of the battle seems to be held by him, Harrison Shivel."
"Strange, a minute.", He went back into his room and looked for something.
A few seconds later he came back and handed Corey a storybook the size of a dictionary.
"Oh, what a hefty. What kind of storybook is this?"
"Try to open the contents of the book. You will understand what I mean."
Corey opened the book and looked at the contents of the book which, as usual, had a thank you and an opening. Then, piece by piece she opened, she realized that the rest of the book was unoccupied.
"What do you mean by this?"
"The story in this book tells about a female warrior who is respected by her kingdom. Then when there is a threat from her mortal enemy, she immediately fights her enemy and then disappears."
"Disappear? Such a simple story ends with the disappearance of the protagonist?", Corey couldn't believe her brother's story.
"Even though this story has a lot of chapters, about 50 more chapters. I loved reading it and when I wanted to read it again, the contents of the book disappeared."
"When did you realize that the contents of the book were missing?"
"Yesterday, I also checked social media that talked about the missing contents of this book."
That's weird, that's the day the first day of school is held. - Corey.
"Son!! Corey! Come on down, let's eat.", Corey's mother called the two of them from downstairs.
While Corey ate with her family, she kept thinking about what happened at school. How can a group of students have fairy tale powers? There was no way that what she saw was the special effects of an app or that she had entered the world of movies.
"What's happening, Corey? Is school bothering you? Do you want me to contact the---", When her mother reached out to find out Corey's condition, she held her mother's hand tightly.
"I'm fine, mom. Calm down. I don't need to go back to that place, after all, I've been homeschooling for a long time and spent time in that place. I've never felt what school is like, having friends, and I've never felt what it's like a laugh with them. Laugh with pleasure, happily, free from the nightmares that keep haunting you."
Realizing that Corey had said that, she immediately stood up from the dining table.
When her mother stood up the words she said were, "Please, leave me alone. I don't feel so good right now."
Her family who only heard in the dining room could not say anything, could only stare at each other. They also didn't want to make Corey suffer a second time.
In Corey's room...
Corey lay down listening to How to Go to Confession by Sabrina Carpenter. For her, the song expresses how to express feelings that have been buried for a long time but the answers can't be expressed confidently.
I want to laugh with them, help me... - Corey
God, who had been watching the scene from outside, immediately flew away and disappeared.
At the apartment, Harrison was doing his English assignment that was given by a teacher.
Harrison looked back, he saw that God was already sitting on his bed.
"Son, we need to talk."
"Sure.", Harrison nods and puts the pen on his desk, and approached God.
"Is there a problem?", Harrison asked first.
God looked at him doubtfully, "I have one wish, I hope you can grant this wish of mine."
Harrison could only stare at him without being able to understand what he was talking about.
"It seems that Corey has a problem with her past, so I ask you to make her happy. You can invite your friends to help with your work. As long as you can do that, her family will be glad."
After God told Harrison, he immediately agreed to help him (Return the favor o each other).
The next day, when Harrison was waiting for the school bus at the bus stop near the apartment, there was a girl who seemed to be waiting for the school bus. Harrison realized that the girl was Corey.
Turns out she lives not far from here. - Harrison.
When the school bus came, the two of them got in at the same time, confusing the bus driver with them.
"Come on, you guys quickly sit down before this bus leaves.", the bus driver warned them.
The bus was running, Harrison sat next to Emmanuel while Corey sat alone. During the trip, he stared blankly at Corey, unable to speak the truth even though it was God's request. If he lies in the name of God, it is the same as breaking his promise.
What's the use of a mouth if I can tell the truth instead of telling lies that I can't retaliate with? – Harrison.
Continued on the next chapter…