Corey's offer to come with them to investigate the green light near Harrison's apartment perplexed Harrison and Rosalind. Harrison approached Corey cautiously, but it was clear from her expression that she was willing to follow along.
"Are you certain? It isn't as wonderful as you think..." Harrison persuaded Corey not to follow them.
"No, I want to come!" said Corey.
She acts like a child. – Harrison was irritated with her.
"Okay, you can go home today. Play with your sister either with your neighbors in the neighborhood; don't interfere with our business." Rosalind lectured her, so Corey approached him.
She took a deep breath before punching Rosalind in the stomach. Rosalind was in pain and wanted to slap her across the face, but Harrison stopped.
"Don't be a jackass to the girls, Rosalind." Harrison grabbed Rosalind's hand, causing him to release it abruptly.
"OK, alright..." Rosalind gently massaged his hand.
His grip was so strong... - Rosalind's grip turned red when he stared at it.
Soon after, Harrison began to approach Corey, who was still staring at them. Harrison had a feeling something was wrong with Corey, but he had no idea what to do. So, Harrison had made his decision.
"All right, you can come with us."
Rosalind gaped, then let out a breath, showing that he had given up on Harrison's acts. But Harrison was true; she would still beg if he did not allow Corey to join them.
"However, there are some terms you must be informed of if you want to come," Harrison stated seriously.
"I don't need conditions; all that important is that I come with you guys." Corey turned around and went down the stairs.
This investigation appears to be going haywire... - Harrison clasped his hands in front of his face.
The three of them then arrived at the location. It can be spotted that several police officers are already interviewing residents. Harrison, Rosalind, and Corey circled the unlined area to see if there were some clues. Then one of the police officers approached them.
"Excuse me, what are you doing? This is a restricted location, please keep away from all of this." The police asked, suspiciously.
Harrison and Rosalind exchanged quizzical looks as if they were lost for words. Then Corey calmly replied to the officer's question, "Sorry, officer. We're looking for a place to do group projects, and this location is secure and close to my friend's house."
Because Corey's gaze was drawn to Harrison, the officer questioned, "Where is your house, son?"
"Ehh… Right there, sir.", Harrison pointed to his apartment, which was not far from where the green light was located.
After seeing the apartment Harrison was referring to, the police officer walked away.
"What's your purpose for doing that?" Harrison asked Corey.
"You're starting to make me feel like a suspect."
"Calm down," Corey replied.
"Do you believe there are a lot of police defending this place if the cop approaches your apartment?"
"It doesn't matter now," Rosalind defended Harrison.
"There will be cops keeping a watch on this place no matter how many police officers interrogate Harrison and his family."
Harrison agrees with Rosalind; if the police interview his family, he will be unable to answer any questions regarding the green light. All he has is God's wrath. He must submit as soon as possible to end the dispute fast. Then he took the police officer to his apartment to ask his parents about the incident.
Harrison's parents were surprised when the police officers arrived at their apartment.
"What is it, honey?" His 'mother' enquired of his son.
"Ma'am, there is a case near your apartment, and your son informs me that you and your family resided here, is that correct?"
She gives a slow nod. "That is correct. I'm sorry, but what type of case?"
"There are four homeless people who were burned in the park near your apartment, and I need to know if both of you are innocent about it."
"Sure, I see. Okay, sir, please come in. I'll try calling my husband ", and She invited the officer in, who was followed by Harrison.
"Can you please bring the police a drink, son?" Before entering her room, his mother pleaded for assistance.
"Ok, mom."
The police officer entered his residence and looked around.
This place appears to be respectable, with nothing unusual... - The police officers are stunned by the apartment's room.
His father appeared a few minutes later in his office clothes. Before the door closed, the officer stared at his laptop on the table. He smiled as he looked at him with a greeting to ease him "Sir, good afternoon. I'm from the police, and I'd want to ask you a question regarding a case that happened not far from your apartment."
He remembered, "Is it the case being discussed? I saw the video; it appears that the incident was captured on audio."
He gave a nod "Yes, someone is filming. You are aware that we are living in the modern era. Didn't everyone have their phones out to record the accidents?"
"That's a wonderful logic, mister...," The officer scribbles the response in his notebook.
"You can call me Shivel."
"All right, Mr. Shivel. Are there any weird behaviors in your apartment, by the way? As an example, consider your neighbors or the other side of the apartment."
"No, sir," he shrugs. There are no unusual behaviors in the apartment, and everything appears to be necessary."
The police approach the door to conclude his interview; he knows Harrison's parents are innocent and what Harrison's father says is true; the citizen may be aware of the accident, but how did he determine who is to blame? And what is their motivation?
"And, sir...," the officer informs Harrison's father of something.
"Best wishes in your job hunt."
He exits the room, and as the door closes, God appears in a flash, and the three of them exclaim passionately at Harrison, "What have you done?"
Harrison swallowed, expecting something like this to happen. He has no idea what he should do. He messed up his hair, and as he sits on the sofa, God yells, "Stand up. Please explain. Right. Now."
Harrison stands up and responds, "Alright, I'll explain how this happens."
After Harrison explained the incident, the three of them looked at each other strangely. Then God sighed and said, "I'm sorry for the shout, but thank you for informing us." Now we need to talk to Corey and tell her not to pass judgment on us so quickly."
"But wait, how did she find out I lived here?" The words perplexed Harrison.
How can he be true? – God concurs with his query.
"Should I approach her with my question?" Harrison leaves to meet up with Corey and Rosalind.
"No, you should not do so. All you must do is keep an eye on her movements. Please don't tell Rosalind about this."
Harrison nods, which makes sense. Harrison then leaves the apartment and rejoins his friends to continue the investigation.
"How are things going?" Harrison asked as to whether their attempts had been successful.
"You're not going to believe this..." he sighed.
"I told you we succeeded, don't even take a breath," Corey said as she showed something to Harrison.
"What exactly is it?" Harrison wondered.
"It appears that we can analyze the flakes around the green light."
"Investigate? Do you know any police officers? Just investigate it; you do not know who the experts are", Rosalind stated.
Corey smiled quietly and took out her smartphone. Then she showed them a snapshot of them against the titan and Stanley.
"Isn't he the magician?" Said Corey while pointed at Stanley.
Do not tell me... - Harrison stares worriedly at Rosalind.
She wants Stanley to show her the spellbook. - Rosalind gulps and grabs her smartphone.
"Hey, what are you up to? Please return it!" Corey and Rosalind quarrel over Rosalind's phone.
Rosalind attempted to remove her photo but was unsuccessful, and it was replaced by a blank white book photo. When Corey discovered someone had seen her photo, she kicked Rosalind, causing him to tumble.
Rosalind pulled away from Corey because he was in pain. Corey was panting since she had not expected to kick a guy. She apologized in an instant, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that; I went too far."
Rosalind was under pressure as Corey tossed a dust package at him. This perplexed Harrison and Rosalind, but it provided their first clue. "I think we need his help," Harrison said as he collected the proof and glanced at Rosalind.
Knock... Knock... Knock...
The door was wide open, and Harrison and Rosalind greeted the house's owner, "Hello, can we meet Stanley?"
Continued the next chapter…