
Harrison, Stanley, and Emmanuel were successful in defeating the sorcerer who had taken over Rosalind's body. Following that, Stanley and Rosalind reconciled following their argument this morning. Mr. Godfrey then came over and smacked them for bothering the parents. The five of them walked while discussing what had happened.

"Wasn't it fun, huh?" Stanley said, laughing about the battle.

"What do you mean fun? I'm the victim, you know?" Rosalind grumbled.

"But, Rosalind, how did you become possessed by that witch?" Mr. Godfrey pondered.

"Ah, that? So, after Emmanuel went to get some drinks, a lovely lady approached me. Then I mentioned that my friend was on the swing. But she didn't seem to mind; she simply sat down."

"She appears to be an ordinary girl, with no magician aura.", Mr. Godfrey wanders about the girl.

"Yes, I thought so as well. However, when I noticed something sticking out in the middle, I knew she was some sort of drag queen."

"Perhaps she is a hermaphrodite, Rosalind."

"Hermaphrodite? Oh, the gender with two vitals? That is awesome, bro."

That does not appear to be cool. – Harrison.

"So, now we go there?" Rosalind asked, indicating a fast food restaurant.

"Don't let me play with you. Go home and rest; your parents are waiting for you", Mr. Godfrey forbids him to play.

"That's not fun. Okay, thanks for being concerned about us. We promise not to get you into any more trouble", Rosalind promised Mr. Godfrey that he would do good.

Harrison and Mr. Godfrey returned to the apartment after taking the three of them home to talk about something. Mr. Godfrey arrives at the apartment and uses his powers to make their room soundproof (Which only the four of them can hear).

Negotiations began to focus on Emmanuel seeing the 'real' form of Mr. Godfrey.

"My form, as you know, has been seen, and it is Harrison's friend, Emmanuel. In this case, I decide to erase Emmanuel's memory; however, not all his memories will be erased. Only this problem will be deleted. Do you mind if I ask you a question, Harrison?"

Harrison nodded. "Yes, sir. Please."

Mr. Godfrey snapped his fingers, and a flash of recollection raced back to what had happened to Harrison and Emmanuel. The memory depicts Emmanuel waking up after hitting Harrison's power. Later, Emmanuel spotted Harrison carrying the bodies of his friends and attempted to hide them in Harrison's room.

"You get something wrong by allowing a simple mortal like him to reawaken after being hit by your power."

"I'm sorry, I was ignorant that he awoke after being assaulted by that power."

"And, to make matters worse, have a look at this..."

The recollection was replaced with the sight of Mr. Godfrey's true figure revealed by Emmanuel, and the words "Ghost!!" rang out before being struck by magic.

"See? He is referring to me as a ghost! It is still a good thing I gave him sleep magic! It is just as impolite to call me a ghost as it is to call me a human. That is a form of discrimination."

One of the angels expressed regret, saying, "We apologize for not being awake due to that condition. We should have remained vigilant and let us handle this situation."

"Where were you at the time?"

"We heard screams from outside because we spotted a green light coming from outside the apartment shortly before Harrison got home."

What are they talking about? – Harrison.

"Are you chasing the green light?"

"Yes, we immediately verified what the green light was, and it turned out that when we arrived, there were four humans who had become mummies," one of the angels affirmed.

"Wait... Are these four guilty or not??"

"Not at all," the Angels said, shaking their heads, "For the four persons who became mummies were homeless people."

"That's so awful, I don't see how people can go off the face of the world so inequitably...", Mr. Godfrey says, his expression mournful.

"When we examined the four mummies, we noticed something strange. We noticed burn markings, like writing, near the mummies", and something was revealed by one of the angels.

"That's correct. I noticed weird handwriting on the four mummies as well ", and another angel agreed with a nod.

"What kind of unusual writing?" Harrison inquired, curious about the writing. He assumed it was Zeblan's fault.

"It's not obvious, but the posture is flipped."

Reverse? – Harrison

Mr. Godfrey gave Harrison a serious look, indicating that he suspected Harrison knew who was behind the green light. He chose not to intervene because Harrison could be trusted to solve the matter.

"Okay, our discussions must conclude here first. Harrison, I'll leave the green light problem to you."

"I'm not sure about this problem," Harrison said, "Maybe there will be no more complications surrounding me and others."

"Don't be afraid, Harrison; you're not alone in this problem. There are still them, not only me and your pals", Mr. Godfrey pointed to the angels.

"I don't require a lot of power, and the power I have... That is all there is to it. I don't want to be the next vicious tyrant, nor do you", Harrison asserted strongly to Mr. Godfrey that he possessed sufficient power. Mr. Godfrey was glad that he refused to grant himself to give the power that he desired.

Harrison's selection made Mr. Godfrey smile "That's a wise choice, son. I can't give you any strength, but I can give you some guidance."

"There must be a meaningful decision in your heart, I guarantee you can choose a good decision." he continued.

"I understand, sir," Harrison said with a nod.

Mr. Godfrey returned the room to its previous condition in preparation for the investigation of the 'green light.'




Harrison notices Stanley has not arrived at school the following day. When Emmanuel arrived, he inquired, "Hey, where's Stanley?"

Emmanuel made a shaky motion with his head "I'm not sure. Rosalind stated that he was ill."

Sick? That is suspicious. - Harrison

"Are you going to visit him later?" Emmanuel inquired.

"Of course, yes. Can we meet with him today?"

"Oh, what a pity. Perhaps you are unaware, but anyone who visits Stanley during the school day will be ejected by his family."

What kind of parents is that? - The behaviors of Stanley's parents perplex Harrison.

Rosalind stepped in a few minutes later and, upon seeing the two of them, "I had just returned from the Teacher's Room when I discovered Stanley's absence had been kept hidden. Even though he claimed to be ill, I'm sure there was something wrong with him."

"Guys, I'd like to talk about something at recess," Harrison said to his friends.

They both nodded in agreement and sat in their respective chairs.

Harrison met his friends at their respective tables during Recess. They are discussing Stanley's absence.

"So yesterday when I finished taking you guys home, I got word from Mr. Godfrey that there was a green light near the apartment," Harrison began.

"Green ray? Portal, eh?" Rosalind mused.

"I thought so too, but it's not a portal; it's more like an attack."

"Attack? Could it be...", Emmanuel wondered.

"Yeah, someone died. Four people and they're all bums," Harrison groaned.

"Gosh, what a pity for them." Emmanuel was concerned about them.

"Surprisingly, there is a letter amid their ashes."


"Yes, letter. I am not sure what it says because it is written backward. So, I will go there after I get home from school. Do you want to come with me?"

"I can't come today since I have private lessons," Emmanuel explained.

"And what about you, Rosalind?" Harrison hoped that someone would be able to accompany him.

"Take it easy, bro. I can accompany you to the site of that green light; isn't it close to your apartment?", Rosalind accepts Harrison's invitation to investigate the green light.

When Harrison and Rosalind wanted to go home after school, Corey stopped them. They were both perplexed as to why she was obstructing them.

"It's you, right?" Corey asked, pulling out her phone.

"No, it's our clones, maybe," they both said, shaking their heads.

"Don't lie to me, you want to look into something, don't you?"

Right out the gate. - Harrison and Rosalind.

"I'd want to come with you," Corey said, asking the two of them to let her investigate with them.

Harrison was completely perplexed; was taking Corey the right decision?




Continued on the next chapter...