
Harrison, Emmanuel, and Stanley remained silent in Harrison's apartment following the argument. Rosalind is angry at Stanley for starting the quarrel. In the kitchen, Emmanuel fetches a beverage for Stanley.

"Stan, it's not your fault. What you did is good, so do not blame yourself.," Harrison consoles him.

"It is my fault, you know? I cannot believe it… We fought because of silly matters, Harrison.," Stanley sweats a lot and walks around the living room.

Emmanuel gives Stanley a glass of water, but Stanley declines it.

"You need to drink, Stanley.," Emmanuel warns him.

Stanley looks at Emmanuel, "I don't need a drink. I need answers."

Emmanuel can't hold it anymore, he walks through the door, "Forget it, Stanley. Rosalind may be right about you, you are just a coward."

Emmanuel gets out of Harrison's Apartment.

"Great, Stanley. You had just made two of our friends mad.," Harrison complains to Stanley.

Stanley protests to him, "Are you saying that this is my fault, huh?"

"No, but this is a mistake that you must solve, Stan," Harrison approaches Stanley.

Stanley was deafeningly quiet for a moment, and Harrison was correct. This is an issue that he must address. The futures of Emmanuel and Rosalind are in his hands, and he must act correctly to avoid making a mistake for the second time.

"I need to solve this problem.," Stanley feels amusing.

"Good, then. I'll help you.," Harrison and Stanley get out of Harrison's Apartment to search Emmanuel and Rosalind.





Rosalind is strolling to the park in the city while the rest of the group is separating from each other. He turns to Emmanuel, who is swinging in the park. It takes some time for him to approach and welcome him, "Hey."

"Hey, didn't see you there."

"What's going on?"

"Stanley, I cannot stand him. He does not know how to decide."

"Huh… I know that this will be happening."

"You want to drink?" Emmanuel stands up, offers him a drink.

"Sure, I want water."

"Okay, wait here.," Emmanuel leaves Rosalind alone.

In the swing, Rosalind thinks about what should he say to Stanley. He did not want to feel like an enemy to him. Then, he feels something different from his mind.

"I'll give you power 10x more powerful than your friend…"

Who is that? – Rosalind looks around but did not find someone.

"You sure you do not want this power?"

"That kid spellbook, the power is nothing more than this power… Magic 101, such a cheap spell that he has."

Damn, my head… - Rosalind feels hurt in his head.

Meanwhile, in the vending machine, Emmanuel picks up 2 drinks for him and Rosalind. Then something catches his sight, a silver plate that reads an incident in 1066.

The Battle of Nisma took place on December 10, 1066, between the English army of Brendan, Duke of Landon, and a Spanish army led by King Leonardo Nesiamus, kicking off the England invasion in Spain. It took occurred around 5 miles (9 kilometers) northeast of La Solaria, near the modern-day town of Manzana.

But the involvement of a sorcerer from another realm made the situation extra stranger. Having given both sides power, the sorcerer watched to see who would emerge victorious in this horrific combat. As a result, neither side won and this park was used as a relic of the war that took place.

Note: The sorcerer is said to still exist, until now.

After reading it, Emmanuel checks out his phone to check the date.

Shit, today is December 10! I need to alarm Rosalind. – Emmanuel runs to warn Rosalind.

But it is too late for him. Rosalind transforms into something new. His eyes are dark crimson, his weapon is on the ground, and his entire aura is unlike him. Rosalind readily assaults Emmanuel when he attempts to reach out to him.

Ugh, his power… - Emmanuel feels hurt because of Rosalind's power.

Emmanuel calls Stanley and Harrison, "Hey, I need your help."

"What happens?"

"Rosalind... He is strange right now, I do not know what happens to him. You guys need to be here, right now!"

A portal emerges from Emmanuel's side, Stanley and Harrison meet him and ask about the problem. Emmanuel tells them that he leaves Rosalind to bought drinks and when he approaches him, he changed.

"How we suppose to defeat him? He is strong as a giant!" Stanley asks how to defeat him.

"By a 10-gauge shotgun, maybe?", Emmanuel answers honestly.

"A 10-gauge shotgun?? We encounter a guy that is possessed by a sorcerer, not by a zombie.," Stanley searches for a spell.

"11 rings of death. This is the spell.," Stanley found while read with fear.

"What is it like?" Emmanuel asks him.

"It likes a 16-gauge bullet, but smaller and deadlier than a normal shotgun. We need a gun that fits the bullet.," Harrison answers while reading it.

"Harrison, you pick up Rosalind's gun. Stan, keep the focus on the spell, don't try to fail it.," Emmanuel cast out a blue tan sword.


"Htaed fo sgnir 11!"

A bullet that is sized of a 16-gauge comes out from the spellbook. Stanley grabs them and throws at Harrison. Harrison catches them and puts in the gun, he threw it to Emmanuel. Emmanuel combines two weapons into one weapon.

"Cool!" Stanley praises the weapon.

"You puny humans cannot defeat me! I am the great sorcerer on this earth! Nothing can stop me from mini attacks!" The sorcerer mocking that they can't beat him.

"Oh, yeah? Try this!" Emmanuel attacks him with the weapon.



The sorcerer got hit so he amplified his strength to the limit. His angry scream made the sky dark red, all the townspeople were frightened and ran to escape the chaos. Suddenly they were approached by someone.

"Mr. Godfrey! What are you doing here?", Harrison asked him.

"I didn't see you in the apartment, then your parents told me that you weren't home yet. So, I decided to check on your condition. What's this?"

"Rosalind was possessed by a sorcerer, sir! He is from 1066. How do we defeat him?"

Calm down, it will be destroyed. - Harrison.

"Argh, take this!", The sorcerer wanted to bring out his strength.

But no attack came from him. He was confused, he tried again, and to no avail.

"How is that possible?" he asked.

"You forgot the violence that the owner's body has is worse than yours, witch.", Rosalind's voice comes from the body.

"Get me out of here!!!", He shouts because wants to release.

Rosalind's body emitted a white light, and then their souls were divided in two. Rosalind slipped out of the witch's thoughts before she could react. When he saw Rosalind's outraged expression, the gun came back at him.

"Still, we are fortunate. I'm confident that a fool like you will never win this battle!", Rosalind attacked.

"Argh!" The sorcerer's ability is lost after getting attack by Rosalind.

"Begone!!," Stanley blasts magic to the sorcerer and he vanishes.

Aftermath the battle, Rosalind approaches Stanley, "Stan, I'm sorry for abandon you and the others. Because of me, all of you got trouble."

Stanley smiles, "It's okay. But do not do that again, okay?"


They hug to conclude their problem.




Continued the next chapter.