
Harrison came back to the original dimension after his adventure in another dimension. After that, Harrison feels gratitude to his friends for helping him out.

"Thank you for helping out there, guys. I felt alone in that dimension. Now I know that on this earth, our doppelganger tries their best to protect their earth. So, we also need to protect this earth like theirs."

Emmanuel, Rosalind, and Stanley feel encouraged by Harrison's speech. They did not know that a simple speech can affect their effort.

"Hehehe, we're glad you say that to us.," Stanley feels shy.

"Yeah, me too. I was glad that they'd do that to help us out there.," Emmanuel dabbed Stanley with his hands.

"Hey, where are the other people?" Rosalind checks out the school situation.

"They're gone home already, it's midnight. You guys can sleep over at Harrison's house. I got permission from your parents.," Mr. Godfrey approached the four of them.

"??," Rosalind looks at Mr. Godfrey.

"Yeah, since you guys tired after saving Harrison, I should give you guys a remission for tomorrow. You guys better head over to Harrison's now, when you get there, don't make any noise, okay?"

"Okay, mister!" The three of them exited the school's gate.

Mr. Godfrey tells Harrison with a grave tone, "Keep on eyes on them when you arrived at home. Make sure you use this spell."

Emmanuel hears half of their conversation, feels aware of Harrison's intentions. He walks toward the others to inform them but decides to save it for later. A few minutes later, Harrison keeps up with them to his apartment.




In Harrison's apartment, Harrison stops them.

"Please be silent, my parents are asleep right now."

They nod and walk, then when they reach Harrison's door, they feel sluggish.

"Hey, stan. Do you feel sleepy right now?" Rosalind asks Stanley while gaping.



Each of them falls sleepy, but when Harrison tries to move their bodies, he did not see Emmanuel's body. When he looks back, a stinging sword is in front of him. Emmanuel push around Harrison, "If you want to try to make me sleep with your powers, don't do it."

"Emmanuel, please listen…You don't understand. I do this for you guys, to make you safe."

"Safe? That is pretty sus to me.," Emmanuel walks near him.

"Do I have to tell you in explicit that I will put you to sleep?"

"No, but you don't have to do this."

"What's going on here?" God interferes with their heated conversation that makes Emmanuel step backward.

"A… a ghost!" Emmanuel points out to God.

God looks at Emmanuel and snaps his fingers that making him sleep.

"How does he still awake?"

"It seems that he acts to prevent himself to sleep."

"I see. Drag them to your room, and you sleep here to see after if they do something skeptical."


Harrison drags their bodies to his room and puts them smooth in his bed. Before he exits his room, he whispers apologizing, "I'm sorry, guys."

He goes to the sofa while sleepy, he sleeps alone with his blanket covering him.

The next day, Emmanuel and his friends wake up with no memories after the incident.

"Good morning, guys. how is your sleep?" Stanley awake first and followed by another.

"Hua, this is the first time that my sleep has been better than my usual sleep. Or because we are sleeping in Harrison's place?" Rosalind wakes up and goes to the window.

"Damn, this view is awesome! I hope my house had a window like this.," He opens the windows in Harrison's room.

"Where is Harrison? He is not sleeping in here?" Stanley looks at the bed and did not find Harrison.

"He is sleeping in his parent's room.," Rosalind jokes about Stanley's statement.

"You are kidding, right? He is already the same age as us, so there is no way he is sleeping in his parents' room.," Emmanuel shocks at Rosalind's jokes.

"How about we check it out?" Stanley persuades them to check Harrison's situation.

They get out of Harrison's room and see him sleeping on the sofa. They look at him intending to wake him up. But when Stanley wants to reach his hand to wake Harrison, Rosalind grabs his hand and hushes him.

"Wait, I have a better idea," Rosalind rushes to Harrison's room, grabs his phone, sets the volume too loud, puts it to his ear.


Harrison wakes up that make his blanket drop into the floor, he looks up and finds Rosalind laughs at him. Stanley punches his shoulders while he feeling guilty for not taking him up. Stanley reaches his hand to Harrison's.

"You okay, bro?" Stanley asks Harrison.

"Yeah, but the sound feels buzz around my head longer than I recall," Harrison shook his head so he would not feel dizzy.

Stanley hit Rosalind's hip, "Say sorry to him, Rosalind. You are the one that made him like that."

Rosalind feels annoyed by Stanley's attitude, "Can you not be a wimp? You are acting like the boss here. I am doing a prank on him, that is all. So why do you care about him so much? Do you don't care about us anymore?"

Stanley was silent for a while, creating tension between the two of them. Rosalind leaves Harrison's house without saying anything. Stanley wants to chase him but Emmanuel holds his hand, "Let him be, he needs to recover his mind."




On the sidewalk, Rosalind thinks again about the argument. He did not think that Stanley is caring Harrison so much. He punches a wall near a store, making several pedestrians afraid of him.

"Harrison this, Harrison that, he is a guy like us. Why do you treat him better than me?" Rosalind feels pissed about Stanley.

Fuck it, I do not care about these guys anymore. – Rosalind.

In the alleyway, someone watching him with a smile on his face.

"Well, looks like I have found my pawn…"






Continued the next chapter.