Harrison runs to search for Lenny, who he supposed to stop her actions to interrupt the event. Then, he finds her at the park who she also realized his presence. He approached her, tried to interfere with Lenny's actions before she summons something. Lenny peeks by her magic, startled Harrison.
"Trying to interrupt me?" She asks while still focus on something.
"No, I just want to see you.," Harrison breathed as he tries to release her magic.
"You can't lie to me, Harrison.," She snaps her fingers and makes Harrison trap by her magic.
Ugh, her magic is physically powerful. I need to do something. – Harrison feels pain around his body.
"Let him go!"
Harrison and Lenny look to the someone who shouts. It is was Emmanuel.
"Em… What are you doing? Argh!" The magic keeps stunt Harrison's body.
"I can't leave you alone, remember? We're best friends!" He cast out his weapon.
"Yeah, all of us are your friend, Harrison!" Rosalind and Stanley appear from the bushes.
You guys… - Harrison.
Lenny smile, "It seems you have some backup."
"You… Evil witch!" Rosalind clenches his gun and aims it at her.
"Tsalb llab!" Stanley casts a blast attack.
The blast drives to Lenny but she casts a magic spell that gives her a shield and the result was bouncing and hit towards Harrison, making him disappear.
"Harrison!" All the boys shout after he disappears.
"Ugh, where am I?"
He wakes up while seeing his surroundings. It was quiet all around but he was in the same place. Harrison did not understand what was happening where he was standing now. To be sure, he went to check if there was a concert or not. When we got there, it turned out that there was a concert.
"Okay, so nothing happened here."
"Hey, who are you?"
Harrison looked back to see that behind him was a girl.
"Why are you silent? Come on, answer!"
Who is this girl? Why does she look like Emmanuel?
"Emma! What are you doing here?"
"I was out for a walk when I suddenly saw this strange guy alone. He seems relieved after seeing something."
The girl looked at me and looked me in the eyes. We both approached each other, then I saw the big ball that was right in her chest.
"Is your name Shivel?", I asked her if I wanted to know.
"That's right, could it be that you are me?"
Emma looked confused as to what had happened.
"Wait, wait, you said he, was you?", She did not understand while pointing at Harrison.
"First of all, that's rude to point at me.," Harrison put her without trouble.
"If my name is Hayden, he must be…," Hayden suggests about Harrison.
"How did you get here, Harrison?"
"Zeblan is the one who sent to this alternate reality. I don't know about other dimensions or realities but I can assume this is another universe."
Then came the female version of Rosalind and Stanley and approached the three of them.
This situation became strange. I was surrounded by other versions of myself and my friends.
"Why did you guys take so long from the toilet?", The girl version of Rosalind gets angry at Emma and Hayden.
She was no different from Rosalind in the original universe.
"Rosamond, calm down...", Stanley's female version did not change either.
So, Sydney... Why is he the only one with a good name in this reality?
"Who's this?" Sydney asks Hayden.
"Believe it or not, he's me from another universe."
Rosamond pissed off, "What? He's you?"
"Yeah, Rosamond. He is me."
"Your male version from my universe has no different in this universe, both of you have the same manner."
"He did?" Emma laughs.
"Don't laugh at me!" She hits Emma.
"Zeblan, huh… That guy never gets done with his problem, didn't he?"
"Yeah, I presume that he's in this universe as well. Can you help me find him?"
"Sure, why not?" Rosamond convincing Hayden to help Harrison.
Meanwhile, in the original universe…
"Where is he?" Rosalind checks around and didn't found anything about Harrison.
"We didn't know, okay? The bad-ass ball that guy shoots were hit at him, after that he vanishes.," Stanley is tired of looking for Harrison.
"I know where he is.," Mr. Godfrey approaches Emmanuel and the others.
Mr. Godfrey reveals his magic ability and shown Harrison surround by girls.
"Whoa…," The three of them were amazed by Mr. Godfrey's ability.
"I'll tell you later, let's focus on our mission."
"What the fridge? Why he surrounds by many girls?" Rosalind was confused about Harrison's action that shown.
"They're your alternate version.," Mr. Godfrey assures them.
"What?" The three of them were dumbfounded.
"Stanley, do you have the book?"
"Ah, wait."
"Llepskoob retne!" Stanley casts a spell book.
Stanley searches for a spell that opens a portal to the other dimension.
"Ah, there it is!" He points out a spell to casts out a portal.
"I'll stand by, you guys save him!" Emmanuel tells the others to get Harrison.
"No, we won't leave you behind! You are our friends! And Harrison will sad if you do not help him!" Stanley pulling Emmanuel's hand to come with them.
Meanwhile, Harrison and Hayden having a conversation while his alternate version of his friends was searching for Zeblan.
"So, how's your dimension?" Hayden asks him.
"Seems normal, nothing less.," Harrison smiling.
"I see…," Hayden only sighs.
"But, if you come back to your dimension, I want to make a promise.," Hayden tells Harrison to make a promise.
"What is it?"
"Keep fighting for justice, remember our origins. We need to fulfill our promises to God if they give us a second chance to live.," She pointed her little finger and Harrison put his little finger together.
"Let's find Zeblan and bring you home."
They go to their friends and tell them if they find Zeblan.
"We found him, there.," Rosamond pointed at Zeblan and his female counterpart discussing their plan.
"What are you waiting for? Let us kick their ass.," Emma and the others stand up and approach them.
Zeblan, who see them smiling, "Well, well, well… It is Harrison and his female counterpart. I must say that your female version is pretty. I do not lie. But after I know you were in this dimension… This is my opportunity to conquer one dimension, okay?"
He remembers something, "I'm sorry, I mean two dimensions. Is it great?"
Zeblan sees Rosalind and the others come to Harrison.
"Sorry, the transportation was slow a little bit," Rosalind confirm that they were late because of the teleportation.
That is not the truth. – Stanley and Emmanuel are annoyed by Rosalind's lie.
"Enough with the chit-chat.," Zeblan's female counterpart interferes their conversations then attacks them.
They battled with fierce, spell after spell that they cast to eliminate each other.
When Stanley searches for a spell, he finds an interesting spell.
This spell might do the end of this battle. – Stanley.
He catches a breath while aiming at Zeblan, "Noisnemid tekcop!"
A small box appears and encloses Zeblan and his female version. They are both trapped in the dimensional pocket, the female version of Stanley helps Stanley by chanting one more spell, "Tnanamrep latrop!"
A portal appeared and the two of them simultaneously sent Zeblan to the portal.
"Mission complete!", Stanley was relieved by their efforts.
"Let's get you back home, Harrison.", Rosalind tells Harrison to come with them.
Stanley opens a portal and They bid farewell to their dimension counterparts.
"Remember our promise, okay?", Hayden remembering their promise.
"I will remember, don't worry.", They enter the portal to their main dimension.
Continued on the next chapter.