The enemy has enveloped in our souls

Harrison meets god when he came back from Stanley's house. In front of the flat, he drinks coffee, Harrison comes up to him. God heartily welcomed, "Hi, son. Where are you from?"

Harrison greeted him politely, "I recently left Rosalind's Stanley's residence to ask for assistance in his case of green light."

"Didn't you bring Emmanuel?"

Harrison shook his head, "No, he seems busy."

"What about your girlfriend?"

"Her? After all, she will be able to figure out what our powers are. I assumed she was an ordinary girl, but she may be careful about her condition as well."

God responded, "All you folks do is solve the green light case, I'm going to take her care."

Harrison sees God's intention in allowing a mere mortal like Corey to get involved in order to determine whether or not she could be trusted. God not only watches over Harrison and his pals but also over all humans on the planet because they are His creation. God and Harrison both enter the apartment.

In the room, Harrison was reading a novel. He tries to find out how literacy is different in the original world from the previous world (where his kingdom is).

Literacy on earth is unique, full of various stories. - Harrison


"Come in, who's there?"

The door opened and Emmanuel came in.

"Hi, sorry I didn't go to your party. I came here after Rosalind told me. He said someone was suspicious about us huh?"

"Yes, she is Corey. Do you know her?"

"Corey? No, I do not know her. I just found out that there is a person in the class named Corey."

"I met her at the opening of the class, she's like an ordinary geek."

"Did she greet you first?"

Harrison nodded, "Yes, she greeted me first. I like greeting people after someone introduces themselves first."

"Great, you appreciate them first. I like your actions."

Emmanuel's words made Harrison a little embarrassed so Emmanuel realized it.

"Sorry, it's a little weird for me to say those words earlier."

"Oh, it's okay. It's just that no one ever appreciated me like that."

Emmanuel feels the sadness experienced by Harrison, "Hey, take it easy. Your parents must be proud, as well as Mr. Godfrey."

Suddenly dad came into the room, "That is bad, I feel something outside!"

Harrison looks his eyes, "What do you mean, dad?"


"What the hell is that?" Emmanuel wonders what is happening.




They investigate the windows; several monsters are lurking in the neighborhood. Harrison's parents persuade him and Emmanuel to get out of the apartment. Harrison pulls Emmanuel's hand tightly, "Let's go! What are you waiting for?"

When they got out of the apartment, they were confused about where the monsters came from. The residents of the apartment screamed for help, where they didn't know what to do. On one of the monsters was a young man standing, ordering the monster to attack.

He seems to be the leader. – Harrison suspiciously.

Emmanuel held the cellphone in his hand, hoping to contact Rosalind to help them defeat the monster. However, he did not take the initiative.

I want to do this alone. – Emmanuel.

Emmanuel took out his sword and began to attack the monsters sadly. Harrison, who gawked at Emmanuel, use his strength to defeat the monster along with Emmanuel.

"Die you, monsters! Argh!"

Emmanuel's anger rose to such an extent that it drew the attention of the monster leader.

"How interesting this human is, catch him!" The leader ordered his troops to capture Emmanuel.

Harrison blocked the attack, much to the annoyance of their leader. Then the monsters fell silent, making shields from the ground.

The leader attacked Harrison so hard he bounced off, rendering himself defenseless.

"Gosh, I really can't stand this time."

Harrison sees Emmanuel captured by the troops and taken underground.





Emmanuel disappeared, right in front of Harrison. He was taken underground by the leader who attacked his apartment area. Harrison is now confused, what should he do? Call Rosalind, God, or Stanley? Or not contact the three of them?

Gosh, Emmanuel... - Harrison, sadly pensive while looking at the area where the attack was made.

The area was now empty, but the traces of a monster attack were visible. Some residents saw that there were no more monsters in front of them, they continued their activities without looking at Harrison's condition.

God appeared for a while and seeing Harrison's regretful expression, he asked, "What's going on here, Harrison?"

Harrison sees God, he feels unable to speak for fear after losing his precious friend.

God sat beside him, "Speak slowly, I will listen."

Harrison tells what happened to God, starting from Emmanuel's visit until now.

Pity, he stammered his speech. He had considered Emmanuel as his friend even though Emmanuel had not said that he was his friend. – God.

"Listen, I'm sure we can stop this all." God tapped Harrison on the shoulder and left him alone.

Harrison was silent, hearing the spirit from God made him determined to save Emmanuel from the monster leader.

I can do this. – Harrison.




Meanwhile, at Stanley's house, Stanley is in trouble.

"Who are you?"

The figure spoke, "We are messengers from our leader, so humans like you will perish."

Stanley reaches for his hand to try to use force but he can't.

"Where's your power? I'm sure you have the power.," The figure strengthened their magic.


Then another figure used its magic, "I'll make you our pawn, destroy the humans you call... friends."

Stanley fell and then his eyes turned white, "Got it."






Continued on the next chapter.