Back in the apartment, Harrison discussed a plan with the angels. They stated that if Emmanuel can be saved from the underworld, they need a sorcerer. Which is, Stanley. But Stanley investigated the green dust from the site. They need another sorcerer to do that, but cannot find another one.
"I have someone.," God appears and informs Harrison.
Harrison confused, "Who is it?"
"You will know soon enough, Harrison. If you may, I have an unfinished business. Do not forget to rescue Emmanuel, all right?" God walks to the door.
"Alright, I will not forget."
God leaves, Harrison continues to discuss with the angels.
While in Stanley's house, Stanley got mind-controlled by a mysterious figure. He cannot do anything to freedom his mind. In his astral form (which he can do after watching a movie if he can do it), Stanley travels to Harrison's apartment to tell him about it but since he is in ghost form, Stanley thinks Harrison cannot see him.
"What should I do? Tell Emmanuel or Rosalind?" Stanley wanders around the apartment until he listens to the conversation.
"Do you think we can use this strategy?"
What strategy? – Stanley comes near them.
He flies to the room, then he sees what they mean. In the room, there was a table with several photographs from the witnesses that survive the invasion. In the middle, there are a photograph of Emmanuel and the leader of the attack.
Emmanuel? What happened to him, Harrison? – Stanley.
"Should we tell Rosalind about this?" One of the angels asks him.
"No, we should not tell Rosalind about this.," Harrison forbids to tell Rosalind.
"Then how do we get help?"
Stanley doesn't know how to solve the question. Then he sees a paper and a pen. He writes something in it and tosses it to the table.
'I can help you.'
Harrison wonders who was writing the message.
"God? Are you there?"
'No, you dummy. It is me, Stanley.'
"Stanley? But how you can do that?"
'I can use my astral form, but I don't know how long it will last.'
"I see, you can use astral projection."
'Save the praise for later, where is Emmanuel?' Stanley wonders around Harrison's room.
"He's gone…"
'Oh, no… It means that the former ashes outside of the apartment were him?'
"Yes, he was dragged into the underground by someone."
'Is it some lord? Or an evil kind?'
"Some kind of lord, Stan. But he is powerful, I can't help him."
'Yes, you can. You are our leader, Harrison. You can help him with your power.'
"I know that, Stan. But…"
'What is God's purpose then if you can't use your power?'
He is right. – Harrison.
"Okay then, I will help him."
"Can you bring me to the hell?" Harrison asks Stanley.
Stanley shakes his head, 'Sorry, mate. I can't do that.'
Then, how am I supposed to rescue Emmanuel? – Harrison.
God enters by sudden, "Why you don't call me, son?"
"Because… I know that you're busy with your job.," Harrison trembles when he sees Him.
"Yeah, it's true that I am busy with the job. But you need My help."
Harrison nods, "And probably you can't fill my wish this time."
"Why is that?" God confused.
"I want you to send me to hell."
The atmosphere becomes silent, Harrison's decision to go to hell with God help make God scratch His hair slowly. Harrison gulps as he knows that his decision will not be obeyed by God. God closes His eyes, then His power activates rapidly making the room shake.
'What is going on?' Stanley cannot balance his stand.
I do not know, Stan! – Harrison also cannot balance his stand.
'Harrison! Your body is glowing!' Stanley shouts that make Harrison also realize that his body is glowing.
"Now, I shall give you my permission to enter the below of earth!!" God shouts until a portal below Harrison open.
Ah, crap. – Harrison.
Harrison goes down to hell.
In Hell, Harrison falls and stumps into a hard desert. He looks around, seeing hell for the first time in his life. He walks and finds nothing in it. Harrison wonders why hell is not crowded.
I thought that hell was going to be like a city. Then why in the movies that I saw in the cinema portrayed like that? – Harrison.
"Hello? Anybody home?" Harrison shouts.
Well, that is awkward. – Harrison.
Then, a big figure from below of the ground appears, angered at Harrison's arrival. The big, reddish with the horn on his head, slammed his arm making the ground shake. Harrison feels dizzy after that, taking a step back from the big guy.
"The devil. It is real.," Harrison calls the devil's name.
"Puny human, what are you doing in my realm?" The devil asks him.
"I'm sorry, the devil. My friend seems been dragged down by your soldiers, perhaps?"
"My soldiers? What kind of soldiers that I send to attack the earth?" The devil confuses.
He does not know the soldier I mentioned? – Harrison is also confused.
"A big guy, his form is black, and riding an animal.," Harrison explains the soldier to the devil.
"Ooh, you mean Rafael? Yeah, I know him. That is strange, I have not told him to attack earth."
What? – Harrison.
"What do you mean that you don't tell him to attack?"
"I mean, someone mind-control him to attack the earth."
"I thought you mind-control him."
"No, I'm not."
From afar, Rafael, the man that Harrison and the devil talking about, approaches them. He brings Emmanuel in a bad condition when he tied Emmanuel's whole body with a flame rope of hell. Rafael sees Harrison and the devil shouts, "Stop, Rafael!"
Rafael stops his action, taking a step back.
"What can I do for you, my Lord?" Rafael asks the devil.
"Release the human, now. His time for decision is not early as this."
"Oh really? Do you think so too, human?" Rafael stares at Harrison, asking the question.
"No, I don't think so."
"For us, it is."
Zeblan and his comrades arrive in hell, interrupting their conversation.
"Who are you guys?" Rafael asks them.
"We? We are the one… That will control you.," Zeblan uses his hypnotic to Rafael, making Rafael falls under Zeblan's control.
"Oh, god…"
"Now, you have to fight this big guy alone, Harrison.," Zeblan laughs as he is successful to control Rafael, the devil's soldier.
Back in hell, Harrison and the Devil must face Rafael, one of the devil's tough soldiers after being controlled by Zeblan. The Devil even cannot control back him by himself. "That guy's strength turned out to be more than I expected..." The Devil declared the villain's strength to Harrison.
Rafael took out his fiery chain from his hand and attacked Harrison. Fortunately, Harrison managed to dodge the attack before his second attack appeared.
"Argh!" Harrison is in pain after being stroke by Rafael.
This guy is not joking, his chain attack makes my arm feel dry. No, even to the point where I didn't feel anything. – Harrison.
Rafael strengthened his chain so that the fire that appeared was getting redder. Harrison feels he could do nothing but use only one pair of hands. He was also reminded of the power given by God before he came here. Harrison tried to close his eyes and take a breath before his body felt light, his body that initially hurt, now became healed.
God, thank You for Your grace. – Harrison.
His eyes opened, he smiled as he said, "You will adore this occurrence..."
Continued on the next chapter…