Play start act 1 (2)

He pulled her hand to the garden chair which she plunked down. His quick arms blocked each of her sides to prevent her from escaping. His black orbs found the alluring eyes in between her scattered long hair.

Nonetheless, Elizebeth raised his leg and stomped on his toe box shoe with full tilt. Pushing his body like an American football player with her elbow concurrently.


He sprawled on the ground, grunting in pain, momentarily having forgotten his real purpose.

Aiming for the exact reaction she discarded the unsavory man at once and on her toes for the long run inside the garden.

Honestly, it was the stupidest mistake she had ever made. Her short brain couldn't think straight. Apparently, she couldn't think when she was in fight and flight mode. The stupid heels were also one of the contributions of her foolery decision.