Play start act 1 (3)

"Welcome, Duke Tita." Some nobles approached them as soon as they arrived into the hall and were being announced loudly.

"Duke Bart." Duke Tita clasped their hands together and shook.

"Duke Tita," a beautiful overly dressed woman greeted him as well.

Duke Tita's orbs dilated in impossible big. "Duchess Natalia. How are you?"

"I am fine, thank you." Her eyes trained on Elizebeth that covered her face with the fan that was prepared by the tacitly Duke Tita. "Who is this fine lady that you brought with?" Her intonation hinted that she was displeased to see his plus one.

"These are the people who should be wary about including the king."

Elizebeth scanned the information and the picture.

"They are part of the foreign king faction. Paid attention to Duke Bart and his wife; Duchess Natalia. She is a formidable enemy."