Back home

(Wendy and Dipper didn't switch hats in this)

-Dipper's P.O.V.-

I and Mabel said our goodbyes with everyone and went into the Bus along with Waddles. As soon as the bus drove off, Mabel was already drooling on my left arm. I chuckled and propped my head up on the window.

When we got out of Gravity Falls, I suddenly felt very uneasy, as if some kind of a great force was pulling me back. I think I lost consciousness right there at the spot, because the next thing I saw weren't the bus' seats in front of me.

"Wh-where am I?" I felt soft grass beneath me. I looked around and saw a big tree behind me and there were my favorite flowers around it. I looked before me and saw a big field and a forest in the distance. I turned my head to my right and saw a huge amount of all different flowers. I couldn't recognize most of them because....well, because I'm not a flower expert.

"It's so beautiful. *sigh* Too bad it's only a dream."

I laid on my back under the shadow of the tree and closed my eyes, with my Pine tree hat on, hiding my face. I was just lying there. It felt like the time had stopped just for me to relax a little. But it didn't last long.

"-ro. Bro! Wake up already!!" I lazily opened my eyes to see Mabel shaking me violently. "Okay, okay, I'm awake! Stop shaking me!!" She let go and got sleeping Waddles off the ground. "Are we there yet?" I asked, tiredly rubbing my eyes. "Almost. Ten or so minutes left." And she just had to wake me up when we're not even there yet. Ugh! And it was a so nice dream.

I looked out the window as I felt the bus slowing down. I finally noticed it's already dark outside as I saw all the street lights on.

We were waiting in front of the door when the bus came to a stop. As we got off the empty bus, it drove off, and we looked around for our parents. They were nowhere to be seen. Mabel put down her stuff and got her phone from the pocket of her purple skirt. She put it on her ear and waited for an answer while still holding sleeping Waddles with one arm.

"Mom, we're already here. Where are you?.....Okay, Bye." She hung up and looked at me. "They're almost here." "Good. We should think of what to tell them when they come." I suggested. "What do you mean?" She tilted her head looking confused. "I mean about our summer. We can't tell them about our weird, near-death experiences. And you can't show them your scrapbooks too." "What!? That's no fair! Why can't I?!" She yelled, scaring Waddles awake who jumped off her embrace and hid behind me, shaking. I picked him up.

"Because they're not gonna let us go there again until our children have children." I said giving her the Piggy back. She pouted, patting her little friend's head. "I guess you have a point." She said calmer. "We'll just change the stories." She suggested yawning, meaning she's ready to toss in her old bed. "That would work." I said as I saw a familiar car approaching. I and Mabel smiled wide, grabbed our luggage and run in its direction on the sidewalk. The car came to a stop and our Mom got off. She held me and my twin along with Waddles in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much my dears!! I can't believe you're already 13!! You've changed so much over the summer!" Mom said still in a hug, not noticing the pig between her and Mabel. "Don't exaggerate Honey. I'm sure they're the same as always!" Dad said from behind the wheel with a big smile on his face, happy to see us again.

I just wish his words were true. Or at least to feel them that way. Mabel sure hadn't changed from her cheerful, jumping all around personality she always had. Me on the other side...

"Dipper? Is something wrong?" Dad asked with concerned expression. "I'm fine. I just want to go back home. I'm tired from the travel." I faked a smile before Mom said "Let's go then my dears". With that we all went inside the car and drove off for the House.

I already miss everything I left back in Gravity Falls. I don't want to stay here. I just want to go home.