The Weekend - Part 1

(Michael – Dipper and Mabel's cousin)

I already miss everything I left back in Gravity Falls. I don't want to stay here. I just want to go Home.

-One week later-

I tiredly opened my eyes to see green leaves above my head. I was again in that wonderful dream.

"I never want to wake up." I let out a sigh. "It's so nice here."

As I closed my eyes again I felt something near my face. I slowly turned my head and felt something lick my cheek. I shot my eyes open to a small white bunny sniffing me. As it licked my nose I smiled and sat up, crossing my legs.

The Bunny came up to me and jumped on my lap. I picked it up and saw some black on the end of its little paws, puffy tail and long ears. It was adorable. I hugged it and laid down again with it on my chest. I put my hat on my face again and tried to fall asleep again.

But at that very moment.


Mabel thought it was a great idea to barge into my room with no warning.

"Dipper!! Breakfast is re-"

"Aah!?!" I sprang up, tripping on my blanket and falling on the floor. She started laughing uncontrollably.

"Wh-what are y-you d-doing?!" She stuttered from laughter. "Trying to sleep maybe?!" I yelled at her. " I c-can't b-b-breath!! " She almost choked on her words.

"What's so funny about this?!"

"Ev-vrithingg!!" She was crying from laughter holding her stomach. "Ugh! Just leave me alone!!"

"Okay, Okay, I'm stopping" She said panting. "I came to tell you that the breakfast is ready."

She finally said her reason and closed the door behind her. Though I could still hear her muffled snickering from the other side, as it was fading away while she was walking to the kitchen.

I finally got off the floor and went to my closet to choose what to wear. I found one old, black Hoodie that my cousin Michael gave me before the Summer, because it was too small for him to wear anymore. I didn't take it with me in Gravity Falls because I'm not a big fan of the black.

"I'll just try it to see." I said to myself as I put it on and looked at the mirror in my closet. It's not that bad actually. I guess I'll just go with this for today.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Mabel, Mom and Dad laughing. "What did I miss?" They looked at me, all three panting from laughter. I can already guess what this is about. "Mabel just... told us about how you fell.. off the bed." Mom said still out of breath. I just rolled my eyes and sat down in front of my plate decorated with eggs and bacon. I still prefer Stan-cakes but this goes too.

I started eating while my family was staring at me. "What? Did I do something?"

"No, but why is the sudden change of style?" Mabel asked as all of them were scanning me as far as they could see, thanks to the table blocking their view. "I just find it comfortable. And besides, Michael gave it to me, so I had to put it on at some point." I said as I shoved another forkful in my mouth. They kept their gazes on me for a few more seconds and then dropped it as they started to eat with me.

I was first to finish and was just about to leave when Mabel pulled me back down.

"What's wrong?" I asked her with confused look. She looked me in the eyes with the most serious face she could muster. "Dipper...I'm starting to worry."

"About?" I was more confused than ever.

"I'm worried about you. You had this same blank expression for a week now. Is it really because you're just tired?" She finished and I could see the tears forming in her eyes as she moved her gaze down to her almost empty plate. I looked over to my parents, just now realizing they were staring at us. Then I turned my head towards my sad sister again and noticed she was now hiding her face behind her hands.

"W-where are you going?" She asked, her voice cracking as she heard me slidе back my chair. "To bed. I'm gonna sleep."

"But you just woke up!"

"No, you woke me up and I'm still tired, so I'm gonna sleep!! Wake me up when dinner's ready!" I snapped at her as I stormed out of the kitchen and into my room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

I tossed on my bed, stared at the ceiling for а couple of minutes and drifted back to my dream.

I opened my eyes to find myself in the same position as I was before to wake up. The bunny was still sleeping in my arms, twitching its nose. I couldn't help it but just smile at the small animal's cuteness. I looked up at the sky through the leaves, listening to the sounds surrounding me and just felt so relaxed.

At some point I felt something weird. Like an urge of some kind. It felt as if I had to walk around and see what's in the forest. So I stood up and started walking with the bunny in hands. As I arrived I just stood there looking around wondering if I should go in or not. It looked somehow spooky. I gained all the courage I had and entered the forest.

Strangely enough, with the first step in, I immediately knew where I was. I looked behind me and there were more trees out of nowhere.

It was the Forest in Gravity Falls.

I huge smile plastered on my face as I started walking deeper between the trees. Soon, after I found the Mystery Shack, I went in through the wide opened door and saw Grunkle Stan. I was so happy I could cry. I placed the bunny down carefully to not wake it up and ran up to him.
