The Weekend – Part 2

I placed the bunny down carefully to not wake it up and run up to Grunkle Stan.

But when I went for a hug I literally went through him. My smile disappeared. I turned around and saw him just keep walking like I wasn't even there.

He didn't even know I was there!

I fell on my knees on the verge of tears. The urge I felt earlier slowly fading away.

Why is this happening? I thought you could do whatever you want in a dream. So why can't I hug him!?

Is this some sort of a nightmare?

I already miss everyone from Gravity Falls, so I really need this. But I guess it's not my lucky day.

I looked up at him and watched him walk to the porch like every other morning with his coffee.

After he drank it he came back in, closing the door after him. I staggered back on my feet and wiped away the tear that needed ten minutes to wet the corner of my eye and make its way down my cheek.

I picked up the bunny and followed Stan around. I saw him making his Stan-cakes. When he was done he yelled for Grunkle Ford to come have breakfast.

He came through the secret door behind our vending machine and sat in front of his brother at the table. They started eating while talking about all sorts of things. They talked about how much they miss me and Mabel too.

When they were done, both went to their rooms. Stan came out first ready for the day. Couple of minutes later Soos and Melody entered. I looked at the clock and read 9:00 am. They always come on time. Then Wendy came like 20 minutes later and Stan scolded her like usual. Then Ford came out with his Journal and Gun, I guess again in a search of strange things.

I stayed there sitting on the stairs that lead to the Attic and watched everyone for two hours or so. Then I left the Shack with the Bunny, wide awake now in my hands and went for a walk in the Town. It seemed like any other day - nothing interesting there. So I went to the Woods to see what Ford was doing. After 20 minutes of looking around for him I saw him running from....


I bolted after him to see if he'll be okay. While running he would turn around and shout something that I'm not going to say out loud, and shoot the angry creature with his special Gun.

The Gremloblin finally collapsed to the ground. Ford was so pissed and tired that he walked up to him and kicked him multiple times, still shouting.

I stared at him with tears in my eyes from laughter. Then I heard something like knocking on a door. Ford seemed not to hear it, probably because he was too busy at the moment.

The knocking got louder and I heard Mabel's voice.

Then I woke up.

"Dipper....please open up the door. I want to talk about earlier." She said from the other side of my locked door. I just stared at it, still laying down on my comfy bed. I heard her sigh and walk away. I wasn't in the mood to talk with anyone in this house. I tried to fall asleep again, but I was wide awake. Then my Phone rang. It was Ford. I smiled and picked it up.

"Hi, Uncle Fo-" "Dipper! You won't believe what I just caught!!" He said panting. "I was in the Forest, searching for god-knows-what again and a Gremloblin attacked me!!" As he said that I almost dropped my Phone.

"But, of course, your Grunkle Ford knocked him out with just one shot!" He exclaimed, proud of himself. Still shocked I mumbled. "And you didn't run from it or cuss at it?" He stayed silent for couple of seconds.

"How did you know?" This time I dropped my Phone. God bless it didn't break! I picked it up and made an excuse. "I just know you too well?" I laughed nervously, as to my answer sounded more like a question. He chuckled as well. "You caught me there."

"What are the others doing?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "I don't really know. I'm still in the Forest, but I guess it's like any other work day." He said.

I had a theory in my head already, but I wanted to make sure.

"And before you went outside?" He thought for a second. "Well, when I was done with my breakfast, I went in my room to get ready. I came out like half an hour later and Stan was scolding Wendy for that she was late again. Soos and Melody were there too getting the place ready to open."

He finished and I stayed silent. Thousands of theories rushed into my head, that I forgot I was still on the phone. "You there kid?" He snapped me out of my thoughts."Oh, Y-yeah" I stuttered. "Ford, I'll hang up, because I promised Mabel to go out for a walk with her." I lied. He told me to greet her and then hung up.

I was so shocked. I tried to organize my thoughts but failed miserably.

I came out of my room and saw Mabel in the living room, playing with Waddles. She made a weak smile as she saw me. I didn't return it and just walked past her to grab some water to clear my mind. She stared at me, with saddened face. I picked up a glass and filled it up with cold tap water. I took down a couple of sips.

"Grunkle Ford greets you." I said at last. She smiled and came up to me.

"Can I have a hug?" She asked opening her arms. Her smile – wide and genuine.

I drank the rest of the water in a quick gulp and smiled back at her as I put the glass down onto the counter. We hugged and patted our backs as we let go.

I dropped my smile and started nervously. "Mabel.....I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean what I said. I wasn't in the mood for anything. I really miss what I left in Gravity Falls." I apologized staring at the gorgeous floor.

She stayed silent for a little and lifted my chin up. She looked me in the eyes and then smiled again. "I'm not mad at you Dippingsauce. I know exactly how you feel. I miss Gravity Falls too. But we still have each other, and we can make it till the next summer together. Right?" I smiled at her words and nodded. Then I hugged her tight again. "Thank you Mabel...for always being there for me." She hugged me back and we stayed like that for a full minute. "You want to go out for a walk?" I suggested as we parted. She nodded and took sleeping Waddles in her hands.

We talked about our friends and Grunkles that we won't see for a whole School year. We made jokes and remembered all the happy moments in the Falls.


The next morning as I woke up I sighed loudly and went to dress myself. I opened my door, dressed with the same hoodie as yesterday and walked to the kitchen. My Mom was just setting the table for breakfast. I went to wake up Mabel and Dad.

When we finished I and Mabel went outside along with Waddles for another walk. We were all day out talking about random things as always.