First Day of School

-Mabel's POV-

I walked over to Dipper's room and knocked on his door. I guess he was still sleeping, so I tried to open it.

It was locked.

Weird for him as he never, before yesterday, had locked it. I knocked harder to wake him up. I heard him groan. "Five more minutes...."

"You don't have them. The bus will be here in 20 minutes." *thud* I heard him fall from the bed again and giggled. He unlocked and swung the door open. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" He said still in his pajamas, obviously forgetting we're not in Gravity Falls anymore.

While we were there, I used to do it because we were in the same room, hung out with the same people and at the same time. So it was easier that way. But here it's going to be different."Because you have alarm that should wake you up."

"....I forgot to set it."

I chuckled and he rolled his eyes. I went to the Kitchen and he came 10 minutes after. I noticed he was again with that Hoodie, determined to wear it even at School. We ate and hurried outside the door. Then I went back to leave Waddles because I forgot I can't take him with me. Dipper was waiting for me outside the bus. I stepped in first and sat in the middle of the bus next to one of my friends from School.

When Dipper came closer though I heard some of the boys to whisper and chuckle, pointing at him. I saw one of them to stick his leg out and I hurried to stand up. "Aah!!" Dipper yelped. I had the luck to catch him on time.

"You're so stupid! What would you do if it wasn't for her to save you every time?!" The whole bus burst in laughter. Dipper put his hand on my shoulder for support. "Thank you, Mabes." He mumbled patting my shoulder once and retreated to the back of the bus. The School is one hour away from our house, so he put his hood over his hat and fell sleep.

-Dipper's POV-

I opened my eyes. I was in the woods where I last saw Ford fighting off the Gremloblin. The bunny was curled up in a ball between the sticking out roots of a tree. I sat next to it leaning against the tree.

Out of nowehre unwanted thoughts of earlier flooded my mind. I am, long ago, used to bullying. So the stupid airheads don't really bother me that much.

But still, it's not a good feeling at all. To be always pushed and dragged around. Being called names and getting the shit beaten out of you in some corner of the School or the streets.

But this year I'll make it different. After Gravity Falls, I've grown up. May it be not in height but in strength and mind. This year I'll show them.

Right when I made up my mind, a strong wind hit me. I looked up and saw that a storm was forming above the tall trees. I took my new pet with me and started running to the Shack.

When I got there I was already soaked but the bunny was fine, because I hid it under my hoodie. I saw some people staying in the Shack till the Storm is over.

Couple of minutes later, Pacifica and Gideon stormed in huffing, soaked and pissed that the rain ruined their hair. I chuckled at the sight.

They were both Home schooled so they were able to come pretty often. After the Weirdmageddon they really changed and said they will keep contact with me and Mabel till we come back. They are actually pretty nice now and I am happy that we were able to become friends.


Mabel woke me up shaking me lightly for we have arrived. I saw everyone pushing one another trying to get off the bus first. After we got off I saw Mabel's friends were waiting for her to go to class together. She went up ahead of me with them after she let go of the tight hug we two shared. I then, pulled my Phone out and called Grunkle Stan to see if there really is a Storm.

"Hey Kid! How's it going there? We already miss you two." He said, the joy in his voice clearly visible. I smiled and said. "Everything is fine Grunkle Stan. How are things there?"

Here goes nothing.

"Well, except for the fact that Pacifica and Gideon are throwing a tantrum because of the storm they got themselves into and now are wetting my floor, everything is just fine.

I almost choked. "I-I have to go to c-class now. Greet everyone from me!"

"Will do kid!" I hung up and heard the bell ring. "Shoot!! I'll be late!"

-Time Skip-

Our first three periods are over and we have lunch now. I got my food and saw Mabel waving at me. I sat next to her. Across me - two of her friends. They talked about how their summer went.

I just sat there eating my food, silently. When I was done I hugged Mabel and told her I'm going to the Library. As I got there I sat down, between the Bookcases leaning on one, and fell asleep with my hat hiding my face. My next period was free so I had time.

I woke up in the Shack and the storm was already over, but they closed it for the rest of the day. I watched some Duck-tective with Stan, and went upstairs to my and Mabel's room. I laid down in my bed and the bunny beside me.

I laid there for a couple of minutes. And suddenly, I heard a faint voice, but couldn't make what it said. I thought it was someone from downstairs and ignored it. But then I heard it again.

"W..e .p" I opened my eyes and sat up looking around and no was there. "Weird." I mumbled to myself. Then I heard it again, right behind my shoulder.

"Wake up!"

I turned around. As I did so I suddenly woke up, and saw familiar shoes approach me. The same from the bus.

I fixed my hat and stood up. I startled him with my sudden act. He looked me in the eyes and smirked as he clenched his fists.

He came closer and I got ready for the worst. When he put his fist up he swung it towards me.

But I was faster than him.

I got down and went behind him. He lost his balance and I used the opportunity as I grabbed him for the leg and pulled. He fell face first and I heard a cracking sound.

As he turned around I saw him holding his bleeding nose. "I-I'm s-s-sorry! I didn't mean to-." I tried to apologize, but when I got closer he backed away and stood up.

"Sorry!" He said as he run out of the library. Then I heard the bell ring. "I better get out of here before someone sees me." I said, once again to myself as I got my stuff and went to my next class.


The last bell rang and everyone went running through the exit to the buses. When I got in, I went right for the back seats.

The boys were laughing again and I saw one of them to stick his leg. Then someone stepped on it.

"Ow! What the hell man!" The boy said holding his foot. On the other side of the aisle was the bully from earlier with bandaged nose. He just kept looking at the floor not making eye contact.

"Thanks." I said smiling as he shot his head up looking at me. He looked as if never expecting from me to be nice with him after what happened.

"Sorry." He whispered with apologetic look as he looked back down. As I finally arrived at the back of the bus I drifted back into my dream.

I was back in my room and the bunny was sleeping next to my pillow. I knew that, even if I search now for the source of that voice, I was not going to find anything because of the time I was gone. So I just lied back on my pillow next to my friend and observed every inch of it as it lightly lifted its back with every small inhale.

Every time I was thinking about it I got the image of Yin and Yang in my head. So thought I might as well name it Yang, because it sounded more like a name for a male rabbit than Yin.

When we arrived Mabel woke me up again and we got off the Bus. As I walked through the front door, Mabel was already on the ground hugging her happy Waddles. I just smiled at how adorable they looked.

-Time Skip-

After dinner I went right into my room and tossed on my bed.